Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 570: Rewind!

Hundreds of exorcists were murderous and rushed into the pit.

The devil inside also wailed, and the war started!

DuPont took the lead, holding his palm high, and the flames converged into the palm of the hand, forming a huge fireball, which he smashed into the demon group of deep holes.

The flames soared into the sky, and the flames formed a pillar of fire, spinning, engulfing the surrounding demons.

Flame storm!

Just before DuPont smiled, shouting something similar to "Uncle really niubi", a fragile figure jumped up, appeared beside the fire storm, and punched out!

The terrible howling winds roared and the majestic strength surged.

Even with his fists, he shattered the pillars of fire, and the sparks of Mars drifted like a drizzle of golden red.

Xira fell on a tall, medium-sized demon, eyes narrow and cruel.

The terrible murderous energies emanating from her body made people shudder, as if she were the embodiment of killing.


Xila's eyes glowed red, and his face was full of blue tendons, making that delicate face very shy.

Two other Protoss also appeared beside her.

The footsteps of Holt and others stopped involuntarily. The oppression brought by the three opponents in front of them made people feel erect, like thorns on their backs.

The cold dagger clung to his throat.

Each of these three people is stronger than the deities, and more dangerous!

"come on."

Without waiting for the three deities to attack, voices came from the sky.

Tang Luo stretched out his hand, and the three protoss flew up in the air at the same time, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and flying towards Tang Luo.


Holt stabbed into the ground with his sword as a starting point, forming a sharp-edged channel, piercing the demons wherever he went.

After becoming stronger, he can already control his sword tomb to some extent.

The battle between the exorcist and the demon officially broke out!

On the other side, the three deities of Cyrah were dropped to the ground.

Tang Luo landed in front of them, and looked with interest.

The blue tendon on Xira's face was squirming like a worm, and his mouth opened a growl, rushing towards Tang Luo.

With five fingers spread out on his right hand, his nails popped out, like five knives, piercing Tang Luo's head.

Tang Luo's immortal golden body made Xira's attack futile: "Divine, are there only four people?"

"What do you mean?" Larry, a middle-aged man who was about to make a shot, stopped.

"I have your portraits here." Tang Luo took out a few pictures without delay and scattered the immortal golden body. One side of the body avoided the claws of Xyla, and he just squeezed the portraits into Xyla's hands. Gave her a kick.

Cyrah flew out, landed back, and didn't attack again.

Glancing at the portrait in hand, Xira asked, "Did you paint it?"

"No." Tang Luo shook his head. "It was sent to us by a stranger. Someone has mastered your appearance."

Both Larry and Simon narrowed their eyes and saw a portrait of this little one, and they knew a bit in their hearts.


Xira responded slightly more slowly, and the sound of gritting teeth came from her mouth.

Abel pitted them!

Abel must have sold the information to the clergy. No wonder this guy has been slow to show up, and said that he is attacking the clergy.

Well, there is actually no problem in attacking the Holy Orders. Abel arranged a lot of attacks, but they were resolved one by one by Tang Luo and did not play a role.

"No wonder the number of demons feels a lot less and hesitates to come!" Larry Shen said.

After besieging the city, they found that the number of demons was much smaller than expected. At that time, they didn't care about it. Now they thought that it must be that Abel secretly transferred a lot of demons.

In this way, we can weaken our own strength.

The Protoss is proud and arrogant, but it is not arrogant to be stupid. I don't think that using three people is enough to face hundreds of exorcists.

Demon assistance is necessary.

Now the trio have no way to transfer the demon back. The Protoss can order the demon from space, but there are also distance restrictions.

The demons they can mobilize now are fighting the exorcist in the pit.

It's just that the three of them are still unknown. Why would Abel pit them?

You know, the deities are the blood of the Lord. The five are connected by blood, even crying because of the death of the other, although passive.

What good would Abel kill them?

Larry frowned: "Does that **** want to be the only godhead ?!"

After thinking about it, there is only such a result.

Tang Luo didn't rush, just looked at the three men.


With such a name, it wouldn't be difficult to find that deity. Don't forget, this person also reached into the holy group.

Successfully grasped the whereabouts of the exorcist army. Although not desperately covering up, Tang Luo's initial actions were not accurately grasped by anyone.

Only the Holy One can.

A man named Abel who had a sufficient influence on the holy order had narrowed to a certain extent.

It doesn't take much time to find him.

"Hey, the exorcist!" Syrah looked at Tang Luo. "Since it's Abel's ghost, should we continue to fight?"

