Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 777: Ugly

"You speak, why don't you speak?" Tang Luo asked, grasping Yudi's neck.

As a jade emperor, why don't you have any quality?

"Oh, sorry." After a few seconds, Tang Luo let go.

He held the Jade Emperor at 360 degrees, so it was normal for the Jade Emperor to be speechless.

You can start talking, and the Jade Emperor immediately shouted, "Go to Xitian and invite the Buddha like Buddha!"

This is dangerous and cannot be defeated. We must move the soldiers!

Why don't you go closer to Laojun?

Tang Luo wasn't clear, but whether it was Rulai or Taishang Laojun, there was not much difference.

He also hoped to come to Rugao Buddha, Tang Luo said to Taibai Venus over there: "Yes, go to Xitian to invite Rugao Buddha."

With the command of His Majesty and the enemy, Taibai Venus ran away without saying a word. No, it was to go to Xitian to invite Buddha to come.

It ’s very fast. It ’s a goodwill ambassador in heaven. How can you run around without speed and how to be an ambassador?

As for the gods and celestial generals in Ling Xiao Bao Temple, they had no effect, they all trembled under the strong power of Tang Luo, and they were quite at ease.

Saw it, the Jade Emperor was in the hands of this demon, someone else was held hostage!

They didn't do it for the safety of Jade Emperor, definitely not because of counseling.

"Who are you!"

Jade Emperor shouting the rescue plan looked at Tang Luo and asked.

"Master Sun Wukong, Tang Xuanzhang," Tang Luo said, "not the ancestor of Bodhi."


It may be that he had finished calling for rescue, and now the Jade Emperor was rather tough and sneered.

It is indeed the Lord of the Three Realms on the surface.

Tang Luo admired such a tough guy, so he pressed his head and had close contact with the white jade slab of Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

Facts have proved that the man who can become the master of the Three Realms has a hard head.

The head iron level did not disappoint.

Let go of the dazzling Jade Emperor, Tang Luo walked to the daily throne of the Jade Emperor, and simply sat down.

Leaning back on the chair, as relaxed as going home.

Speaking of which, Tang Luo also met the Jade Emperor in the mountains and seas.

Compared with this jade emperor, the jade emperor in the mountains and seas is still a little different.

This jade emperor looked majestic and full, but he unknowingly gave a vague feeling.

Combining the close relationship between this side of the world and Sun Wukong, in Sun Wukong, the jade emperor is actually an image of fierce inner contempt?

The Jade Emperor slowly stood up and glanced at the sword in his hand. The sword body did not know when it had been broken, leaving only a hilt.

He smashed the hilt of the sword to the ground and threw the "handle".

Behind him are a number of well-known gods such as Li Jing, Jin Mao, Mu Yi, Ju Ling Shen, Wang Ling Guan.

The Lingxiao Palace was surrounded by the remaining Heaven Corps to prevent Tang Luo from fleeing.

Tang Luo naturally did not want to escape at all, tossing the golden hoop in his hand up and down.

"This is, the golden hoop of the demon monkey?" All the gods finally saw what magic weapon Tang Luo used, and they were all shocked.

"Yes," Tang Luo said, "the poor monk has repeatedly emphasized that the poor monk is the master of Sun Wukong, and this golden hoop is proof. If you do n’t believe it, the poor monk can give you a hoop spell. Does anyone want to try?


Lie to the ghost!

None of these fairies believe, but none of them are willing to try it.

Since they did not take the initiative, Tang Luo had to take the initiative.

He grabbed it at will, grabbed a fairy and stepped forward, who it is, I don't know.

There are a lot of immortals in the heavens, and Tang Luo cannot know everyone.

Put the gold hoop on the head of the goddess who resisted strongly, and Tang Luo reached into the two small circles formed in the middle of the gold hoop.

Start to gather in the middle.

The fairy shouted in pain, her head almost shattered by the shrinking gold hoop.

Tang Luo stopped, and restored the gold hoop to a normal size gold hoop without disappointing him. There is no difference between plasticity and genuine.

It is worthy of the familiar stuff of Sun Wukong, with a high degree of reduction.

Taking the golden hoop back, Tang Luozhi glanced proudly at the gods: "Seeing this exquisite tight curse, now do you believe it?"


If this monster's strength is unfathomable, don't act rashly.

Everyone had rushed up and destroyed him.

For thousands of years since the establishment of the heavenly court, it was the first time to suffer such a huge humiliation, and when the monster monkey made a big noise at the palace, it would not have upset several palaces.

Just smashed a few gardens.

Physical battle damage, it can be rebuilt in a little time, and it can be better than before.

Some open-minded deities use the demon monkey to help them "remove the old and welcome the new."

But this "Tang Xuanzhang" who claims to be Master Monkey is different. What he did was to throw the faces of the heavenly gods on the ground and step on it.

Mental war damage can only be compensated by the blood of the other party.

"Where did you get the gold hoop?" The Jade Emperor asked, not even glancing at the unknown little **** fairy whose head was turning into a gourd under Tang Luo's feet.

"Huaguoshan, Shuiliandong." Tang Luo laughed. "Don't wear this thing and take the golden hoop. Sun Wukong should start on the path of learning again, right?"

The gods responded with silence, which is considered the default.

