Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 485: Yang Yan, come out and be beaten!

If you think about it, Liu Shenxiang is really miserable.

I haven't had my mother since I was a child. This mother took it forcibly.

I am so powerful that it can't be added, let alone I, I can't beat Liu Shenxiang even if I am a subordinate.

Xun Liu Shenxiang embarked on the path of saving his mother to revenge.

Stinging this path reveals obvious malice.

Regarding the Baolian lamp, everyone is familiar with the famous version. In the end, Liu Shenxiang was able to split the mountain to save his mother. Many people helped.

For example, various gods.

One of the important roles is Sun Wukong.

In some versions, he was also Master Liu Shenxiang.

But in this mission world, Liu Shenxiang obviously has no such good luck.

There are no immortals in every way, let alone Sun Wukong.

The way he practiced was led by Jin Dasheng. Liu Shenxiang called him "Master", but showed considerable indifference and even a hint of hostility.

Xi Jindasheng was also reluctant to acknowledge the relationship between the two.

At that time, he contacted Liu Shenxiang and apparently used a fake identity.

Xu Chen or Liu Shenxiang tried it a bit based on his feelings. In this case, Jin Dasheng was not prepared and he was cheated out. He had to admit it.

He explained that Jin Dasheng was that he was loyal to Yang Yi.

Since Yang's attitude is "doesn't hurt", he is not good at identifying himself.

But is that really the case?

I want to know that Liu Shenxiang's father, Liu Yanchang's basic operation in a series of things is "a scholar is useless", he only wants to bring Liu Shenxiang and lead a peaceful life for ordinary people.

I do not have the ambition of "I want to kill God against my wife".

Even after Liu Shenxiang practiced, he was unwilling to practice, and took the attitude of "my wife is dead."

I can say that he is open-minded and that he is weak.

Dad like this, if there is no Jin Dasheng intervene, teach Liu Shenxiang to practice.

Liu Liuxiang may not be on the road today.

Liu Shenxiang, who embarked on this path, was an enemy of Wufang Tiandi. He was actually Jin Dasheng's tool to deal with Wufang Tiandi.

Xi Jin Dasheng used Liu Shenxiang's hand, his special identity, to deal with Wufang Tiandi.

He did cause some trouble to the Emperor Wufang.

沉 Liu Shenxiang himself clearly realized this, but at that time, Liu Shenxiang already had deep grievances with the immortals, and his friends and partners died in the hands of the immortals.

It is naturally impossible for both sides to be good.

沉 Liu Shenxiang's "Program of Action" also changed from saving his mother to revenge.

If possible, Liu Shenxiang might even want Jin Dasheng to strangle together.

Bazhu Bajie patted Liu Shenxiang's shoulder.

Uncle painful nephew.

Even if he realized this, there was nothing more than Jin Dasheng among the revenge targets.

Is simply the life of a tool person.

Compared to a tool person with a surname of Li, occasionally there is a sweet taste, Liu Shenxiang really has nothing to do.

I wrote a few miserable words on my thigh, and it was not excessive.

沉 Liu Shenxiang had a look of indifference, but he didn't have so much resentment and hatred for injustice, or he had already mourned.

Now is the "age" of life and death.

He is an avenger, and it is impossible for him to shout, "Why did you pit me before!"

He just looked at Tang Luo, waiting for this decision.

This white-haired monk is the key to everything.

沉 Liu Shenxiang has recognized the reality, and with his own strength, I am afraid there is no hope of revenge.

He just watched the fighting just now and stepped in by himself. He could only fight for the final result of "one of the five emperors was injured and he died."

Unless he continues to cultivate, the problem is that while he became stronger, the Emperor Wufang expanded his territory and became stronger.

At the same time, he is still compressing his space.

If this is a competition, Liu Shenxiang can't run away from Wufang Tiandi, the starting point is really too bad.

Non-simple talents or strategies can make up.

Similarly, Jin Dasheng also had similar ideas. He could not fight the Emperor of the Five Kingdoms and placed his hopes on Tang Luo.

Jin Jinsheng gathered in the past and answered the question that had not been answered before: "These five guys each have a heavenly palace in the sky ..."

That's the old nest.

"No," Tang Luo stopped Jin Dasheng from saying, "They are coming back."

"Huh?" Jin Dasheng stunned.

"So it is." Ao Yulie thought of it.

Heishan emerged, but Yang Ye and Yang Ye still refused to come out, so this Montenegro is likely to be moved by the Emperor Wufang.

