Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 541: Return, gain

Step back and let the teacher come to Chapter 541 to return, harvest audio novels to listen online

Half a month.

From where they started, half a month passed after the drastic revival of the wasteland humans.

Tang Luo, they successfully completed the task and returned to the real world.

In addition, what is the situation of the four people who have learned from their peers? Tang Luo did not manage them. If they are lucky, they can complete the task.

Luck was almost incomplete, but it was not a failure.

It's hard to say exactly which one they are. After all, they have more or less assumed the role of a bait, and I don't know how the game of the devil will judge.

Anyway, these people were lucky, and they were not dead after being involved in the "controversy between gods and Buddhas".

You know, some gods walked to death in this mission world, and some secrets were discovered.

According to the red children, the outsiders spoke in unknown language and disappeared.

It just corresponds to the "erasing" of the demon game by everyone.

However, one point is that this type of eradication is based on the active disclosure of the demon walking. Some people did not take the initiative to disclose it. They were forced to dig out some information and were not erased.

In other words, unintentional disclosure will not be punished.

It's okay to cover it up simply like Tang Luo.

So far, it's still not clear what this rule means, but if it does, then follow it.

The harvest of this mission, Tang Luo after the return, they did not immediately check.

Tang Luo is discussing with Zhu Bajie and researching one thing, one thing that he seriously considered after encountering Nezha.

Contrary to how to bring "indigenous" out of the mission world, how to leave "outsiders" in the mission world.

From the perspective of the walking of the devil, the two ghost maids in Zhu Bajie, Ao Yulie, Xiaotian Dog and even the cursed house are indigenous.

Tang Luo brought them out by various methods, and was defaulted to belong to him by the game of gods and demons.

Will follow Tang Luo in and out missions.

Later, Zhu Bajie and Ao Yulie even signed a contract and became a formal demon walking.

So, is there a way to keep them in another world and not "run around" with Tang Luo?

If he finds such a solution, then Tang Luo only needs to find two more things that can be sacrificed, return to the previous world, find Nezha, bring him back and put it in the world of Dayou.

The weather there is so full of energy that Nezha can slowly recover.

The three of them also talked about the sound of "Meow Meow" and "Whew" from time to time.

Decided to give it a try in the next two missions.

The attempt is relatively simple. Grab a small animal in the quest world and put it in the cursed house. Then let it go in the next quest.

This is how the pig Bajie and Ao Yulie came out, and the Xiaotian dog is similar, except that the house of curse has been replaced with a merit jade.

If you catch a small animal directly in the real world, you cannot bring it into the mission world.

Even the cursed house, which can be temporarily loaded with creatures and equipment.

This point has been tried by the devil walking.

Pig Bajie and Ao Yulie suspected that they could follow Tangluo because they wanted to be with Tangluo, similar to the state of "recognizing the Lord".

If it's involuntary, maybe it's feasible, it's worth a try.

After discussing the matter, everyone began to review the achievements of this task.

The first is naturally the power of merits. This time the task's power of merits is consumed a lot, and there are some gains.

The death of the king of yellow clothes provided some merit, and the mad cow demon king also provided some. Both belong to the ranks of "bad people" and were punished by Tang Luo. Finally, Tang Luo gathered where they were , A move to revive humanity.

This belongs to Yang Shan and has gained the most merit.

In the last half of the month, Tang Luo had another phototherapy injury for Nezha, and he also received phototherapy.

Until now, the power of merits is the same as before entering the mission, and it is in a state of no loss or profit.

Tang Luo's upper limit of injury-free was changed from 60% to 60.1%. Among them, there was merit healing and self-recovery.

The next is the reward for the game of Gods and Demons, this time the reward is a skill, and does not continue Tang Luo's road of assistance.

An attacking skill, called "Sky Fire", sounds very windy. In fact, it doesn't make any difference to understand it as fireball.

Casting a skill generates a flame that will burn around the target for a while.

The higher the skill level, in addition to the basic element of a shorter cooling time, there are also changes in the target, the flame temperature becomes higher, and the burning time becomes longer.

Even in an environment like water, the flame will burn until the end of its duration.

