Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 533: There must be an echo

Step back and let the teacher come Chapter 533 There must be an echo of the novel

"My man is doing it!"

Jonson did not answer, nor did he secretly test with Ao Yulie, linguistically confronting each other, and directly shifted the topic.

At this point, it doesn't matter if you tear your face on the spot.

But he didn't do that for the time being. A wild horse in the wilderness is not worthy of bad words. Normally, this kind of person is not qualified to talk to himself.

To kill him is not because of anger.

It's just to wipe off the dust on the clothes, yes, that's it.

The force must be high.

With Jonson's words, Gokuhara and others were attacked suddenly. The location of the attack did not come from the sky, nor did they suddenly emerge from a few shelters on both sides.

It comes from underground!

The ground was sunken, huge worms emerged from the ground, and the huge body directly hit the younger brother's convoy behind Goku.

A car of good quality was suddenly overturned by a worm and rolled on the ground without shape.

The other few were lucky, just doing translational movements without rolling.

However, the people in the car were hit too much, and they couldn't distinguish between the northeast and southeast.

"what's the situation!"

"Wilder Worm!"

Fukuhara Goku and others were taken aback.

They spent a lot of time in the wasteland and recognized the bug.

Wilderness worms, a special creature in the wilderness, are large in size, most of which are between ten and twenty meters, and a few can reach thirty meters or even forty meters.

Living underground all the year round, rarely appearing on the ground.

Without eyes, rely on hearing and "thermal induction" to distinguish things around.

The part of the head is a huge mouth of a large blood basin, which contains the spiral teeth of a meat grinder.

Called a worm, it's actually black in color, with a thick shell on the outside, which is very hard.

The bullets of the spare guns are hard to break open, and you have to drive a few times in the same place.

Wild worms have very little courage. They live deep underground all year round. They don't like sunlight and only occasionally "float" the ground.

And as soon as the wind blows, it will re-dive into the ground.

For humans, the threat is small-except in two cases.

One is that the settlement is just beside the worm's lair, and it is very likely that the worm will spread to the gathering place when it digs the hole.

The other is encountered with a very small number of crazy worms.

Does anyone know why worms are going crazy? The major forces have studied it, but they haven't figured out why.

All I know is that they will attack humans crazy after they go mad, endlessly, terrible.

To be honest, if it weren't for the worms to attack humans madly, everyone would not know as much about wild worms as they are today.

Now, the four people of Goku Futian naturally think that they are unlucky and have encountered a mad worm.

Ao Yulie asked, "Can you control this bug?"

Jonson thought about it, and still answered his question. He probably felt that he was going to die anyway. Then show mercy to satisfy his curiosity.

There are so many problems and it is difficult to change them.

After all, explaining the ins and outs in front of the enemy, and watching them look horrified and desperate is also a very pleasant thing.

In the end I didn't hold back.

"It's just a little trick of taming animals." Jonson's voice was proud.

"Oh, it turned out to be a means of taming animals." Ao Yulie said, thinking what kind of mechanical flesh-and-blood creatures he made, "I'll do it."


Johnson responded.

It's also good to let him play something before he dies.

Ao Yulie held a gun, aimed with one eye closed, and pulled the trigger.

A crisp gun echoed.

This wild worm, more than thirty meters long, had a slight shock. There was a cracked hole in the shell, and green blood flowed out from it, which was very harmonious.

The weapon used by Ao Yulie is naturally powerful, and it is not a problem to break a shot.

"what are you doing!"

Jonson's growl sounded in the headphones.

"Ah, missed." Ao Yulie shamned. "Next time, I'm going to have a headshot."

Then, another shot was fired.

It was indeed a shot in the middle of the head, but this head was the head of a wild worm, not the head of Fukuhara Goku and those lucky undead brothers.

The first shot was actually okay. Although there was blood flowing out, the small hole was not worth mentioning to the worm's huge body, and even inspired its fierceness.

But this second shot was shot at a vital part of the head, and the worm was severely damaged. Its strong vitality kept it from dying, but it was also rolling wildly on the ground.

Raise a lot of dust.

The reaction of the four Gokuyuans was not slow. It was not clear which righteous person was helping them. At this time, it was right to start.

Zhongyuan Bajie made a ball-holding gesture with his hands on the side, and a light golden light ball condensed in his hands, then he released it in a wave-released posture.

However, the light ball does not form energy rays like the Turtle School of Qigong, but has become a thin, fine "thin needle" of gold.

Sting worms like falling rain.