Ye Fei Yang Ye, they came out voluntarily, otherwise, all the mountains appeared, and they were out of town.

What are you doing?

Emperor Wu's move out of the backyard also means that they are about to "return."

I seem to be in order to cooperate with Tang Luo's words, just finished.

There are five streamers of red, yellow, black, white, and green flying across the sky, and they fall beside Montenegro in an instant.

The light dissipated, showing its appearance.

He is not the incense incarnation seen in previous times, but five huge monsters, just like a hill.

The black emperor Wu Long, the body is a huge black cricket, half of the body is drilled into the ground, the other half is like a curved sickle, aimed at Tang Luo.

Xi Chidi wears a ritual, the body is a giant dog, earthy yellow, in addition to its extraordinarily large body, and a pair of sharp teeth drilled out of its mouth, like the fangs of a saber-toothed tiger.

Emperor Qing Qing Yang Xian, with white long hair dangling, a pair of complete horns thorns towards the sky, is a huge goat.

Xi Baidi Chang Hao is a white snake and a double-headed white snake. Instead of splitting off two snake heads, each one ends with a snake head, which makes people wonder which end is used to eat and excrete the goods.

May be born xenogeneous, never eat it.

Zong Huangdi Zhu Zi is really a wild boar. Two rows of fangs protrude from the lower jaw, three in each row, even wearing the skin of the upper jaw, leaving six large holes, which looks quite strange.

The Emperor Wufang Tiandi finally revealed their original shape.

Generally speaking, the original shape of the monsters cannot be said to be their strongest, or at least their most violent and completely desperate state.

"Pretend hypocrite, now thinking that Zhenjun will remember the old feelings to save you?"

Seeing the appearance of five people, Jin Dasheng snorted coldly.

The Emperor Wufang Tiandi actually faded away from the demon body after entering Shinto, and it has nothing to do with the demon completely.

They made their own demon body into a special magic weapon.

When you need it, you can settle in it and exert extremely terrible fighting power.

However, if they were killed, the cost would be huge, as severe as the destruction of the incense incarnation.

Because Tang Luo has just destroyed the incense incarnation of the Emperor Wufang who spent "power".

Now, if they die again.

The best result is also dying, and can only survive by relying on the power of incense.

Then, as long as some of their temples are destroyed, the Emperor Wufang is dead.

The reason why Wu Fangtian Emperor reappeared in this way was on the one hand to be able to fight, even better than the incense incarnation just now, the last desperate means.

On the other hand, it should be as Jin Dasheng said, appearing in their original form. If Yang Yong remembers the old feelings, he should take the shot.

If Yang Yan takes a shot, they can win.

Only when Jin Jinsheng rises to say that they are pretending to be hypocritical villains.

"Master?" Zhu Bajie took a step forward and asked him to take the initiative.

In the end, Yang Huan really started. It ’s better to let Master keep some.

Yang Yang is not a cat and a dog that can be sent casually.

"No need." Tang Luo smiled, "step back and let the teacher come."

I have n’t enjoyed it just now, let ’s continue now!

Speaking of which, these demon bodies are more resistant than the incense incarnation.

"You line up, don't let them run away." As soon as the words fell, Tang Luo had disappeared without a trace.

The place where Xun appeared again was already in front of Huangdi.

Xun was not a specially selected target, simply because Huangdi Zhuzi was really the largest.

In the face of Tang Luo's unreasonable sudden attack, Zhu Zizhen was obviously prepared, and he opened his mouth instantly.

The Xunxue basin came over, replacing the heavens and the earth, and swallowing Tang Luo.

This sip is inferior to that of Kun Peng.

It seems that Tang Luo hit him on his own initiative.

However, Zhu Zi did n’t wait for more actions, such as digesting Tang Luo in his belly. The next second, his wide back exploded.

A large amount of flesh and fur flew into the sky, accompanied by a huge white spine.

Tang Luo emerged from the body, as sudden as being swallowed by Zhu Zizhen.

Hit Zhu Zizhen directly!

But at the moment Tang Luo appeared, a red ray of light suddenly came. It can be said that it had been affixed to Tang Luo's side, and it was almost exhausted.

In the light is a red round bead.

That's the "dog treasure" of Chidi's ceremony.

In the midair, Tang Luo turned his right foot into a residual image and drew his foot over Dai Li's dog treasure.

The dog walker looks like a baseball being hit by the home base. It flew out at a faster speed and flew to Qing Emperor Yang Xian.

