Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 478: Is your mother okay?

"Poor monk Tang Xuanzhang." Tang Luo said, "This, Agarwood, are you ok?"

"..." Liu Shenxiang vowed that she had lived for more than 300 years and was the first person she met to greet him-mum.

Sugawara's original cloud light wind faded with a touch of kind smile.

罗 Rose talked over there and didn't know what to do, and almost circled in place.

这个 "This ..." Liu Shenxiang asked, "Ask this what?"

"Okay," Tang Luo said, "I won't make a roundabout anymore, where is your mother Yang Yan locked up, you know?"

沉 Liu Shenxiang stood up all of a sudden, her hair and robes couldn't move automatically, and a powerful breath emerged, pressing down on Tang Luo: "Who the **** are you!"

It was always a secret to hit his mother.

Hidden deep in his heart, suppressing secrets for countless years, sometimes even Liu Shenxiang himself almost forgot.

Now suddenly pointed out by a stranger, how can Liu Shenxiang not be surprised?

After Liu Shenxiang stood up, the whole village also changed suddenly. Many people came from all directions, and surrounded the small pavilion in a few breaths.

The breath of breath firmly locked the three of Tangluo, and the battle was overwhelming.

Some people took children with little fighting power and left quickly.

孩子 The children are also very good-looking, don't cry and don't make trouble, follow the grown-ups obediently, and soon disappear into sight, I don't know where to hide.

"Who is your Excellency?"

沉 Liu Shenxiang looked down and looked at Tang Luo asking, without asking Luo Ze next to him.

First of all, these people are sure that these people are not incense incense incarnations.

I have been dealing with those gods for many years. Their "smelly smell" can be smelled by Liu Shenxiang.

The three in front of me, no, they don't have the disgusting smell on them.

But that doesn't mean you can take it lightly.

In addition to the gods, the Overlord will not have no other enemies, some betrayers who trust in the gods, some running dogs under the gods, and ... monsters.

Yes, in this world, monsters are also important roles.

Liu Shenxiang's life, no less experienced fighting with monsters.

Compared with immortals, those completely transformed monsters are more difficult to distinguish.

"The poor monk's surname is Tang, the law is Xuanzang." Tang Luo had to introduce it again, "This is the poor disciple's second disciple, Pig Wu Neng, the fourth disciple, Ao Yulie, and the dog's dog.

When Pizhu Bajie and Ao Yulie introduced to Tang Luo, they nodded slightly.

As for Xiaotian dog lying on Tang Luo's shoulder, he did not even look at Liu Shenxiang.

"Squashing dog?" Liu Shenxiang apparently noticed this title.

Others may not know the identity of monks and monks, but Liu Shenxiang knows that there are a few professional monks who are rare and have basically been severed.

I don't care about this identity.

He cares about the dog, not because Tang Luo refers to the cat as a dog, but because the dog is a famous "immortal".

"Yes, the real dog," Tang Luo said.

"Oh." Liu Shenxiang chuckled, "You mean, this cat is a real dog."

"Yes," said Tang Luo, paused, and said something that felt like he had said many times. "You may not believe it, but it is true."

Why do many people do this? Obviously he was telling the truth and he refused to believe it.

"Okay." Liu Shenxiang apparently didn't do much entanglement on this kind of thing, and immediately returned to the subject. "So, how did Master Xuanzong know me ... mother-?

He is not a curse, but pauses and speaks softly.

That Luo Ze knew very well, and when Liu Shenxiang paused, he had already withdrawn from the pavilion.

I ran to the outside and said a few words to the crowd, indicating that the situation was under the control of the host, so you don't need to worry.

As for the three people whose origins are unknown, they can only say that they did avenge the gods.

Whether an enemy's enemies can become friends depends on the decision of the Lord.

Before that, everyone just needs to watch and be ready to go (run the road) at any time.

"Speak it out ... forget it." Tang Luo shook his head. "Your mother is the number one fan of the poor monk."

My elder brother Yang Yi is Tang Luo's number one fan, but not a fan.

But Yang Yan, that's really Tang Luo's number one fan girl.

I used to say, "I'm so happy, today is another day of chasing the author for 10,000 miles."

Later, Yang 戬 was worried that his position of iron powder would not be maintained, and he did not hesitate to chase Tang Luo over eighteen thousand miles to surpass his sister.

In front of the idol, there is no sister control!

"... Your mother!" This is not talking about whose mother is Liu Shenxiang's curse.

"唉 ..." Tang Luo sighed.

Why no one believes the truth, what went wrong?

Is the world changed, or is it human thinking?

Or, both.

Seeing Tang Luo fascinated, Zhu Bajie stepped out in time: "Cough, Liu Shenxiang, what the teacher said was true, you are the true emperor."

"Your mother Yang Yan is in love with mortals, and you intervened and took your mother down the mountain. Am I right?"

Liu Shenxiang frowned, yes!

This past is true.

But how did they know?

"You set up the Overthrown Society to save your mother, didn't you?" Pig Bajie asked.