"Maybe he's hiding somewhere, waiting for the opportunity, this insidious guy!" Said Larry. "We're going to lose both and we'll only make him cheap."

"Kill Abel first?" The old man Simon asked. "We know his home."

"No," Tang Luo said, "but"

He suddenly turned: "If you will take me to find the destroyer, I will consider it."

The source of the devil, the destroyer.

As soon as the words fell, Tang Luo saw the old man's eyes turned into black swirls, spinning wildly.

Countless things fell into the vortex, disappeared without a trace, and even a bubble could not emerge.

The moment he saw the old man's eyes, Tang Luo felt lost.

The consciousness of fighting, the power of fisting, and the idea of ​​resistance all seemed to be thrown into the black vortex and disappeared.

Protoss lost, Simon.

It can make the exorcists lose their power, fighting ideas, and even self-consciousness, wisdom, and their own existence!

Turns people into a meaningless walking dead.

The moment Simon's eyes turned into a vortex, Larry beside him also shot at Tang Luo.

He raised his hands, held the ball in front of his chest, and made a sharp turn, as if to twist something invisible.

Where Tang Luo is located, the scene is suddenly reversed by invisible forces, like a piece of tiled paper being crumpled into a ball.

Everything inside was twisted and torn apart.

Protoss twisted, Larry.

His ability is twisted, and he can twist the people he sees, things, and invisible attacks instantly, without giving people time to react.

Even Larry can distort people's hearts and achieve another terrible killing effect.

At the moment Simon let Tang Luo "lost", Larry twisted Tang Luo and directly "twisted" to death.

They seemed to be discussing just now, okay, they were actually discussing, but they still put the killing of Tang Luo in the first place.

All three knew that the exorcist in front of them was absolutely unprecedented.

That terrible destructive power has exceeded the limit that the three can reach.

Fortunately, the exorcist always has high attack and low defense. Just now Sila has tried it out. The opponent's defense method is just casual.

Whether it's Xyra's real force or Larry's twisted force, it can break the opponent's defense.

But for the sake of security, the three veiled their eyes vaguely, choosing Larry and Simon to attack at the same time, and kill the dangerous exorcist instantly.

Can't give him much chance!

Syrah saw that the black and red uniform belonging to the exorcist disappeared in the "twisted thing", and the blood was diffused.

A little relieved in my heart, it was.


Just then, Xylar heard a painful groan from Larry next to him.

His twisted hands holding the ball in front of his chest fell to his side, as if he had lost consciousness, and his ten fingers kept shaking.

Twisting Tangluo, Larry seems to have grasped a solid rock, no matter how twisted it can't shake the slightest.

Then, he was backswept for forcibly twisting, and his hands no longer belonged to him.

Simon next to Larry was also looking up, stepping back two steps, covering his eyes with his right hand, and blood was flowing from his fingers.

If Simon's whirlpool was the size of a pond, what he wanted to engulf it was a huge mountain.

Suppressed and turned the small pond into intangibles.

At the location where Tang Luo is, the scene can't be said to return to normal. The ground near his feet seems to have just been thrown away, and it is messy.

He himself, his black and red exorcist uniform disappeared.

It was replaced by a blood-stained golden robe.

The golden lines faintly radiate golden light. Instead of suppressing the blood color, it contrasts the blood color more clearly.

As if all white hair was dyed with a layer of red.

Jin Zhen's disguised camouflage was torn and torn, revealing the true look.


Xira made a sharp noise, as if millions of people were screaming at the same time.

A pair of black feathers grows behind her, and the black feathers fly around, forming a sickle in her hands!

Raise the sickle high ~ ~ severely cut down towards Tang Luo!

The killing of the gods, the most brilliant glory blooming in the killing!

Tang Luo raised his hand, catching Sila's sickle lightly.

It is easy to open gold broken stones, fossil powder sickle, in the hands of Tang Luo, as fragile as paper.

After grasping, the five fingers exerted a little force, and the sickle blade was instantly broken! Broken into a large number of black feathers, flying, disappearing into a strand of black gas.

Sheila fell to the ground, her hands clasped her head, rolled wildly, her face smashed to the extreme, and gaps continued to appear on her body. It seemed that an invisible sharp blade was cutting her body.

This is the intangible blade of the killing. The knife is not a knife, but the millions of blades created by the killing forces.

Then, these blades hit the **** sea of ​​corpses, shattered, and rolled back.

All three deities were seriously injured.

All hurt their own abilities.

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