The hard shell of the worm was punctured with fine golden needles, and the needles were constantly drilling inside.

Most of them "broken" and disappeared as the worms rolled, and a few of them penetrated into the worms and disappeared after a mad destruction.

This is a combination of life character's ability and skills, which can be described as vicious.

The giant worm soon entered the end of life. Although the 100-footed worm died and was not stiff, it did not pose more threats to the quartet.

"you wanna die!"

Ao Yulie's ear roared, and at the same time, he crouched on the ground, and the underground worm opened his mouth and bite at him.

At the moment the ground collapsed, Ao Yulie jumped up, avoiding the worm landing, and was very smart: "Kill me? Oh, I'm coming to you now, wash my neck and wait."

He said, took out the headset and threw it at the worm, just swallowed.


Watching the dot on the screen representing Ao Yulie's position disappeared quickly, in the hidden headquarters, Jonson stung the table hard.

Damn Wild Horses!

If this task fails because of this person, it will not be enough to break it into pieces.

"Send someone, find me that pony, I want him to die!"

Jonson's low growl echoed inside the command.

The strange expression flashed across the people inside, understanding why Jonson was so angry, and also knowing that he was in the public vengeance.

But he still faithfully executed the order. Who made the chief commander of this operation be Jonson?

Honglian will be hidden in the dark, and the class between the lower and upper levels is very strict, so that the "cohesion" of the organization can be guaranteed-at least to a certain extent.

Just before someone was ordered to leave, the hidden mobile command door was opened.

Ao Yulie stood at the door: "A surprise is not a surprise, is an accident not a surprise?"

Jonson was taken aback.

Leaving aside the hidden things is what the Red Lotus Society is best at. This mobile command is difficult to find.

It is said that this distance is two kilometers away from the site of the incident, and there is a rift in the middle.

To get around, it takes at least a few hours.

This guy ’s signal has just disappeared. How could it appear here?

Fly over?

"As a chess piece," Ao Yulie said, "we must have the awareness of the chess piece. Don't treat yourself as a chess player, thinking that you can give orders."

Jonson's face suddenly turned pale, but he couldn't help looking away.

"What are you then? Are you a chess player?" Originally sitting in the corner of the room, he stood up slowly, without showing the landscape.

I saw that this person's original frequent changes in appearance, fine scales appeared near the cheeks, and his eyes became dark yellow vertical pupils.

There was a little split between the top of the tongue and the top of the tongue.

The appearance of a half-man and a half-snake exudes a fierce breath, that is-a breath of demon!

But this breath is very light, let alone a fairy, even a little monster is extremely reluctant.

Ao Yulie's eyes narrowed. Rather than say that this guy is a demon, it is better to say that he is a half-demon formed by mixing blood belonging to the demon.

Moreover, it is not the kind of half demon inherited from Xue Nianzhi's blood.

It is more like a "man-made" half-demon created by acquired means.

Don't talk about instability. While possessing some power, it also paid a small price ~ ~ Ao Yulie can assert that this person can not live for more than ten years.

However, waste soil is always a place of no guarantee, even if it is a large gathering place, the average life is poor.

It is not difficult to understand the trade-off for life.

"Me? I'm just one of them watching it lively." Ao Yulie said so clearly that he could not fight.

It gives people a feeling of "looking at people".

It's a pity that the half-demon didn't buy it. He spit out the snake letter and made a low howling sound with hissing: "Then you die!"

The body fluttered towards Ao Yulie in a serpentine route.

Ao Yulie chuckled, his eyes turned into golden vertical pupils, and he looked at the demon.

The half-monster's body froze instantly, and a sense of fear from instinct completely seized control of his body, making him unable to move, even wanting to kneel and worship.

Longwei is Tianwei for most snakes.

"Come, tell you that the masters behind you can't take down the Bible readers and let them continue to send people. The stronger the better, the better to go out in person." Ao Yulie ordered with a smile.

By the way, the wind blade wiped out Joson's life.

the other side.

The team from Dainyuan followed in secret, sometimes chasing and killing, something to help.

Sending distress signals frantically.

Tangluo and Nezhe dove occupy the nest.

"This technique is good." Nezhe looked at the internal environment of the plane and said, "Do you think Ananda will appear?"

"Will do."

Tang Luo said, "We sincerely invite you, although in the name of the" Red Lotus Society ", we will never forget the thoughts."

While talking, Nezha suddenly looked outside, and her eyes seemed to have penetrated the iron skin and saw something.

"Look, isn't this coming?" Tang Luo said with a smile.

Step back and let the teacher come

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