Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 787: People's hearts are scattered, the team is not good to

At the moment of the "Seventy-two Changes", a voice echoed in Sun Wu's mind, as if to say that it was doomed.

Everything is doomed.

The gears of fate began to turn.

Follow the path that originally belonged to you.

If nothing sounds continuously.

Sun Wu closed his eyes. After a moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong and opened it suddenly.

I saw a white-haired boy standing with his mouth moving slightly, and those words were spoken from his mouth.

"It's you! You're sick!" Sun Wu jumped back violently, and was shocked by Bai Gujing in the sedan chair behind him.

"Mother." Sun Wu immediately lowered the sedan chair and put it down. "It's okay."

"Fu Jun"

Look at this pair of dogs and men show affection in public.

Tang Luo and others have revealed the unpopular expression of the world.

Et al. Refers to Tang Luo, Ao Yu, and Tang Monk.

Zhu Bajie is still sleeping in Gao Laozhuang. Sha Wujing's water polo head is "wandering". He has no side to his heart.

Gao Cuilan didn't care. She could do whatever Xiu Enai loved.

"Why are you again?" Bai Gujing was soothed, and Sun Wu looked at Tang Luo.

"Goku, we have a destiny," Tang Luo laughed.

"I'm not Goku or your apprentice." Sun Wu emphasized.

"Well," Tang Luo sighed. "You lick a dog like this, and now you don't even have a house. Don't you wake up?"

Sun Wu took a moment to understand Tang Luo's meaning.

"Furthermore, the Fuyu you use to save people is still mine, you see." Tang Luo casually took out a few of the painted blood Fuyu · treatment.

Sun Wuyi looked at Tang Seng at a different place.

Tang Seng nodded: "I didn't say that long ago, the amulet that healed your lady was given by the gods."

"But it's Fuyu!" Sun Wu said.

You claim to be a Buddhist disciple, what does it mean to be a Taoist Fu?

"Is it possible for us to speculate on the power of immortals?" Tang Seng said this was the basic operation.

Can mortals understand the immortal method?

"..." Sun Wu looked at the "Seventy-two Changes" in his hand, "This is also yours?"

Tang Luo shook his head: "No, Goku, this is what belongs to you originally."

"Don't impose any fate on me!" Sun Wu stared.

"No imposition." Tang Luo laughed. "You see, I have been moving to understand it, even your former companions have helped you collect it. If it is to be imposed, this golden hoop is already worn on you Over his head. "

Then, Tang Luo also took out the golden hoop and walked for a while, corroborating his own words.

"... Do I still want to thank you?" Sun Wu sneered.

"Come on your head later," Tang Luo laughed.

Sun Wu threw "The Seventy-two Changes" and picked up the sedan chair again, leaving.

In fact, he was not exclusive to Tang Luo, and he didn't even know why, and felt that he was credible.

But Bai Gujing said that Tang Luo was a demon, and he must consider the lady.

At the same time, Sun Wu also rejected this state of being manipulated.

So it went very crisply.

The world is so big, can he really find no other way to save his lady?

His Sun Wu didn't believe it!

"Sun Shizhu ..." Tang Seng wanted to stop Sun Wu.

Sun Wu said, "Monk, I respect you as a monk. Don't force me to do it."

"Hit, fight." Tang Luo applauded beside him.

Ao Yu was speechless for a while, is this the big demon?

The strange, mysterious and powerful image that was generated at the beginning of the mind gradually collapsed.

Tang Monk glanced helplessly at Tang Luo.

I beg you to accept the supernatural power, I persuaded Sun Wu to go to Xitian to study scriptures together.

Why don't you make trouble if you don't help?

Sun Wu also glared at Tang Luo. If he could not fight, he would start.

"Zhishen, hit him," Tang Luo said.

"Zhishen?" Tang Seng stunned, "Honest, young monk, Xuan Zang ..."

"No, your name is Zhishen."

"I'm not."

"No, you are."

"... Sir." Tang Seng was crying without tears, there must be something wrong.

Lord Buddha, how could it be like this, the Buddha who shocked the audience at that time?

"Amitabha, I defeated the Buddha with my fight. Why don't you give it to you?" Tang Luo instantly ascended to the sky, and the sight of mysterious gold did not die.

The golden translucent body is looming, standing upright, exuding endless divine power.

Tang Seng immediately nodded: "Poor monk, Zhishen."

"That's right, Zhishen, hit him." Tang Luo returned to the ground, pointing at Sun Wu.

"Sir, why is this?" Tang Seng asked.

"Of course, let this child experience the beatings of society, otherwise how can he improve?" Tang Luoli was right.

"But I can't beat it." Tang Seng beeped softly.

He and Sun Wu have discussed with each other. His Tang monk is born with divine power and can pull up willows, but Sun Wuwu is highly skilled.

He is not yet Sun Wu's opponent.

"It's okay, you lost someone else here." Tang Luo pointed to Ao Yu.

As for Sha Wujing, let him continue to spit bubbles, it is good to be carefree.

"..." Tang Seng thought it was too difficult, he was really too difficult.

Sun Wu also thought that life was so difficult.

