Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 60: I lied to you just now

"Ah ah!"

It was extremely savage, and the screams of unconsciousness echoed in the villa.

Tuan Sidao had not been fully formed, and was smashed by Tang Luo with one palm.

The maggot fell into a large number of fragments.

碎片 These fragments are like flesh and blood, and have the sharpness of mirror fragments.

The cormorant left a lot of scratches on the ground.

Tang Luo's upward trend remains unchanged, grabbing the mirror and tearing it down.

The mirror kept shaking and "struggling" in Tang Luo's hands.

A burst of yin burst out from it, invading Tang Luo's body.

Tangluo palms folded tightly.

There were cracks on the mirror, and the screams were even more harsh.

I just echoed in the villa, which seemed strange.

In the fissures, dark red blood began to flow out.

I slid down to the ground along the mirror, and burst of white smoke, the sound of "Zi Zi" was endless.

I can do not have much time, the ground was corroded by the dark blood flowing out of the dense potholes.

The chipping on the mirror surface is increasing.

From the original thread to mesh.

The dark blood is less, it seems to be about to "dry out".

The screams also began to weaken.


With a crisp sound, Tang Luo's palms were completely closed.

The bronze mirror also shattered into a large number of pieces and fell to the ground.

This mirror demon is really dead.

Shake your right hand, shake, and completely shake off the dark blood stained on it.

"Tougher than expected ... Although there is no vitality, these magpies rely on 'blood food' and live a good life." The power of merit was generated and absorbed by merit Yulian. Tang Luo did not have much information, but slightly frown.

Don't watch him easily pinch the mirror demon.

I changed to a normal person and died immediately.

的 The gods and monsters who have experienced six missions can resist one or two.

But if you really want to cause any damage to the mirror demon, it is estimated that it must be a skill.

镜 This mirror monster body, if replaced with rollers or hydraulic presses, will not leave any cracks on it.

Its strength exceeds Than Luo's expectations.

"Who hangs the mirror on it?" The mirror demon's body hung in the air, and it felt more artificial.

Mirror demon is not a high-end ghost who has opened his mind.

At least the one killed by Tang Luo is not counted.

He is unlikely to make such a move.

There was no clue, Tang Luo took out his mobile phone while walking outside.

Call Qin Menglan.

He is an organized person. Now he needs organization to help him.

Didn't mention any related to the game of gods and demos, and briefly talked about the night.

Qin Menglan should take care of the follow-up.

I walked to the door of the villa courtyard on the other side.

The stupefied Wang Shuishui was lying on the ground, beside the ghostly woman.

"You ... I've called the police!"

Seeing Tang Luo appear again, the man said quickly, his voice trembling.

No deterrent.

"What a coincidence, me too." Tang Luo waved his mobile phone with a smile.

Although there is no double happiness.

But anyway, he saved a half man, and killed the mirror demon.

The harvest is good.

It's not too far from "there is only one success left for the teacher".

I have a success, I just want to fight, I vomit blood when I want to touch the fish and start to touch the fish.

He who is a master can't steal the attention of his disciples.

Master Boss ca n’t beat the boss, what did the master say?

I can't beat it anymore, it's just a real shame for Gil.

Naturally, there is only one success left, legally touch the fish, and give up the stage.

等等 "Wait, some of my apprentices are not there!"

Thinking of the key, the smile on Tang Luo's face disappeared instantly.

When I was traveling west, I couldn't touch the fish in order to become stronger.

I was now injured, and no apprentice was around, I still couldn't touch the fish.

In this life, is it toil?

Tang Luo couldn't help but fall into meditation.

In the distance, there was a faint alarm bell.


"Mirror monster?" Qin Menglan frowned into a "Chuan" word.

嗯 "Well, and I suspect that someone deliberately did it," Tang Luo said.

"I know, I will find someone to investigate." Qin Menglan nodded.

It has been more than ten days since the night of the spiritual adventure.

Things came to a close after science.

Qin Menglan came over to listen to Tang Luo in detail what happened.

Twenty-two is to give him a certificate.

The third reason is that the party time is coming.

I just happened to have something here with Tang Luo.

Qin Menglan came to visit him personally.

The documents I took were journalist IDs from outside, as well as the identity of a consultant who approached the science column.

There is also a special work certificate.

什么 When you encounter something, you can use it when you need to contact the official.

It is worth mentioning that apart from the press card, the name used to express his identity is "Xuan Zang".

He joined the walking of the gods and demons who walked into science, and many of them have dual identities.

The "false identity" can be used when completing the task of approaching science. The gatherings between gods and demon walks, get along, and also appear as this identity.

For example, Tang Luo's "Xuanzang Master".

The real identity is completely separated from those things.

条件 The conditional demon walks, in order to be completely separated, without affecting his relatives and friends.

Also appears in two completely different faces.

Except for a few contacts such as Qin Menglan, most of the other demons walking did not know that A and B were actually one person.

Tangluo has no scruples and appears completely in true colors.

Accurately speaking, he was not worried at all about what would happen in real life because of the identity of the demon walking.

Even, he intends to reveal his identity as the holder of his life form.