But even if it is a third level, the flame burning time is only 2 minutes, not long.

Unlike Tangluo's glazed magic flames, the sky fire is the flame of Zhenger Bajing.

There is no special effect of "I burn you to make you stronger".

The biggest special feature of the sky fire is that it is extremely difficult to extinguish. Tang Luo tried it on Zhu Bajie and Ao Yulie.

They could not stop the flames of fire from entering the depths of the sea. Of course, with the strength of two people, the flames of fire could not hurt them.

It should be known that the walking of gods and monsters has always been high attack and low defense. Most ordinary three-level gods walking do not have much higher resistance to fire than ordinary people.

This skill is actually quite powerful.

Without thinking about whether to keep it or not, Tian Yaohuo became the fifth skill on Tang Luo's "skill bar."

Yes, in the last mission, two skills Tang Luo fully integrated and formed their own magical spells.

The ghost step and lotus step skills have disappeared from the skill bar.

The two were really learned by Tang Luo and became the technique of "Tengyun driving the fog" belonging to Tang Luo. Since then, Tang Luo is also a person who can freely vacate.

Ao Yulie gave it a name called "Step by Step".

Very enchanting but also a little Buddhist, many Buddhist monks are sitting on the lotus, such as Guanyin.

Merit Yulian is also lotus.

Tang Luo didn't say anything about this name. Anyway, when he showed his magical power, he was as casual as eating and drinking, and he didn't need to shout.

In addition, step-by-step Shenglian is not a simple cloud-driving technique.

To put it more broadly, it can be regarded as the Five Elements of Puppetry. Thanks to the ability of ghosts to walk through walls, Tang Luo can also move freely in the earth and in the water.

In terms of equipment magic weapon, Jin Jin was retrieved ... Jin Jin is a little broken, but it doesn't matter, it is not a big problem.

Nezha gave Tang Luo his gold bricks.

Tang Luo handed it to Zhu Bajie, and let him directly melt into the metaphysical change.

The reward of pig eight ring is also a skill, called earth boxing.

A punch on the ground will hit a big fist from the ground at the target, a good attacking skill.

There are certain requirements for the use of the site.

Places like the Dragon King in the water and air are definitely unusable, at least on the ground.

It is not available on thinner floors.

Ao Yulie's reward is a bit inexplicable. It is a piece of equipment called "mountain saddle".

From the appearance alone, it is an ordinary saddle, with a certain degree of adaptive size and shape changes. After loading an animal that fits the body shape, the animal will become a well-behaved mount.

To put it simply ~ ~ Equip a bear to ride a bear, and equip a tiger to ride a tiger.

Completely meet the dreams of many people as a child.

It is not effective against powerful, extraordinary, legendary creatures.

Ao Yulie turned into a dragon and tried it for herself. She didn't feel anything at all. She wanted to throw down Tang Luo above ... No, no, she didn't have this idea at all.

And this "no idea" has nothing to do with the saddle of the mount.

Switching to Zhu Bajie, Ao Yulie easily threw down the second brother who had not resisted.

This equipment is also not suitable for smelting into the metaphysical change. The metamorphic change can be regarded as a box, which can "load" a lot of things, but it is not a trash can, and everything can be poured into it.

Even if it is a trash can, the trash can is very picky now, and some places are no longer the trash cans that you used to throw away.

It is useless and it is not easy to melt.

The final destination of the saddle of the mount is naturally linked to the trading information of the switch group.

They are useless to Tang Luo, but it is definitely a good thing for many demon walking.

Someone snapped up shortly after the listing, and in the end, the one with the highest price-the "price" is of course the healing thing, and this has remained the same.

"It's done."

One month after returning to the real world, Zhu Bajie successfully smelted the BRICS as part of the metaphysical change and returned it to Tang Luo.

On the little black stick, some golden lines appeared, looming.

Tang Luo launched a metaphysical change, and there was also a golden pattern on the weapon, which looked cool and pulled a lot.

The specific effect is that the mysterious change is harder and sharper.

The metaphysical development has continued to develop in a stronger and harder direction, and Ao Yulie's imagination of the "40-meter sword-cutting sword" is not impossible.

Step back and let the teacher come

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