Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 506: Try 6 successes first

It is obvious that Maitreya called Tang Luo a demon monk.

The hiding place in the flames changed, the calm look on his face changed, his eyebrows wrinkled from time to time, and the scriptures began to be read in his mouth.

Tang Luo was not in a hurry and looked at Jizo quietly.

Have been strengthened yet not to send?

Jizo is also a great perseverance, see how long he can sustain.

The glazed flame spread to the stump on the other side, igniting those remnants as well, and closed his eyes and read the Scriptures, and opened his eyes suddenly.

Suddenly, the glazed flame on his body was suppressed and replaced by the fire of sin.

The two flames continued to alternate in Jizo's body, and his complexion gradually grew.

The stump on the other side, the broken hand holding the head block suddenly released the head block, flew up, and then returned to the ground.

Above the broken hand, the translucent glass flame is burning.

Jizo jerked out his hand and grabbed the broken hand: "I don't need you anymore."

"No, you need." Tang Luo said, punching Jizo's arm, the huge force let Jizo involuntarily release his five fingers.

The broken hand enters through the wide cuff, and the connection is successful in an instant.

"Get off!"

Jizo's performance was very fierce. The blood-stained hand grabbed the broken hand that was burning with glass flames.

It seemed to be worried that the broken hand would lead more Ryume to him, to tear it off.

I hit myself.

The two were still entangled, and the ribs over there also flew up and fell into the wide monk's robe.

The robes agitated, and an invisible confrontation took place inside.

Next, that thigh, also returned to the body of Jizo.

Jizo is desperately fighting.

Tang Luo stepped back two steps. He just pushed it properly, and things began to develop towards the situation that Jizo didn't want to see.

After a while, the bulging monk's robe was torn from the inside, and the fragments fluttered in the air like flowers and butterflies.

Tang Luo reached out his hand, and the moment when the metamorphosis appeared turned into a shield like an umbrella, turning around.

The shard of the monk's robe fell on the mysterious parachute shield and was blocked by as many as possible.

Tang Luo looked at Jizo.

He had a bare upper body, and his body was basically restored.

From the abdomen to the chest on the right, there is a large piece missing, and three exposed ribs can be seen.

On the ribs, the glass flame was still burning.

There is a right leg and a right hand. Those who were picked up by Tang Luo, except for the blood-stained left hand, the rest are burning with glazed flames.

Elsewhere in Jizo, the guilty soul of the fire of sin is roaring silently.

"Tang, Xuan, Yun!"

Jizo looked at Tang Luo, his eyes were all tyrannical.

"Are you ready to fight?" Tang Luo waved his hand, and the Xuanbian Umbrella Shield turned into a Xuanbian sword, aiming at Jizo, "Come."


Jizo, who was sitting all the time, appeared in front of Tang Luo instantly, and punched out.

Tang Luo reached down and took a few steps back, but the torn wooden board under his feet was intact, and he completely passed the strength.

Only the flames of flames are still burning.

"That's right." Tang Luo shook his hand, and the punch was amazingly powerful.

"Holy Monk."

At this moment, Ji Zang's face changed, and he became a little bit sad, and he also had a sense of compassion.

It was the same as when I first saw it.

"Please also destroy this demon."

"Fuck me!" Ji Zang's face was sullen again when he had just finished saying this, and the glass flame on his right arm was pressed down and extinguished.

The side representing the good intentions of Jizo was suppressed.

"It's cruel," Tang Luo said.

One person and two sides, the demon and the Buddha are one. This kind of big brothers are based on good intentions. Half of their strength is used to suppress the magic thoughts, and they still fight the invincible.

However, the situation in Jizo is already dominated by demon thoughts, suppressing good thoughts.

The magical body scattered the body, suppressing the hell, and completely wiped out the "Buddhist body."

Tang Luo forcibly strengthened with glass flame, giving Buddha Jizo a chance to breathe and talk.

But it also promoted the further strength of the magic ground, the arm that the glass flame extinguished is no longer "my hand, he is not under my control" state.

Not only that, the flames on the arms, ribs, and thighs also slowly extinguished.

Demon thoughts flourish, and good thoughts will die.

"Very good." Mochizo sneered at Tang Luo. "Should I thank you?"

"You don't need to say anything," Tang Luo said. "Let's keep it simple ..."

A sword came from the west, and instantly appeared in the position of the magical eyebrows.

Modi hides his head still, his hands are already in front of him, firmly holding the metaphysical change, making it impossible to move.

"If you are obsessed, this seat will give you a ride." Jizo's hands merged, and the sword of mysterious change burst into pieces.

I saw him with his legs curled up, sitting cross-legged in the air, his hands in front of him ritually buddha, wearing a robe, and could not stand still like the earth.

At the same time, a ghost image emerged on its own and stepped out, holding a human head in his left hand, and a nectar in his right hand.

Tantu Jizo is a ghost.

Then, holding the orb in the left and the nectar seal in the right, the orb was hidden, and the evil spirits were entwined around him.

Baoyin Jizo, holding a tin rod in his left hand, and a Ruyi Baoyin in his right hand, behind them a group of beasts phantom, like a river, can pour out at any time.