"So, the gold hoop is there, and the gold hoop stick is still waiting to be taken away. What about Sun Wukong?" Tang Luo hung the gold hoop on his wrist at random, and gestured to the side, "So big ... sorry, so tall Where's Sun Wukong? "

He gestured, about one meter six.

It's a little taller than the current Tang Luo. In another half a month, Tang Luo can achieve the overtaking and look down at Sun Wukong.

"That monkey, isn't that short?" Said the long-awaited Nezha.

It looks even more beautiful than the deity of Nezha in the mountains and seas.

Here to explain, Nezha's gender issues. At the beginning, Nezha was a ball, and later he was a man.

This is fine.

Later, Nezha was transformed into a lotus root, because it is a rare soul and body, and it is truly genderless.

But because he was a "male" at the beginning, everyone assumed that he was a lotus man.

And now this ... is obviously feminine and belongs to the lotus girl.

Think about it, Sun Wukong used to call Nezha "the little girl" at the time, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Obviously no one is much shorter than him.

"Oh?" Tang Luo raised an eyebrow when he heard Nezha's words, and made a meaningless laughter.

Laughing, a sense of killing came from outside Lingxiao Baodian, like Xiao Se's autumn wind.

"Brother Yang!"

Nezha reacted the fastest and immediately looked backwards.

At the entrance of Lingxiao Baodian, a figure appeared, striding into it.

Yang Jian!

"... Is this the true image of Yang Huan in your mind?" Tang Luo continued with the interrupted laughter.

This Yang Yang is the one with the most contrast in Tang Luo's appearance so far, none of them.

Yang Ye who came in was tall, with a dark armor, a red plush neckline up to the neckline, and a dark red cloak.

A three-pointed two-edged knife with a golden blade in his hand.

His face was square, and the meat was raw.

The most special is Yang Yan's three eyes.

Normal eyes have only white eyes, no pupils, and vertical pupils are narrow, full-gold eyes.

An image of a white-eyed man with gangman muscle.

"People are very open to see you in the sky." Tang Luo muttered.

In the end, Sun Wukong uglyed Yang Yan like this.

This is not right. After laughing, Tang Luo felt that when he saw Sun Wukong, he needed to educate the monkey.

You can't be ugly because others are taller than you, and be motherly shorter than you.

Who taught you all this mess?

"Demon, suffer!"

Yang Yan's personality did not change. People didn't talk much about it. He entered the Lingxiao Palace. Without saying a word, he lifted a three-pointed and two-edged sword and stabbed.

Tang Luo stretched out two fingers, gripping the three-pointed and two-edged sword that stabbed in front of him.

The moment he was stopped by the three-pointed two-edged sword, the sky eye in the middle of the forehead of Yang Man, a muscular man with white eyes, shot a golden light, and immediately fell on Tang Luo's forehead.

Tang Luo's head tilted back slightly: "Not only is it ugly, it's weakened ..."

Not even a red mark.

The golden hoop smashed Yang Ye in his hand, and Tang Luo stood up. "Let me see what Rulai looks like."

Leaping up, the encirclement of the heavenly soldiers was torn again.

It seems that the purpose of these celestial soldiers forming a large circle of encirclement is to make Tang Luo shatter.

In the sky, the Brahman sound bursts, the light of the Buddha shines.

In the clouds, Buddha and Luohan appeared first, and then came the lotus throne, and the Buddha came.

Sitting on the top of the lotus throne is the six-footed golden Buddha.

Like the same statue of a golden Buddha, there is no expression, no joy or sorrow.

It can be said that it has been completely deified.

The one in the mountains and the sea is still a normal person, at most it is a solemn monk.

Not the "Buddha Statue" you see.

"See Buddha."

The heavenly gods came out in unison, saluting to Rulai.

Including the Jade Emperor, he also folded his waist.

That's why Yang Yan who just yelled was holding a fist. Nezha stood behind Yang Xuan and said something.

The status of the two sides is clear at a glance.

Taibai Venus emerged from the Luohan group, bypassed Tangluo, and returned to the heaven.

"You don't need to be polite." Rulai's voice came from the sky, like the morning bell and twilight, thought-provoking.

Liuzhang Jinshen kept his one-handed position on his chest, and "looked" on Tang Luo: "Who are you? Why are you posing as my disciples?"

This question was asked at a high level, making Tang Luo difficult to answer for a while.

how to answer? Could it be answered that the golden figure said, "I am your apprentice?"

It ’s hard to answer, so do n’t answer.

Tang Luo skipped this link ~ ~ and turned into a questioner: "Where is Sun Wukong?"

"The demon monkey is stubborn. Now it is being honed by the Red Dust. When it is worn away, it will learn again and again." Ru said.

Said the same as did not say.

Tang Luo pointed to Rulai: "Let's keep it simple. You tell me where he is. Or, if we fight, you tell me where he is."

That's what he said, but Tang Luo's eyes were full of zeal, and raising his hand was a palm.

Large glass nirvana handprints!

Huge palms emerged, and the photo was always coming.

"You are the enemy of the Buddha!"

As soon as the sound came, the morning bell and twilight drum turned into the sound of thunder, giving Tang Luo a direct character.

He didn't see any action, the huge golden palm fell from the sky.

Buddha's Palm!

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