Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 499: Who is the bride

Hundreds of ghosts ridden! Sinful!

That scene saw Ao Yulie's whole body wrong, and Zhu Bajie also had a toothache.

算 Even if I changed to the Eight Commandments of the Pig, in this case, there is only the way of drinking hate on the spot, there is no second possibility.

These evil spirits are indeed a product of the rules.

They are like the laws of nature. Their existence and attacks are irresistible, they cannot be avoided, they cannot be defended.

Real damage can only be resisted.

Seriously, even if you can defend, or you can avoid, you can deal with the Eight Commandments of the Pig.

But this kind of direct ridden with ghosts, without any room for operation, forced to slap on the body.

I really can't carry it.

Only Tang Luo ...

Hundreds of ghosts tangled, and all kinds of dying injuries fell on the body in an instant.

He raised his hand and waved in front of him, like driving away flies, and the surrounding ghosts disappeared immediately.

He did not simply disappear after the attack was invalidated, but was temporarily broken by Tang Luo.

散 In the case of such a break up, the time for their next appearance will also be extended.

Surrounded by ghosts, the time of repeated attacks by these evil spirits is gradually unified. Tang Luo is not harassed at all times, and it is very convenient to resist one time.

Well, it's only convenient for him.

After all, the attack of Hundred Ghosts erupted once, and the stacked damage can be different from one attack after another, far more terrible than scattered attacks.

Hundreds of ghosts entangle themselves, not only bring disadvantages, but also benefits.

Gathering the ghosts and preventing them from harming others will undoubtedly gain merit.

At the same time, this level of attack can be said to be tempering the bones of Vajrayana Buddha in Tangluo.

If you are forging iron, you must hammer out the purest and strong piece of iron.

The damage caused and accumulated in it consumes the power of merits, and the medicinal jade lotus opens the light for healing.

"Okay, don't worry about this time," Tang Luo said.

Don't lose money.

Hundreds of ghosts are entangled, and the attack time is not completely fixed, but once it appears, it will not appear again for at least 45 minutes.

During this period of time, there is no need to worry about the "evil realm" that appears randomly within ten meters of Tang Luo, which is far more dangerous than the realm of ghosts.

I can safely approach him.

The three of them fell silently into the crowd.

人 Those people look very normal, but their faces are a bit tired. After all, it is four o'clock in the morning. Most people's circadian clock at this time points to "sleep".

There were also a few laughing children who hit Tang Luo. They were not very light and knocked themselves over.

But one by one tanned, obviously in the wild for a long time, all kinds of touches, very skinny.

After a roll, I immediately got up and continued chasing, like a wild monkey.

I didn't wait for Tang Luo to go around. The sound of a loud speaker suddenly came from the stage.

"I'm coming!"

"It's time to enter the bliss world!" Someone shouted.

People who were still standing there, or walking around, immediately rushed to the rows of chairs over there and sat up.

Tang Luo and the three looked at each other decisively and acted rashly. The three directly grabbed a long chair.

Zha Bajie's legs are open, and when sitting out of the subway, people will be despised, and photos will be posted online to prevent others from sitting over.

Who knows whether these people are ghosts or normal.

Rush action and caution do not conflict.

Strategically scoring aggressively After all, it is Tang Luo who decides the strategic approach.

Be cautious in tactics. How to implement specific tactics should be considered by Zhu Bajie and Ao Yulie.

Tong Ao Yulie sat in the middle and Tang Luo sat on the other side. It was a very normal sitting position, but compared to the anger and intimidation of others who looked at Zhu Bajie, they could only find a place.

A few people saw Tang Luo here and hesitated before leaving.

I always feel a little inexplicable crisis, sitting down will be bad luck.

Howling Sky Dog is lying on Tang Luo's legs and shaking her tail. She doesn't know anything. She is just a harmless kitten. No, it's a puppy.

Soon, all the positions were occupied, and many chairs crowded seven or eight people without any vacant seats.

In contrast, the three men on Tang Luo are so eye-catching.

But at this time no one was in charge of Tang Luo.

Everyone is staring at the stage.

There, the sedan stopped, the bride with a white face came down, looked around, and sat back in the sedan again.

The bearers lifted the sedans again, and the leading person in front sang a opera that no one could understand, and a group of people playing gongs and drums walked on the stage.

The difference between the situation and the situation just now lies in the addition of a group of people who play gongs and drums.

"this is……"

Tang Luo and they looked at the group of "send their relatives", instead of continuing to spin as before, they walked out of the stage.

As soon as the leader stepped out of the stage, the chair under his feet suddenly bumped.

The three of them looked around, surrounded by a thick darkness, their sight and perception could not pass through, just like the situation in the ghost realm.

