Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 495: Immortal!

"Evil can still demolish a house?" Tang Luo said. "No, is it to build a house for yourself?"

"Master, it should have been blown up by humans," said Pig Bajie.

Sunda and Ao Yulie both cast spells on Tang Luo. You can see Tang Luo's scene here and maintain communication at any time.

Seeing the buildings that were turned into ruins, Zhu Bajie thought of some information he found.

For a few days, roaring noises often came from the community, but many people still heard them.

Blast! Boom boom!

思路 Blow up directly, this idea is very clear.

It doesn't matter if your evil spirit is pinned on or relied on an object, and all this area is blasted to the side, how do you play?

Many times, it is impossible to kill just because the power is not strong enough, the scope is not wide enough, and the equivalent is not large enough.

The idea is completely correct.

Conventional evil spirits, in addition to things like black dog blood, will be stunned by vigorous blood.

There are also characters like butchers, a pig killing a **** countless, can cause damage to evil spirits.

A person may be attacked by evil spirits, but not a hundred people.

As for a team of one hundred soldiers who have been on the battlefield, they can kill the evil spirits directly.

It's a pity that this time, evil spirits and non-ghosts didn't work.

Otherwise, this community will not be directly abandoned.

The lot here is not gold, but also has silver level. If it is less than a last resort, how can it be completely abandoned?

Tangluo walked on the edge of the ruins. He didn't hear any calls from insects, nor did he feel any strange existence.

"Master, things here seem to be related to lights." Ao Yulie said.


"Well, time has passed a little long, and many messy things have been deleted. All we can find is the keyword" lamp "." Ao Yulie said.

Tang Luo looked up at the street lamp next to the green belt of the community.

The street lights are naturally off, and there is no half-light.

It was not intact, the bulb was not damaged.

I thought for a while, Tang Luo went to the distribution room of the community, and after some operations, he failed to light up the street lights.

Obviously, the electricity was cut off outside.

I walked out of the power distribution room, reached out my cell phone, and turned on the "flashlight". Tang Luo shuffled casually and casually, and his eyes did not follow.

"Master!" Zhu Bajie and Ao Yulie both said, "Left."

"Is it to the left?" Tang Luo shook to the left.

The mobile phone emits a beam of light in the dark, and the landing point is just under the street light.

The area under the street lamp was shrouded in light from the phone.

In the original empty place, there was an extra lantern in the light.

White lantern!

The burning candle inside the urn is a big red candle, and even a "" is carved on it.

But the light emitted by the puppet, after passing through the white lantern, turned into a strange red.

A hazy mass.

I carried a lantern with a hand, a very nice hand, slim fingers, white nails, without any ornaments.

I walked a little back to my wrist and immersed myself in the darkness, neither the light of the mobile phone nor the red light of the lantern could penetrate the darkness.

Let people see what the master of the hand looks like.

"It looks like this stuff," Tang Luo said, removing the light from the phone.

As the light moved away, there fell back into the darkness.

Of course, this normal darkness is different from the darkness behind lanterns.

Normal darkness does not exist for the three of Tang Luo when needed.

So they clearly saw that when the light disappeared, the white "red lantern" and the hand holding the lantern disappeared.

Tang Luo took the phone again, the lantern appeared again, the phone moved away, and the lantern disappeared.

I tried again and again several times, all the same.

"Grumping ..." Ao Yulie swallowed a little, and her hair was a little hairy.

"Master, this thing seems to be approaching you," he said.

I had to admit that from the heart, even if only through the spell, watching from a distance, Ao Yulie also felt a huge fear spreading.

This lantern is a bit more scary than the hide-and-seek.

"A lantern that will only appear when there is light?" Pig Bajie frowned.

The real appearance of the master in the hands was invisible to everyone. The heavy darkness completely cut off their sight and Tang Luo's perception.

Let's try it with Yang Yan's eyes, maybe we can see one or two.

"I think about it." Tang Luo shone his cell phone under the street light. Ao Yulie was right. The lantern was really closer to him.

I moved forward about half a meter.

And under such a situation, Tang Luo did not see or feel any signs of movement of the lantern.

"This ghost, wouldn't it be called Da Vinci?" Said Tang Luo after thinking.

"Ha?" Ao Yulie stunned.

"Who is Da Vinci?" Pig Bajie asked.

Tangluo said, "The famous inventor's main works are three lives that will kill you when there is light, and a flashlight that will never light when there is no light."


"... Master, wouldn't you be afraid?" Ao Yulie asked.

"Nothing," Tang Luo said.

"I also have some fears," said Zhu Bajie, "I am afraid that ordinary people will be scared to death by seeing this lantern."

"That thing is overcast," Tang Luo said.

Most people definitely don't like darkness. Darkness is unknown. Unknown can often cause fear.

Why is there a deep sea phobia?

Because I saw it at first glance, I didn't know what was in the deep sea bottom?

Huge sharks, octopuses, monsters? Or baby on the sea?

