Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 82: Survival task? !!

"It hurts more than me."

Tangluo looked at the remnant of Xiaotian Dog and said secretly, "It was originally a 'stupid dog'. I don't know how much 'wisdom' is left."

He didn't expect much important information from this trail of remnants. Even if he recovers in the future, whether the dog can "remember" is a matter of two words.

"Forget it, get your body first."

Residual soul has been staying in the meritorious Yulian, and will naturally consume the merits.

Tangluo himself "lives" eagerly, and certainly cannot be reduced to "what a dog eats, what I eat".

With the current strength of the residual soul, it is enough to "enter the master" into an ordinary body and "wake up" to continue living.

He took off the demon suit, put on a casual clothes, and turned the light footsteps under his feet into a pair of casual shoes. Tang Luo walked out of the house and gave his body to Xiaotian Dog.

After two days.

A news report said that the black-footed cat cubs that had just died and were intended to make specimens were stolen, without much attention.

"Dog, jump."

In the living room of his home, Tang Luo looked at the kitten similar to the slap and issued an order.




The dog in front of his eyes jumped a bit, and then Wang and Meow again. If the sound came out, the neighbors thought that there was a cat-dog battle in Tangluo.

"Hand-" Tang Luo reached out his hand.

Howling Tengu tilted his head in doubt, raised his paw, and placed it on Tang Luo's palm.

"Sure enough, now it can only be regarded as a particularly smart pet." Tang Luo's guess did not deviate.

Xun Canshun did not know who he was at all, just because of a little residual instinct, he was a bit afraid of Tang Luo, and he was a little close.

Grabbed the dog, put it on her palm, and Tang Luo reached the other hand to her mouth.

"Bite," he said.

汪 "Wang?" Gradually adapted to the new body, the current dog can now "meow" and "wang", transforming freely.


Tang Luo repeated, his eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Hagi's croak was lying on his hands and instantly exploded, standing on all fours, and a cloud of black hair burst from his body.

The black mist swelled, forming a huge image of a wolf's head, and biting towards Tang Luo.

But the target is not Tang Luo's hand, but his head.

The gigantic wolf's head opened his mouth like a black hole, which was enough to swallow Tang Luo's head.

Tang Luo raised his right hand and blocked the wolf's head sideways.

The jackal's head was closed, and he bitten on his arm fiercely, as if he was going to tear, and as Tang Luo's arm shook, it disappeared.


Howling Tengu uttered a "scream of a dragon," with his legs crooked, lying on the ground on Tang Luo's palm, blinking, and soon fell asleep. He looked exhausted.

"It's barely a blow."

With this sip, the power is far worse than the one in the mission world, not to mention the bite that is normal to the Hout Tengu, and the Hout Tengu is a biteful. There are not many "people" who can wait and see.

Of course, the evaluation of this mouth is based on Tang Luo's vision.

When the normal demon walks and sees, he will certainly give the Xiaotian dog as a treasure.

Put the sleeping dog on the sofa, Tang Luo went to cook for himself.

Anyway, idle is also idle, you know, now Tang Luo is not only a chartered public, but also approached a scientific expert consultant.

I have two "salaries" in the salted fish lying at home, naturally I do whatever I want.

"Is anyone illegal?"

"No? Is there anything weird about that?"

"No. Well, do you have any enemies, I will help you get revenge?"

"Why is there nothing?"

"I love work, work makes me happy! You let me be a salted fish at home?"

Tang Luo was holding his mobile phone, and he really loved it.

I have been lying for more than a month since the last mission returned.

Tong Mingming attended another party and issued a bunch of business cards. Why is there no work to do?

The version of the black-footed cat next to the tortoise lazily moved his tail, adjusted a comfortable posture, and continued to sleep.

"If you want to punish evil and promote good, go for charity." Qin Menglan over the phone was weak.

"No, there is no money." Tang Luoli was straightforward.

It is impossible to do charity in charity. In this life, it is impossible to do charity. You can only rely on beating the head of the wicked to gain the power of virtue.

"If there is a job, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible." Qin Menglan said, "And ... a lot of people know you."

提醒 Vaguely reminded Tang Luo.

How can any **** and demon walk so high-profile and issue business cards everywhere, I wish that the gods and demon walks throughout China knew him.

"Well doing business, it must be like this." Tang Luo said.

"Well, that's it." For fear of Tang Luo getting involved in "work", Qin Menglan quickly hung up the phone.

He wondered what his life was, and why he was so attached to things like punishing evil and promoting good.

Is it really a Tang monk? But isn't Tang Seng good at studying scriptures?

And there is a weak chicken in the westward journey. Even if it is the Tang monk's life, shouldn't he take the "tamer trainer line"?

Wait, when it comes to animal trainers ...

Qin Menglan remembered that she heard that someone's life style was "Pokémon Trainer Xiao Zhi".

