Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 525: I want to take a Gundam

"Dear Ru Niang, dear!"

What is the famous bear child of the Three Realms? To put it simply, "I'm not targeting Li Jing, the old stubborn. I mean, you guys are garbage."

The four brothers of the Demon Family knew at first sight that they had no intention, and followed them? The fool will follow them.

Come back to him!

After cursing, Nezha controlled the invincible God of War and decisively stepped up.

Compared to the ten-meter-high Devil's Mech, the invincible Ares now only about five meters looks like a child.

But the child was fast, powerful, and suddenly violent.

It was the four brothers of the Devil's House who did not expect it at all, and this kick kicked the thigh of the Moliqing Mech sturdyly.

Bear child's lower whip leg!

Mo Liqing was kicked out of balance by Nezha, and her huge body fell forward.

The mechs they created have gone beyond the scope of pure machines and are almost the same as humans.

Also in some aspects, we must also follow the physical linkage.

The out-of-balance Moliqing reacted very quickly. At the same time when the body fell, the huge Qingyun sword in his hand had fallen towards the invincible God of War.

This is the real Qingyun sword, but it just got bigger.

There are runes on the sword: ground, water, fire, wind.

As the sword of Mo Liqing waved down, the wind mark lit up, the sword was wrapped in black wind, and howling came, with thousands of spears in it, you can turn people into powder!

Invincible God of War threw the black false Qiankun circle in his hand.

Qiankun circle hit the Qingyun sword with a crisp sound.

The black wind was still there, but Qingyun sword was smashed and raised, and the black wind did not leave the sword and swept through.

The dark wind of Qingyun Sword wants to get rid of the unusual thing of the sword body.

At that time, Moliqing could do it. Today, it cannot be said that Moliqing's combat power must be weaker than it was at first, but many mysterious methods have been unable to perform.

In a world without vitality, they were seriously injured and have taken another path.

After the Qiankun circle separated the Qingyun sword, it was considered to have fulfilled its historical mission and was crushed on the spot.

The fire spear in the hands of the invincible God of War was pierced directly into Mo Liqing's chest, and a hole was opened before talking.

At the critical moment, Mo Liqing's left hand was horizontal and blocked in front of her. The fire-pointed gun was stuck in the sturdy left arm and it was difficult to enter.

Nezha is not angry and anti-happy, hidden in the eyes of the mech, burst into a captivating light.

No matter how human.

After all, it's mecha, which is a little different from the human body. A big hole in the chest and a big hole in the arm.

Can be different.

Even if it is a fairy, the severity of an arm injury is definitely not as severe as a chest injury.

The reaction of Moliqing is not just a matter of becoming accustomed to nature, more importantly, it is in the vital position of defense!

What's so important about a mech?

The source of power or the driver?

The Mo Li Qing deity is most likely in this position of the mech!

Invincible God of War loosened his fire pistol, and his body receded, avoiding the double puppets of Mo Lishou next to him.

This pair of magpies is quite common, and it was later created, except for high frequency, there is not much special.

Mo Li Shou originally had a flower fox marten, but it was a strange beast with extraordinary strength, but unfortunately later died. When the mountains and seas fell, the snakes reared by the flower fox marten were not spared.

The strength dropped greatly, and the shot could not pose any threat to Nezha.

But Molihong and Molihai are different. Molihong held the Xuanyuan umbrella and opened the umbrella. It was dark for a while, almost as if night had come.

The Xuanyuan Umbrella turned slightly, and the invincible God of War receded immediately and was involuntarily photographed towards the Xunyuan Umbrella.

The Xuanyuan Umbrella can ingest weapons and magic weapons, and naturally can ingest other things.

As long as Mo Li Hong is willing, even a mountain can be ingested.

The invincible God of War stowed the remaining weapons instantly, with six arms moving forward at the same time, the palm opened, spraying high-energy flames, barely resisting the hybrid umbrella.

At this time, the sound of the pipa sounded, and Mo Lihai struck the strings.

The sound is very pleasant, like the sound of the sky just now, but with endless murder.


On the occasion of the moment, Nezha sneered.

The fire-tip lance on Shang Li's arm suddenly burst and the power produced was astounding.

There are a lot of obsidian in the fire lance.

Obsidian cannot be directly absorbed and used, but it can obviously be used as "energy" through technology.

The invincible God of War, the aircraft carrier, the golden armor, and the mecha of the four brothers of the magic house, all of them are obsidian.

Tang Luo has long tested that obsidian will explode and is powerful.

Nezha almost sent the obsidian remaining invincible Ares into the fire lance.

The invincible God of War's activity time has dropped to only five minutes.

The terrible power spread, and the three brothers next to Mo Liqing could no longer continue to fix the famous bear children of the Three Realms, and immediately began to protect themselves.

Molihong supported the hybrid umbrella in front of her.

Mo Lihai plucked the strings again, and the water, fire and wind immediately flew back to cover the whole body, forming a chaos.