Holding the King Kong building on his left, and holding the zombies with fearless seals on his right.

Holding a tin can on the left and a wish mark on the right, remove the cover and hide.

There is also Nikko Jizo, with Ruyi bead in his left hand, and the right seal in his right hand. According to the five signs of heaven and man, Tang Luo had weakness as soon as he appeared.


With a loud noise, the stable temple shook like a mountain.

Pig Bajie and others immediately looked at the ruined temple.

After Tangluo entered the ruined temple, the pressure on their side was relieved a lot. With the strength of the three, it can be said that they are more skillful.

The pig Bajie can also free up his hands and damage the surroundings.

It is interesting that this destruction was not easy to recover just now. Several people noticed that hell, and began to be damaged under their attack.

With the loud noise, a figure flew out of the ruined temple.

Leave a deep mark on the ground.


Pig Bajie and Ao Yulie's complexion changed, and it was not Tang Luo who flew out.

He knelt down on one knee, holding the metaphysical sword in his hands, his glazed clothes were tattered, he was struggling to recover, his breath was fluctuating up and down, blood was still on the corner of his mouth, and obviously he had suffered a "new injury."

The magic ground was flying out of the ruined temple and still suspended in mid-air.

Among the six incarnations, the Tantu zozo, the holding zozo, and the cover-free zozo have disappeared.

Orb, treasure seal, and Nikko are left.

"With only five successes, I really can't beat it." Tang Luo stood up, making a crackling noise in his body, and cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

"Fifty percent?" It was Baozhu Jizo who spoke.

The demon statue is closed with the eyes closed and the Buddha is immovable.

"Accurately, 50%." Tang Luo said, "Don't worry, you continue to destroy."

The second half of the sentence was addressed to Zhu Bajie.

"Oh." Baozhu Jizo went to Tangluo, and every time he took a step, he looked stunned.

When he walked in front of Tang Luo, he was already a blue-faced fangs, like a ghost.

The orb in his hand had become a skull, spread out and formed a long whip.

The skull's upper and lower jaws kept opening and closing, making a "chuckling" crisp sound.

Raising his hand violently, Baozhu Jizo grabbed Tang Luo's head. His movements were not fast, and his palms fell like a mansion.

At the same time, the light of Nikko Jizo is a masterpiece, and the five faint shadows of heaven and human emerge from behind Tang Luo and surround him.

Tangluo's white hair became dry, his skin was darkened, and his face was obviously tired.

Seeing that Baozhu Jizo was about to grab his head, Tang Luo raised his hand into a palm.

The big mudra is not separated.

Two palms collided, Tang Luo stepped back two steps, the fatigue was more obvious, the moment Baozhu Jizo stepped back, the bone whip in his hand had been strangled to Tang Luo's neck.

The hungry ghost came with a whip, dancing wildly.

Ghost Dance!

Tang Luo repeatedly dodged, but was still caught up by the bone whip, entangled his body.

The whip hit Tang Luo a few times, his bones opened his mouth and bit his body severely, as did the hungry ghosts that appeared around him, biting wildly.

The other end of the bone whip fell back into the treasure of the Orb, and he held the whip in both hands and pulled **** both sides.

Tang Luo was pulled into the air by himself.


The sound of broken bones continued to sound, and the bone whip suddenly broke.

Tang Luo fell back to the ground.

Baozhu Jizo looked at the broken whip on his hand and did not speak.

When you break free, it is not five successes.

"Try six successes first." Tang Luo said, 54% of the injury-free upper limit, a short time to break the upper limit, reaching 60% will not have a big impact on Tang Luo's injury, it is not necessary Consolidate Yulian through merit to avoid aggravating injuries.

As soon as the voice fell, the blade of the axe was already stuck near the neck of Orbazak.

Baozhu hides in a flash, and the mysterious axe follows closely, like the bone of the cheekbones, and does not give him a chance to escape at all.

Seeing that he was going to hide Baozhu with an axe and let him follow in the footsteps of the other three incarnations, Tang Luo stepped back.

The ground did not know when it had become a herd of hordes, and a human-like, non-human-like face on the head opened a **** mouth and bit it down at him.

Baoyin Jizo also shot.

The axe changed, forming a spear, the cold light appeared, and the dragon was out to sea.

The blade of the gun body changed from black to the pale gold of the glass flame, which is already the state of the glass glass.

A large hole penetrated the huge skull above his head, and Tang Luo regarded it as a weapon, burning the glass flame, and slamming it into the treasure of the Orb!

The two Jizo avatars collided into a ball ~ ~ The violent power broke out completely, tearing them apart and turning them into a ball of light.

Pull bow, mysterious bow, glazed arrows, aim at Nikko.

At the moment of Tang Luosong's hand, Nikko Jizo stepped back two steps, a huge wound on his chest, the edge of the glass flame burning, and suddenly spread.

You have reached the limit of this incarnation, burning it directly into a dissipating flame.

At the same time, the demon deity also opened his eyes. The majestic force straddled time and space and directly acted on Tang Luo.

Tang Luo swayed slightly, under heavy pressure, leaped up, appeared in front of Mojizang, and the mysterious axe fell.


Then open the mountain!

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