Pokémon did not.

But brute force is amazing!

Once the thoughts diverge, it is difficult to recover them.

After a while, Qin Menglan returned to God: "I forgot to tell him something after six missions."

After going through six missions, in addition to the basic strengthening, there will be some changes in the mission.

Dialed the phone again, Qin Menglan opened his door and said, "How many tasks have you experienced?"

"Three times, four times right away," Tang Luo said.

"Only three times? Regarding the mission, there will be some changes after six times. I have detailed information here, and I will tell you next time." Qin Menglan said.

"Oh, okay," Tang Luo said.

I put down the phone again, Qin Menglan looked at the table silently.

He then put his head on the table, and sure enough he didn't want to speak to creatures like Ou Huang.

原 She originally thought that Tang Luo should be a **** and demon who walked five or six missions, plus the identity of the holder of the life pattern, to be able to have the strength now manifested.

I didn't expect that he had gone through three missions?

what does this mean?

Means that for each mission, Tang Luo gains far more benefits than the demon walking to complete the mission normally, so that he can have such strength in just three missions.

只是 "Just, it ’s a bit wrong when it comes to time." Qin Menglan looked up again, and there was no red mark on the forehead of Guang Jie.

The task interval is not uniform, but in the early stage, how much can be calculated.

According to Tang Luo's data, time estimates, it should be that he has experienced five or six walks of the demon.

Why did he say he was only three times ...

Is it deliberately releasing false news?

As an intelligence worker, Qin Menglan couldn't help thinking a lot.

If Tang Luo knew it, she would tell her—I really only had three missions, and the monk did n’t slang.


Tang Luo put down his phone, rubbed the cat's head by the way, walked into the bedroom, and put on a demon outfit.

I put it on the shelf, and the ominous thing that I didn't take out at the last mission was put into the palm of my hand.

Wear the other two gears directly.

Yes, the monk did not slang, and said that the fourth task was about to be performed immediately.

Sitting on the sofa as usual, Tang Luo glanced at the time, closed his eyes, and waited quietly to start the task.

睁 Anyway, I opened my eyes a few times and couldn't see why.




There was a cat and a dog barking in his ears.

Tang Luo opened his eyes, and the surrounding scenes have changed.

"What's the matter, no task reminder?" Tang Luo stood up. "And why did the dog come in?"

哮 On the dirty floor in front of him, Xiaotian dog barked, with a little threatening meaning, fully expressing the anxiety that he suddenly came to a strange environment.

I haven't carefully looked at the surrounding environment, and I don't know where a gust of wind came, blowing a note to Tang Luo's feet.

He bent down and picked up the note with some words on it--

I live, and live with your little things.

The words in the eyes came into my eyes, and the voice of the task finally sounded.

The next line of the character is a row of **** countdowns, 29 days, 23 hours, 60 minutes and 60 seconds.

The countdown is still in a state where it will not move. It is estimated that what conditions need to be met to trigger it.

From the countdown, Tang Luo and Xiaotian Dog need to "live" for a total of thirty days.

Obviously, this is a survival task.

I still don't have a companion's survival task-here is Tang Luo alone.

There is another dog that looks like a cat but is actually a dog.

The task summed up was-someone was going to kill me, and my dog.

"I won't think of you as one of the gods walking, right?" Tang Luo glanced at Tiantian Dog ~ ~ for a while, he thought a lot.

The "your little thing" mentioned in the mission clearly refers to the dog.

Howling Sky Dog was brought out by Tang Luo from the mission world, or was made through merit Yulian.

Although Gongde Yulian is not an equipment obtained in the game of gods and demons, from the first mission, you can follow Tang Luo to enter the mission world.

Obviously, it was tacitly regarded as a "part" of Tang Luo, and how to say it is also Tang Luo's "native magic weapon".

Well, the crocodile dog that came out through "Gongde Yulian" has also been regarded as a part of Tang Luo by default?

Therefore also entered the task.

After all, Ke Ke Tian Hei is a living creature, and actually exists independently of Tang Luo, not his magic weapon.

So, this completely different task from the first three times, maybe the test or punishment given by the demon?

I went through it. Later, Xiaotiangu successfully "washed white", and with legal status, became Tang Luo's help, which is equivalent to equipment.

I ca n’t stand it. I ’m lucky, my dog ​​is dead, my luck is bad, both of them die here?

Don't know for sure which one is correct.

注意到 He noticed that there was a line of small notes under the countdown--

Please note that your appearance has changed in the eyes of others.

"Dog, don't bark," Tang Luo said.

Howling Tengu stopped, ran to Tangluo's legs, and stunned his head.

"Yang Ye will be jealous when he sees it."

Tang Luo grabbed the dog and put it on the bed.

The place where he is is a rather small room.

It looks old, but all kinds of facilities are available, what should be in a small hotel.

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