Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 563: The first operation ended successfully

The goddess and desire in mid-air glanced at Tang Luo with a resentful look, suddenly adjusted his shape, and ran after landing.

He is not stupid. After being shot by Holt who suddenly became stronger, he has realized that the white-haired man is very dangerous!

When did such people appear in the waste of the exorcism group?

After landing, the deities of desire were turned into a residual image and began a strategic retreat.

It is necessary to spread the news, not to escape.

As for the demons, even the higher demons are just consumables.

It is the glory of these demons to stop these guys and contribute to the strategic retreat of the deities.

"Go, kill the white-haired man." The progeny wanted to order.

The demons who were besieging Holt and others immediately turned their attack targets and killed Tang Luo.


Tang Luo's eyes narrowed slightly.

The diaspora, who was strategically retreating, suddenly felt that an additional figure appeared obliquely in front of him, and passed by when he appeared, and at the same time, he suddenly tripped under his feet.

Protoss · There are 10,000 ways to stabilize the unbalanced body and continue to retreat.

However, he could not even implement one of these 10,000 methods.

I just felt that my body was out of balance, I could only watch my face getting closer and closer to the ground.

Then intimate contact, and friction.

Face brake, body brake, rolling.

Protoss · Like leaving a mark on the ground, I feel that my body no longer belongs to myself.

As the progeny of desire-desire, he controls desire-desire, as well as man's body.

You can easily plunder your body and become your own doll.

In addition to others, including his own, the control of his own body, Goddess · Desire can be said to have reached perfection.

However, at this moment, he was not under his control, and was shaking a little.

He plunged his fingers into the dirt to stop the trembling, holding his hands on the ground, like an ambush cheetah, rushing out, not just a straight line, but constantly changing positions, Z-shaped movement.

It can be seen that the clothes of the gods and desires are bulging, and the muscles under the clothes can be imagined to have swelled and bulged.

Achieved the best power.

Then, Yu Guang, the **** of the descent, saw the figure again. The black and red exorcist uniform and white hair were on his side, slightly more than one step away.

There was sudden darkness before me.

The last time I was tripped, this time I held it with one hand, or in other words, Tang Luo caught the head of the progeny and desire as if he caught a flying ball.

Gently, go to the side!

His head pulled his body to fly at a low altitude, rubbing the ground twice from time to time, as if he was a tiled, flat stone.

The Protoss · Stops his body firmly, his right arm and neck are folded at a strange angle.

With the sound of two painful bones folding and colliding, his right arm and neck returned to normal.

Looking back, he saw the white-haired man standing where he had just appeared and beating himself.

Did not move, just looked over here.

And those higher demons are actually entangled by the five generals!

The two looked at each other, Tang Luo pointed to Holt and others who were struggling to fight and said, "You go together."

The protoss, biting his teeth, twisted his face, hurriedly reached out to Tang Luo.

His five fingers burst instantly, and the phalanxes scattered in front of him, disappearing without trace.

That's the disappearance caused by speed exceeding the limit that can be captured by sight.

It's the speed that even the generals can't capture with sight. Compared with the devil's cone, it is like the gap between a bicycle and a sports car.

The attack was invisible, but the screams of screaming sounded.

But this howling did not play any role in reminding him. On the contrary, it pierced into his head like a spike, which made people feel anxious.

Even Holt and others were affected.

At the cost of five fingers, the protoss · went to look at the results without seeing anything and ran in the opposite direction.

For the second time, I felt the fear spreading in my heart.

The shoes on the feet were completely cracked, some changes took place in the soles of the feet, and the swollen calf turned the pants into a beggar suit.

Speed ​​has increased again.

The obstacles on the way, all the bushes and stones were all ignored by the Goddess · Yu, and they were broken, smashed, and smashed. There was no way to stop his steps.

Suddenly, a clear and audible footsteps sounded, and the Goddess · Yu couldn't tell where it came from.

Back, left, or right?

Thinking about whether to evade in advance, he suddenly hit a motionless mountain on an iron plate.

A hand stretched over and pressed against the head of the protoss.


The back of the head was stuck directly to the back, and the neck of Divine Desire was broken by the hand.

However, this injury was just a leisure for him, as long as he was back, he could recover.

Tang Luo grabbed the head of Divine Desire and raised it up, so that his face was parallel to his head slightly below.

You can look at yourself.

"You're disobedient, devil." Tang Luo said looking at the progeny · Yu.

Protoss · Yu mouth trembled slightly, no sound was made.

"Oh." Tang Luo let go of his hand.

The goddess of liberty who wanted to fall back backwards, fell to the ground, the broken neck returned to normal, both feet were used, and crawled back.

The very standard "wait for death crawling back posture", without any exception, hit him on the tree just now he is now just a tall stump.