Poor Mo Lishou now has the weakest strength and does not have much self-protection. He can only transform his arms into a shield.

During the deformation process, the power of the obsidian explosion has come.

The ten-meter-high heavy mech flew out like shredded paper in high winds.

There was a loud roar, and even the huge sky carriers trembled, their altitude dropped a lot, and a large pit appeared on the "ground."

Fortunately, they weren't bombed.

Mo Lishou's armour was completely damaged, and his body disappeared for less than half.

Magic Li Hong and Magic Li Hai are both intact, and the two magic weapons, the Hybrid Umbrella and the Four Strings Pipa, have not disappointed.

It's just that the radiant light from the two magical weapons has disappeared, and it can no longer be used for a long time.

Worst of all, it was Mo Liqing who was blown up. The entire mech was completely fragmented and completely immature.

It can only be seen as a pile of scrap iron.

Qingyun sword pierced aside, there were a few cracks on it, and there was some damage.

And in this scrap iron, there is a black cylinder.

The cylinder was covered with cracks, and it felt broken when touched a little.

With this feeling, of course Nezha would not let go, pick up a piece and throw it there.

The fragments hit the black cylinder, and the cylinder cracked.

There was a puddle of blood-colored unknown liquid, and in this liquid, there was a withered human figure.

"You ..." Mo Liqing lay in the blood-colored liquid, barely looked up at Nezha, her skull-like face was full of violence and anger.

The appearance of Moliqing did not look much different from the dead body. The skin was attached to the bones without any flesh, the cheeks were completely sunken, and the upper skin was pulled down.

There is no hair on top of the head.

Half lying in the **** liquid, his eyes glowed with a strange faint green light, like the evil spirit who barely crawled out of hell, half of his body was still inside.

After leaving the cylinder and the blood-colored liquid, Moliqing was very difficult to breathe.

He barely spit out a word, he couldn't say more, panting loudly, his voice was like a broken bellows, so it seemed that he couldn't breathe the air of waste land, and his voice was getting lower and lower.

Needless to say, the surrounding Jinjia Tianbing has naturally returned to the West.

The huge Nantian Gate also collapsed in half.

Mo Li Hong and Mo Li Hai surrounded Nezhe's invincible Ares. There was no deliberate movement. Who knew if the bear child would suddenly explode.

They also didn't want to lose their lives for the bear child.

Mo Li Shou put the dying Mo Li Qing into his own thing similar to a small escape cabin and took it out of his mech.

The **** liquid filled the entire escape cabin, and the magical lichen inside was gradually out of danger, and the oil-green eyes were filled with resentment: "Li Nazhe! I want you to survive, not death!"

After tearing off the camouflage mask and the high-level "Divine Power", the gods and Buddhas are no different from mortals.

Especially on the verge of life and death.

"Hahaha" Nezha's wild laugh came from the invincible God of War, "You look like this, you can't survive but you can't die. If I follow you like this, I will definitely commit suicide!"

Don't look at me, I only have half of my body, but the situation is much better than Mo Liqing.

At least living is not painful, and Mo Liqing, who can survive, will undoubtedly experience great pain.

Not only that, the **** liquid, if Nezha read it right

In that little liquid, I don't know how many people died before I made these to maintain the life of Mo Liqing.

Judging from Mo Lishou's use of a spare "escape cabin", the situation of the other three brothers of the four magic family may not be better than that of Mo Liqing.

In contrast, Nezha is still lucky.

The mountains and the seas collapsed, and all were treated equally [].

There is even the possibility that the stronger the strength, the more serious the injury is. After all, the sky is down and the tall man stands.

"Get out of here," Molihong said to Nezha. "You can suffer less."

They were very clear that the explosion just now consumed a lot of obsidian, and today the third prince is already at the end of the crossbow.

As for the deity in the mech, it still retains a strong fighting power?

Deceive the ghost.

If the bear child wasn't half dead like them, he would have gone out to sacrifice, instead of finding a place to hide, and now only because of some accidents.

Uh, accident ...

What was the accident, and for some reason, suddenly it was a little disturbing.

"Should not be able to move immediately." Mo Lihai broke through the situation and took a step forward.

The huge fist has been raised and can be dropped at any time.

"There is no problem in killing you," said Nezha, and his six arms suddenly fell off.

The invincible God of War is indeed no longer combative, but he still has one last hole card. This hole card is thrown out, and there should be no problem in killing the three in front of him.

"Let me do it."

A voice sounded abruptly, and I don't know when a white-haired man appeared on the field.

Compared with the tall mechs around him, the normal figure of a man is extremely small.

In particular, he was still standing beside Qingyun Sword in order to adapt to the mech becoming larger.

But when he stretched out his hand and grabbed Qingyun Sword, a repressive breath instantly enveloped the audience.

Qing Yunjian made an overwhelming noise, kept getting smaller, and fell into the hands of men.

"I want to play with Gundam."

Tang Luo took the Qingyun sword and waved it at will, leaving a mark in the pit, and smiling at the four brothers of the magic house.

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