Don't think that the baby on the surface is nothing to be afraid of. There is really a baby on the surface who comes to the front and answers with conscience. Are you afraid?

光 In the dark, lighting is normal operation.

Lightning up will lead to this "red and white lantern". The sense of fear brought by the red and white lantern is the "method of killing", which will horrify life.

If you are more daring, such as Ao Yulie resisted.

Instinctively reacted to escape, but once escaped, the lantern would approach when the light was not in the darkness.

In the case of Tang Luo dangling, the speed is not fast, but who can guarantee that the red and white lanterns will not speed up?

Xun Guang can scare people to death by seeing it, and really touched it, that is to say that there is no death.

I am about to die.

Tang Luo said that this thing was insidious enough.

"Be careful, Master." Ao Yulie closed her eyes and did not look.

灯笼 This lantern is not like an explosive "spike" for hide and seek ghosts, but accumulation at least for him.

He couldn't look at him and see himself half dead, which caused trouble for Master.

Sure enough, just simply not looking at it, the feeling of unexplainable and unexplainable fear gradually disappeared.

Bazhu Bajie is still watching closely with Tang Luo.

He's not as good as Xiao Bailong.

Tang Luomai took a step and approached the red and white lanterns. The distance between the two was close to two meters.

For a moment, darkness fell around.

"Master, I can't see it anymore ..." Pig Bajie only came to remember to leave half a sentence, and there was no sound.

Including the contact of magical spells, as well as the connection between the fog, are disconnected at the same time.

"Xie Men Xie Men." Zhu Bajie, who was seated outside the high wall, stood up and walked back and forth two steps.

"I feel malicious from all over the world." Ao Yulie said, "Second Brother, we have been targeted."

Bozhu Bajie shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not us, but humans in this world."

内 In the high wall community.

的 The darkness around Tangluo is the same as the darkness behind the red and white lanterns. It cannot be seen or seen.

The phone's light is also off.

The only remaining light was a dim red light from the red and white lanterns in front of me.

来 "Come, try to kill me." A smile appeared on Tang Luo's face, and further, without hesitation, reached out to grab the hand behind the red and white lantern.

The red and white lanterns remained motionless and did not respond to Tang Luo's actions.

I let Tang Luo catch his wrist

Pulled hard to his side, Tang Luo pulled the lantern and pulled him in front of him.

However, no master of the hand appeared.

A piece of darkness shrouded in the movement of Tang Luo, as if this darkness was the "body".

After Tang Luo stretched out his hand to his wrist, he did not touch any entity.

He is such a hand, carrying a red and white lantern, appearing in the light beam in the dark, bringing fear, and death.

Tang Luo grabbed his arm and began to exert his strength slowly.

The hand still didn't react at all, but the candle that had been burning steadily suddenly started to become crazy shorter.

The flame of fire is still extremely stable, without the slightest swaying feeling.

Suddenly, the whole candle burned directly.

The red light disappeared, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

Uh ...

After a few seconds, a voice came in the dark, "That's it?"

Tang Luo clearly felt that this is the second way to kill and kill the red and white lanterns, which is different from "seeing to death".

The red candle represents the life of the person who touches it.

The candle is completely burnt out, and the person touching it is dead.

The sound of a little flame appeared clearer in the quiet darkness.

Tang Luo's eyes appeared red light again, and the originally burned out candle appeared again. The fire was moving and the fire was very stable.

With a dying breath, the candles burned out, and darkness fell again.

After a short while, the candle reappeared, and the red light was reproduced as well.

"It's okay." Tang Luo shook it hard, his right hand really made a fist.

Suddenly the jade hand was blurred, and Tang Luo's fingers and palms passed through. Then, he changed direction strangely, and even coincided with Tang Luo's right hand.

Tang Luo felt a small wooden stick stuck in his palm.

At the end of the cypress stick is a white lantern. The red candle burning inside is very stable. This time, it did not burn clean for an instant.

Ravioli is falling at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the red candle burned out, the red light converged, the carried lantern disappeared, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

The darkness this time is the darkness that can be seen.

"Master ~ ~ Zhu Bajie and Ao Yulie also reconnected with Tang Luo.

"It is certain that the so-called evil spirit is really a kind of almost unruly ghost that is close to the rules." Tang Luo said, "I am afraid that meeting certain conditions will kill people, and there is no way to really hurt them.

"That ..."

"I'm coming out first," said Tang Luo, turning and going in the direction he had just entered, just as he took the first step.

A red and white lantern appeared on the left side of the front of the corpse, and the red candle was burning steadily and quickly.

Take the second step. The red candle burned out and disappeared. At the same time, a red and white lantern appeared on the right side in front of him. The red candle burned in his hand.

"Oh." Tang Luo chuckled and ignored.

Step by step, a red candle, red and white lanterns frequently appeared and disappeared, leaving a flickering road of death.

Tangluo walked in it, and he did not die!

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