沉 Liu Shenxiang looked at Zhu Bajie and said, "The purpose of setting up the Overwhelming God Society is to save my mother? Master Wu Neng thinks I am a kind of child of seven or eight years old?"

"..." Pig Bajie's face was slightly awkward.

I'm stupid.

If Liu Shenxiang in front of him is a teenager, then what he does is definitely to save his mother.

Agarwood in front of me now, a vicissitudes old man who has experienced many things.

In his mind, saving his mother-in-law was probably not the most important thing.

In fact, Liu Shenxiang's memory of Yang Wei is very vague.

Yang Yang left him when he was very young.

At the beginning, Liu Shenxiang cultivated and became stronger. He really wanted to rescue Yang Yan.

I can live a long time. He is no longer the ignorant boy of the past.

He did not set up a deities, and never to save people.

I said it was revenge, maybe more accurate.

沉 Liu Shenxiang paid a lot to save his mother. Now, saving people is no longer obsessed with vengeance.

"Well, this doesn't really matter," said Pig Bajie, "Do you know where Yang Ye is?"

"Yang Ye?" Liu Shenxiang said, "Who is it?"

"You ah."

"Is his name Yang Yang?" Liu Shenxiang sneered, "I still know his name for the first time in so many years."

"... you don't know," said Pig Bajie.

沉 Liu Shenxiang shook her head slightly.

In fact, he hasn't really taken a picture with "True Jun" in his father's mouth, even without incense.

What I want to say is still childhood memories.

When the dark clouds covered the sun, the beautiful life of the family of three was broken, and the mother-in-law disappeared into life.

A few days later, Dad told him that his mother had been taken away by an immortal, called Xiansheng Zhenjun, and that person was still his uncle. When he grew up, he must rescue his mother.

Compared with the portraits in the temple, the dark clouds that hide the sun in the memory are more like "Xian Sheng Zhen Jun".

What else did Ba Bajie want to ask? Liu Shenxiang raised one hand to interrupt: "I answered some of your questions, now it's my turn to ask questions."

"You ask." Pig Bajie said.

"What are your identities, and why do you know those old memories and what is the purpose of coming to me?" Liu Shenxiang suddenly raised three questions.

Bozhu Bajie considered it a little and decided to start from the beginning: "A long time ago ..."

停 "Stop!" Liu Shenxiang interrupted immediately, "How about you tell me a story?"

Twenty-three years ago, no one had told him a story, it was always he who told stories to others.

"Speaking in more detail from the beginning will help you understand the whole thing. If you don't want to listen, I can say it simply." Pig Bajie said.


"Okay, we are talking to your mother, and you are old, and plan to find them." Pig Eight Commandments are concise.

…… "... you are also gods?" Liu Shenxiang asked, "No, you don't have that kind of taste."

"Are you talking about the power of incense?" Said Pig Bajie. "Strictly speaking, those people are more appropriate to be called" Gods. "

"Our words can be called gods and immortals, but they are just names."

"In essence, it is 'the strong one'!"

The corner of Liu Shenxiang's mouth twitched slightly.

"What are you asking them to do?" Liu Shenxiang asked.

"I don't know, it depends, but most of them are going to fight." Pig Bajie said.

"..." For the first time, Liu Shenxiang felt that communication was a difficult thing. "How did you know me and the relationship between me and Xiansheng Zhenjun?"

There are some jams in Baoji Bajie, which is hard to answer.

Could it be said that your story has been compiled into the "Bao Lin Lantern" and spread in various forms?

He said that he did not believe it.

At this time, Zhu Bajie suddenly realized that in recent years, it is harder to tell the truth than to tell the truth?

No wonder Master suddenly said nothing.

罗 The troublesome things of this kind of Rory, of course, are left to the disciples to do.

"Long time ago, don't interrupt, I don't say that, you don't believe it at all!" Pig Bajie said, and began to tell the story of the past.

越 The more Liu Shenxiang listens, the more the heart shakes.

I once had a vast world, but now the world is just a fragment of that vast world.

These people, including his mother, 舅舅 舅舅, are all big men with heads and faces in the world.

"Wait ..." If Liu Shenxiang had to plan for Pig Bajie, he walked to the side, "I need to be quiet."

He's only level 10, and he just came out of Novice Village.

Suddenly gave him a big map after the 100th level of popular science, a little unbearable.

The map suddenly expands too much, and it is a bit difficult to accept.

I saw Liu Shenxiang walk out of the small pavilion ~ ~ Luo Ze came over and whispered a few words.

沉 Liu Shenxiang nodded, and the two went to the side.

After a while, Liu Shenxiang made the other members of the Overlord Club no longer need to stay here, and re-entered the small pavilion by themselves: "Three really want to see my mother or the Emperor of the Holy Spirit, and overthrow us Will work together and will be the best choice. "

Sophisticated Liu Shenxiang learned the situation from Luo Ze, and after calm down, immediately discarded those unnecessary sidelines and pointed directly to the core issue.

Mother, the old of 舅舅?

A former fairy?

No, these are not important.

As long as you fight immortals, we are good brothers.

Whether the enemy's enemies can become friends depends on their answer.

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