At the same time, Dai Li made a sorrow several times more miserable than being trampled on the dog's tail. The tail was pinched and planted on the ground.

At the foot of Tang Luo, the red dog treasure was near the chipping edge.

Bian Daili's injury is no less serious than that of Zhu Zi, whose spine was blasted out of his body.

The dog treasure that flew out was sprayed by Qingdi Yang Xianding in the air with a touch of blue light from his mouth. The dog treasure was spinning slowly inside, and the debris kept falling.

Yang Xian is more fortunate because the blue and white light he spit out was not directed at Goubao.

Instead, he settled Tang Luo for the next attack.

If it was to keep Gou Bao, his response was not enough to stop him.

The result is wrong and wrong move, move in advance to avoid being injured by Goubao.

In a short face-to-face meeting, Emperor Wufang seriously injured both of them, and Tang Xuanzhang looked intact.

Whether he was swallowed by Zhu Zizhen or collided with Gou Bao, he did not hurt him.

The remaining three did not flinch.

The two-headed snake, White Emperor Chang Hao, and the black emperor Wu Long, meanwhile, twisted the huge and slender body, the body of the snake and the insect, which could make countless people scream.

They opened their mouths and spit out two intense black mists that enveloped Tang Luo.

Then, their huge bodies suddenly shrank and got into the dark mist.

Black mist is poisonous and extremely violently poisonous. It can also lose its sense of direction, and it is difficult to even feel its own existence.

Is almost deprived of the five senses.

Wu Changhao and Wu Long shrank their bodies. In this kind of environment, the attack was the most dangerous and deadly.

A lot of people do n’t even know how to die.

But this time, they didn't even know how to die, but they became them.

The violent power burst out from the center of the black mist, like numerous blades, tearing the black mist in an instant, riddled with scars.

Instantly, it cannot be formed.

At the same time, Wu Long and Chang Hao were torn by that power.

Puppets plunged into the black mist, close to Tang Luo, before they had time to launch an attack, they were attacked by violent attacks like never before.

Every inch of space in front of me was shrouded in terrible power.

His body was smashed and torn, and they didn't even know how Tang Luo found them.

In fact, Tang Luo did not find the position of the two.

Heiwu did interfere with his perception to a large extent, making it difficult for him to find the enemy, so Tang Luo chose a simpler method.

Omnidirectional, no dead angle, unlimited, and indiscriminate coverage attack.

It doesn't matter where the sneak attack will come from, it doesn't matter, and the defense is replaced by an indiscriminate attack.

Wu Long and Chang Hao hit the muzzle.

I ended up miserable than Dai Li and Zhu Zizhen.

The powerful defensive power of the original monster body did not play a greater role under Tang Luo's attack, and it was blown out.

The black fog dispersed, Tang Luo looked at Qing Emperor Yang Xian, and a step, the ground cracked under his feet, and a deep pit appeared.

出现 He appeared diagonally above Yang Xianshuo's big sheep's head, and fell with one palm.

Yang Xian spit out another light of blue and white, but it can only delay the speed of Tang Luo's palm falling, and the violent strength is not completely able to hold him.

His eyes, blood has leaked from his nose and nose, his forelimbs have flexed, and he has kneeled on the ground, shaking for a while.

I have no skill, no wit, and no bravery.

Tangluo is so blunt and beat you with absolute strength!

Squinting to see Tang Luo's palm, it will fall on Yang Xian's goat's head.

A cold light came from Montenegro, which was originally motionless and unresponsive.

In Han Hanguang, a long-handled weapon, with a sharp sense of sharpness, attacked Tang Luo!

Take a closer look ~ ~ It is a three-pointed two-edged knife.

The most famous weapon of Seiji Junjiro God Yang Yang!

Tang Luo's body turned in mid-air, the blue and white light shattered.

Yang Xian, who was stomping his feet, burst into a wailing sound, bursting sounds everywhere, his limbs completely broken, and he fell to the ground fiercely.

The magical power was broken by Tang Luo with arrogant and violent power, and he was also badly wounded after being backswept.

Tang Luo, who turned in mid-air, reached out and grabbed.

的 The sharp blade in the three-pointed two-blade knife was caught in his hand, the long handle of the blade was trembling slightly, but he couldn't get in, and it really hurt Tang Luo.


Tang Luo clutched the three-pointed two-edged sword and made a wanton laugh, "Yang Ye, come out and be beaten!"

The demon monk's state of madness is revealed!

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