For what, of course, for fishing.

Let the mobs moth the fire.

Spread the net wide and fish more.

For the sake of life, and for the benefit of Tang Luo's demon walking, the probability of wicked people will definitely be higher.

Tangluo plans to be the brightest star in the night sky.

He has nothing to hide from his glory.

Are you coming to hit me!

I am sitting at home, and merit is up in the sky. I feel happy when I think about it.

"Are you sure you want to wear it like this?"

Qi Qin Menglan looked at a gorgeous monk robe and followed Tang Luo who was attending a man exhibition, and did not want to go with him at all.

"Not handsome?"

Tang Luo said.

Free-growing hair has already been taken care of, and now Tangluo has another face.

"... Exaggerated." Qin Menglan said.

Isn't this handsome or not?

"I am the president and sole employee of Kaiguang News Agency, and I am my own advertisement." Tang Luozhenzhen has a word.

"You dress like this in the mission of gods and demons." Qin Menglan was helpless, "We want to be low-key."

I feel that other life-frame holders are very low-key in the real world.

怎么 What's going on with this guy?


Tang Luo thought about it, returned to the room, stuffed his clothes into the suitcase, and changed into casual clothes.

It doesn't matter if he is high-profile.

But this time I was walking with Qin Menglan, and it took her a high profile, it was not good.

Others ran over thousands of miles to send money, but also to give me the opportunity to gain merit.

Tang Luo felt that he needed to think about Qin Menglan.

"Let's go."

Looking at Tang Luo who came out again, Qin Menglan suddenly felt quite comfortable.

It was too eye-catching.

I stunned the brain and got a golden light.

Boarded the plane.

Tangluo's eyes stared like copper bells, emitting lightning-like savvy, ears erected like antennas, all suspicious sounds heard.

"What are you doing looking around?" Qin Menglan looked at Tang Luo, who looked around like a child, "is this the first time you have flown?"

I'm an adult, and even if I'm flying for the first time, I have to show that I often take a flight.

"the first time."

Tang Luo said.

Before I crossed, he was on the high-speed rail.

"Aren't you afraid?" Qin Menglan asked.

Many gods are unwilling to fly by plane.

I am not timid, but I do not like the feeling that I have no control over my life.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, once something goes wrong, I have spent six walks of the demon, and unless I have the right skills, I will die.

Change to other means of transportation, either on the ground or at sea.

When encountering danger, the demon walking can at least control his own life.

Bian Weili attributed to himself and followed the line of "no dependence on foreign objects".

没有 "No, I'm watching to see if there is a dangerous situation," Tang Luo said, "such as hijacking or something, I can save people."

I can't touch the fish, just work hard.

Tang Luo's ability to adjust his mentality is first-rate.

"Watch less movies." Qin Menglan sighed.

"The movie is also based on real-life events," Tang Luo said.

"It's 8012." Qin Menglan said.

Nowadays, the strictness of security checks is estimated to be hijacked with potatoes.

不用 "Don't worry, if you are in danger, I will save you, free!" Tang Luo gave Qin Menglan a thumbs up.

"I'm worried about a ghost!"

Qin Menglan feels tired.

For the first time, I felt that it was so difficult to communicate with people.

Tong Mingming judged from the data that Tang Luo, who had grown up in that family environment, was calmer and more mature than his peers.

After you become a demon and walk, people who are not inflated will only become more calm and mature.

Calm down to a level of indifference.

Why does this guy in front of me feel like he is back in his youth?

Is it because of the influence of life?

中 Are there any hot bloodlines among the famous monks?

The plane took off and flew smoothly ~ ~ There was no hijacking and the stewardess began to distribute food.

Both Qin Menglan and Tang Luo refused, as long as they had a glass of water and a glass of orange juice.

Short journey, they are not hungry.

There is nothing delicious on the plane. Fill your belly when you are hungry.

After a while, some commotion came from behind.

After a while, the radio sounded, and a passenger suddenly became ill and needed the help of medical staff.

Tang Luo suddenly stood up: "Let me here, I'm a doctor!"

Qin Menglan was stunned, your doctor is a ghost.

You are an undergraduate.

And it's all 60 minutes long.

"Are you a doctor?" The stewardess also stunned.

It is rare for a young and handsome doctor to be a white-haired doctor.

"Yes." Tangluo pointed to his white hair, "Seeing it, the sequelae of medical endorsement."

"..." The stewardess immediately believed.

A few minutes later.

Tang Luo returned to his seat in praise.

"... Your" open light "?" Qin Menglan couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

意识到 She realized that Kai Guang is not the other party taking advantage of her, talking about it.

Maybe it's the other party's skills?

Rare healing skills!

"Um." Tang Luo said, "All said, I'm the president of Kaiguang Society, Tong Tong is not bullying."

"Aren't you a doctor?"

The stewardess next to blinked, wondering.

开 Which opening light, it sounds strange.

"The one who lied to you just now, the poor monk's name is Xuanzhang." Tang Luo said, sending a business card, "Professional demons and demons, open to people, don't work without money"


Stewardess suddenly wanted to call the police again.

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