Tang Luo stepped towards the progeny and desire step by step, stood in front of him, lifted his feet, and stepped on.

Stepping on his chest prevented the Protoss · desire to continue to escape.

Divine descent wants to face those cold eyes, as if seeing a **** swirl.

To be devoured, no bones remain.

"Kill them, I will let you go." Tang Luo said, looking at the Goddess · Yu.

There is still hope, and hope will help him struggle.

"... Okay." The voice of Divine Desire was extremely hoarse, completely free from malice and mockery at first.

"Go, uh? What's your name?" Tang Luo stepped his left foot back to the ground.

"Yes, I am the blood of the great Lord, desire ..." Pause, the Goddess · Yue continued, "One of the shepherds in the new era."

"Shepherd? Oh, funny." Tang Luo laughed.

The protoss of descent desires faster and faster, rushing behind, and rushed behind DuPont.

The demons who besieged Dupont separated the path for the deities.

He also pointed like a knife, piercing DuPont's heart.

At this moment, the flame on DuPont's right arm spread to the whole body, and the high-temperature shock wave spread out with him as the center.

"You want to kill Uncle Ben, you are still ten thousand years old!"

The whole man turned into coke, but DuPont growled without death.

Half of the demons around flew out, with flames burning on their bodies, and half of them turned completely into fireballs. They must not survive.

As for the deities, the golden hair was burned off more than half, and the clothes on his body were fused with his body, looking terrible.

He flew out and was recovering, but not as fast as before.

This is the damage caused by the sacred heart, and the so-called deities can't recover quickly.

In contrast, Tang Luo brought great fear to the deities, but the damage he could cause was far less than the explosion of DuPont.

"One ..." The Protoss · Yu barely stood, watching DuPont whispering, reminding Tang Luo that he had completed one fifth of his goal.

But the next second, Goddess almost wanted to stare out his eyes.

He saw that the breath was weak, and DuPont, who was about to fail, started to shake, and the breath began to rise.

The burning flame on his body returned to his right arm like flowing water.

The original flame looked much denser than it was at first, and even gave people a physical feeling.

"I ... have gotten stronger." The bald Dupont slowly turned around, looking at the Provenance, "You, come and die!"

Very arrogant.

The protoss · turned violently and looked at Tang Luo.

Tang Luo looked at him indifferently.

"Oh ... ha ha ha ha!" The protoss · laughed softly, the laughter gradually changed, and finally laughed wildly.

Yes, the same!

This white-haired man, like him, seemed to give people a little hope, making them struggle to survive and crawl hard.

Then, at the critical moment, slowly close the door of hope.

Appreciate their most desperate looks.

This kind of thing is exactly what his goddess · Yu likes to do. Such intense feelings are food for him.

Now, this fierce and uncontrollable emotion erupts in him, which is a bitter taste.

Protoss · rushes to DuPont.

Hate hate Kill kill!

Dupont spurred him, and this little ghost's monstrous hatred made him stiff.


Fortunately, Holt arrived in time, with a sword to stand the attack of the prodigy and desire, by the way sent DuPont a word.

If you have time to talk nonsense, you might as well attack immediately.

Holt scolded people for good reason.

Fifteen minutes later.

The black powder blew in the wind, and the goddess · want to lie on the ground, Holt's great sword nailed him to death, almost dividing him into two halves.

Clemente's whip tied his hands and feet, and fell into the ground again.

Keep it from moving.

As far as strength is concerned, there is nothing wrong with a descent who wants to deal with two or three generals by one person.

In the face of five, most of them can run.

Coupled with a group of demons, it is clear that they will not lose.

He Nai has a "plug-in" opposite, not to mention the limit is changed from five to five, even if it is changed from one to another, there is no way for Divine Desire to complete.

Still being captured.

The reason for this was, of course, that Holt wanted to question.

You know, the devil will not disclose any information to the exorcist. Higher demon can only communicate, but it does not mean that they can communicate.

Facing the exorcist, the devil is never afraid of death, and never ends.

In contrast, this divine descent may be able to reveal useful information.

"You said that you are the blood of the World Destroyer and his son?" Holt asked ~ ~ How many blood sons like you? "

I don't care how you come, there are still a few that care about you.

Point directly to the key.

"My brothers will tear you apart." Protoss, looking at Holt, "your bones will be my best toy."

Talking, his body started to swell, and he seemed to want to explode?

Even two divine weapons failed to stop.

"Dare you just whip the corpse?"

Let the voice of the divine dread desire come from the top of the head, replace the sky with one foot, and crush the head of the divine descent.

His applauded body dried up quickly.

"Very well, this operation was very successful."

Feeling the power of increased merit, Tang Luo announced the successful conclusion of this book.

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