Angrily, he lowered the sedan chair and rushed towards Tang Luo without saying a word.

Even if Tang Luo showed the posture of God and Buddha, he could not make him awed.

My Sun Wu is fearless!

"Slap ..."

Fearless Sun Wu was photographed on the ground.

Tang Luo randomly draws a charm and puts it on the Tang monk: "Okay, you have been strengthened, you can get up."

"... Sun Shizhu, offended." Tang Seng held his fist towards Sun Wu, "Drink!"

With a roar, he was almost dressed in tights.

"These two." Ao Yu paused and looked at Tang Luo and asked, "Are you sure you are Sun Wukong and Xuanzang Monk?"

"Sure," said Tang Luo. "What's wrong, is it different from what you used to know?"

Ao Yu nodded.

What "human" is Sun Wukong she knows? A powerful and irritable demon monkey is handsome and tall.

What about Master Xuanzang?

A rigorous ascetic monk, he didn't talk much, was unsmiling, stubborn, and pedantic, but even Aoyu had to admit that only such a person could go to Xitian to get the true scriptures.

The two in front of me are different.

"It doesn't matter, people grow." Tang Luo said.

Ao Yu looked at the two people who fought. Was this growth?

Well, at least the current Tang monk Kong Wu is powerful and can hit five or six himself before.

The strengthened Tang monk did not disappoint Tang Luo and quickly turned Sun Wuyi to the ground.

Of course, this also has something to do with Sun Luo being shot by Tang Luo in advance, and his body is full of pain.

Determining that Sun Wu did not have the power to fight again, Tang Seng put his hands up and stood next to the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, good and good."

You see, monks are so annoying.

Hit someone on the ground, and there is a sentence "Okay."

No wonder it was called a bald donkey.

"Zhishen, all hit people, don't applaud." Tang Luo educated disciples of Buddhism.

"Ah?" Tang Seng was very innocent. He didn't applaud.

He meant "sin and sin."

Just to explain, Tang Luo no longer ignored him, and walked down beside Sun Wu: "Goku, did you realize?"

"What are you talking about?" Sun Wu grinned.

"Being behind will be beaten," Tang Luo said. "Weakness is the original sin."

"I understand your unwillingness to be at your mercy, but you have nothing to rely on. You see, I'm squatting here now, and you can't even give me a punch. This Seventy-two Changes is your foundation. Depending on how you become stronger, you can only become stronger with this Seventy-two Changes, and you can resist when you become stronger. "

"Seventy-two changes, do you practice or not?"

Holding the tattered old seventy-two change, Tang Wu reluctantly swayed, Tang Luo started the preaching mode.

"The Dharma is boundless. Have you heard your inner voice, it is craving and calling."

"Actually, I'm not at the mercy, but I'm returning to you what was originally yours, do you feel it? Your heart is beating."

"Blood is boiling, strength is raging, desire is screaming, and growling."

"Come, take this Seventy-two Changes, get stronger, restore your previous strength, pick up the stick, clean up the world, and dispel the heavenly Buddha and smoke!"

Sun Wu jumped up and screamed.

Clothes and hair are automatic without wind.

That's right, he did feel deep in the body, with hidden powers surging and roaring.

He felt that he could kill a cow in one punch.

This ... It's true that the battle over the Buddha is true, "The Seventy-two Changes" really belongs to him.

When I heard the name, the sound of lingering in my heart did not come entirely from the dubbing.

Moreover, the surging power now illustrates this.

Sun Wu fisted, and the crossroads of fate were right in front of him.

Reaching out, Sun Wu took the "Seventy-two Changes" and began to read them.

Tang Luo stepped back with satisfaction.

"Hey, you just used the magical power just now, I heard it all." As a person who felt the boundlessness of the Dharma, Ao Yu knew exactly why Sun Wu would hang up in the sky.

"Amitabha Buddha, good and good." Tang Luo folded his hands, solemn treasure.

What the monk you are talking about does not understand.

Amitabha warned.

Ao Yu understood and kept silent.

Sun Wu over there watched "The Seventy-two Changes" at a very fast speed, and has entered the practice state of forgetting both things.

The breath on my body is undulating.

His breath gradually became harmonious, his body shrank unknowingly, and hovered in midair to form a ball.

Like a stone, more like a fetus.

The golden light gradually produced, and Sun Wu's long black hair was dyed with a layer of gold.

"Does the monkey come back then?" Ao Yu secretly said in her heart ~ ~ holding her breath.

At this time, Sun Wu was already eight points similar to Sun Wukong's human form.


Just then, Gao Cuilan, who had been standing quietly, suddenly became distorted.

I only heard her drink a spit, and a black blood arrow spewed out of her mouth, wrapped in endless resentment, and shot at Sun Wu.

This accident happened so suddenly that Ao Yu didn't respond.

The black blood arrow has come to Sun Wu.

Then he was randomly broken by Tang Luo.

With the blood arrow breaking, Gao Cuilan's body was old at the speed visible to the naked eye, and withered to the ground.

Tang Luo turned, no emotions were seen on his face: "Why are you doing this?"

People's hearts are scattered, the team is not easy to bring.

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