"Are we in the ghost realm?" Ao Yulie said.

"Yes," said Pig Bajie.

The front stage has disappeared and replaced with a huge red cloth.

Not only that, the two sitting on the bench changed as the two talked, and I do n’t know when a soft cushion was added.

I still have big red, very festive mats.


The body is undulating according to a certain frequency, and the front red cloth curtain is also shaking.

It's like suddenly sitting in a sedan chair!

"This is the inside of the sedan?" Said Pig Bajie.

"A little heavy taste, all of us are brides?" Ao Yulie looked around.

The situation around him is not exactly the same as the situation they just sat down.

长 There are a lot of long chairs with soft cushions. A group of people are scattered inexplicably, sitting in pairs, not as close as before.

These people are different from Ao Yulie and Zhu Bajie who normally observe the surroundings.

As the sedan chair continued to rise and fall, his face was filled with joy and expectations.

Slowly, even Ao Yulie's face showed a smile, seeming to look forward to the next situation.

I'm so happy to be a bride!

"Little white dragon!" Pig Bajie noticed the strange shape of Ao Yulie around him, and sang loudly.

Wu Ao Yulie reacted immediately, experiencing a cold sweat: "OK, okay."

I'm afraid there are unknown evil spirits, which affect their emotions subtly, making everyone unconsciously happy.

For Ao Yulie, it is indeed okay.

Plutonium is not at least a subtle "lethal".

"Master ..." Ao Yulie, who was sober, looked at Tang Luo, and saw that he was also a very interested expression, and was shocked.

I wo n’t be in the middle of it, right?

"What are you worried about blindly?" Zhu Bajie was not kind enough, "Master is really looking forward to where this sedan can take us."


Howling Sky Dog suddenly raised his hair and made a wolf howl, his tail wagging frantically, and it became a shadow.

Okay, she's also hit, wait! The stroke was later than Ao Yulie.

"I haven't even beaten a dog!" At this moment, Ao Yulie finally realized his weakness and was ready to squat aside and draw circles.

Suddenly, he found that he couldn't move and couldn't stand up.

"Master, second brother, can you stand up?" Ao Yulie moved and couldn't stand up.

"I try," said Pig Bajie, tried twice, shook his head, "can't stand up and was crucified."

As for Tang Luo, strange ripples began to pervade his side.

The frequency of shaking of the sedan car seemed to be higher.

"It's okay to stand up, but wait a minute, I want to see where we are going," he said.

To name it.

I can call this "sedan chair" a ghost car. For the time being, it has not shown the lethality of other evil spirits. Its main role is to guide emotions and trap everyone.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with talking about the ghost realm.

There is no difference between evil spirits and ghost realms. They are both special and almost rule-based.

Tangluo reached out and touched Tiantian Dog. The original cheerful Tiantian Dog was awake, and his teeth grinned twice.

Super fierce!

Xi Jiao continued to move up and down, except for Tang Luo, the three, and one dog. The others were just like a married bride, slightly embarrassed, happy, happy, and looking forward.

A few uncles also appeared in shame, making Ao Yulie anxious to insert his eyes, but he couldn't.

He has to observe the surrounding situation at will.

Evil ghosts have no solution, but there will always be signs when most of them appear.

The sedan chair is also very special. Although it is surrounded by a layer of darkness, the situation inside is clearly seen.

Suddenly, the shaking sedan stopped, and the looming gongs and drums stopped.

The front red cloth was opened and a figure appeared.


At the moment when the man appeared, a sense of coldness and coldness came out.

All the euphoria completely disappeared, and only panic remained, and the boundless fear swallowed everyone like a wave.

所有人 Everyone's gaze was like the ironware sucked up by the sucker, locked on this person.

Cannot be removed.

人 The man slowly walked into the sedan chair. He was an ordinary-looking man, wearing white short-sleeved, jeans that could be seen everywhere.

Uncle's appearance was unremarkable, and he came over to the people in the first row of chairs, bent down, and looked carefully.

Then he straightened up, leaving four immobilized, scared almost dying, and headed to the next row.

Action is extremely stiff.

"No hands, why, what conditions must be met?" Wo Bajie whispered ~ ~ Is it too ugly? "

"Evil wants to look at his face?"

"Maybe, everything is possible."

"Isn't that dangerous, Bai Xiaolong?" Said Pig Bajie.

"Isn't there a master?" Ao Yulie said, "Master, do it now?"

恶 The fear brought by this evil spirit is not as deadly as the red and white lanterns.

Speaking of Tang Luo, he found that he had stood up and walked towards the man.

"... After he came in, the suppression disappeared. These people were so scared that they couldn't move." Tang Luo said.

Wu Ao Yulie tried it, um, yes, it was really soft.

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