Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 863: Scarlet Luck!

They did not bother Lu Bu and Zhou Yan who fell.

Tang Luo turned down and looked at Ao Yulie.

Ao Yulie grinned sharply, "Master, how about this dub?"

Just now Tang Luo wasn't talking, but Ao Yulie was dubbing, the voice fell from the sky, with the echoes overlapping, the sound of the magic sound was pitiful.

Very suitable for Tang Luoru today's demon figure.

As a "demon of the sky", what if you don't want something special?

"... Okay." Tang Luo responded, feeling slightly exaggerated, but the effect should be good.

According to Ao Yulie, there is a triple game.

The first is Jia Rong, who has been transformed from a celestial being into a celestial demon. The strength is still there.

The second important point is that others see a strong hint of indignation from this strength. If the sky demon is really invincible, why hurriedly come and hurried away, only one arrow, made a huge momentum, but failed to kill Zhou Yan Lu Bu?

Yes, Zhou Zheng and Lu Bu were seriously injured but not dead.

So, the demon has a sting!

The third important point is the "sky demon has a sorrow" that Ao Yulie deliberately let everyone see.

Ao Yulie's Triple Game!

As for the effect? You can tell right away.


A roar sounded, and Zhou Zhou and Lu Bu were seriously injured, which did not have the effect of deterring the heroes.

With the sound of murderous sky, the leading forces of the three parties began to charge, and 30,000 horses began to attack the city from three aspects.

It ’s hard to say siege, because the first city in the world does n’t have a gate, and the three parties drove straight into the city's wide main road.

Did not even encounter a little resistance, rushed towards the city's main mansion.

The sound of horseshoes was like a thunder, and on the roofs on both sides of the road, there were only scattered arrows shooting, which could not stop the footsteps of the three party cavalry.

Not long after, the cavalry had rushed under the inverted mountain, and it seemed that it was going up the road.

But suddenly the horse lost its forefoot.

It's as if someone has given a **** command, and it's like all horses are cut off by the invisible blade at the same time.

The hissing sounded, and the horse fell like rice harvested in autumn.

Some of the cavalry jumped away from the horse under their feet.

Another part of the martial arts was a little worse, failed to abandon the horse in time, fell into the horse herd, and became a ball.

"what happened?"

The change in the city caught the attention of outsiders, although it was clear that things would not go smoothly.

But this is no sign. What happened?

A horse fell to the ground and squeezed against each other. There was also a large number of warriors wearing armors. The weight of each other was superimposed, their hands and feet were weak, and they couldn't get up.

Those who ride in time are not much better, and many people fall in the air.

Originally, there was no one martial art, and he was so weak that he had recovered from a serious illness, and it was difficult to stand.

Not to mention waving the weapon in your hand.

In the sky, a black thunder fell, crashing on the ground, and black ripples spread out.

The entire first city of the world suddenly appeared black.

The black thunder surged, forming a sea of ​​black thunder.

Guishuiyin Lei Tianhe battles!

The city's main house, turning the edge of the mountain, Zhu Bajie lowered his head and held up his hands with both hands to urge the battle.

The black overcast thunder was like a sea wave, engulfing everyone.

Thunder surged in the world's first city, turning the city into a horrible thunder prison.

"How?" Tang Luo turned to look at the gossip furnace next to him.

Yang Yantian's eyes opened and closed: "Still, the Reaper is like the mother's will in the swarm. His consciousness is integrated into everyone, but the influence is not controlled, and it is impossible to separate and eliminate it.

"Since nothing can be done." Tang Luo looked at the hundreds of thousands of horses around him, "then all buried."

Yang Min reminded: "Be careful, what he should be planning. It's not as simple as setting the world up to defeat us."

"Well." Tang Luo nodded and said to Zhu Bajie, "The array is wide open."

Zhu Bajie's two-handed method changes.

The black thunder ocean turned into a torrential river, connected end to end, forming a circle that surrounded hundreds of thousands of horses outside the world's first city.

Black overcast thunders spread along the ground, covering just where those people were in just three or five breaths.

Make a mess.

Fortunately, there are powerful experts in all parties, and soon the confusion is calmed down.

Many masters of martial arts came out of the crowd and rushed to the first city in the world.

The situation seems different from what they expected at first.

The Jia family's methods are truly extraordinary.

If it wasn't for setting the world up, this trip would be unclear.

When a large number of first-class, master-level martial arts masters rushed to the first city in the world, Tang Luo again appeared over the first city in the world.

Unlike last time, the big bow in his hand turned into a black halberd.

The shape is even more stingy than Lu Bu ’s broken Xinfang Tianhua halberd. The blood-colored gun head and curved blade seem to have drank countless blood before showing such a dark and intense red.

"Human, it's filthy again."

Ao Yulie continued to dub, and everything must start and end.

Although Master looks indifferent on the surface, in fact, she still likes to dress up.

As his most beloved disciple, at this time, he must absolutely do what he wants and make the most correct choice.

Tang Luo didn't say anything, but his arms were turned upside down, and the metamorphosis halberd in his hand was raised slightly.

The halberd's head is tilted downwards. In Tang Luo's sight, the halberd of the mysterious change has "covered" hundreds of thousands of horses under his feet.

Spike down and fall!

Thousands can't defend!

Countless halberds descended from the sky, and in front of everyone's eyes, a murderous halberd appeared to them.

To take their lives!

Under the guru, all are ants. In front of the thousand hands, they have no time or opportunity to react, and blood is blooming.

Master Dayin, his body is really as fragile as paper. His master ’s martial arts practice resists in the face of the mysterious change halberd like a praying arm, shakes the tree, and follows the footsteps of those soldiers without giving a slight effect.

The Dagan royalty is worshipped, and the masters, masters, and masters have resorted to each other.

The sword and sword, the wind and the punch, bring out the violent power.

The metamorphic halberd is like falling into the water, piercing swimming fish, breaking their attacks and defenses, and completely nailing them.

Gu Shang, Gu Chao's joint attack did not work, the blood of each other was mixed.

The hidden shield in Li Lindao's hands was torn apart, and the shards hit the body with holes.

Zhen Tiandu and Xiaoyundao talked and laughed with pride and self-confidence, which turned into a look of terror, like a mask frozen on his face.

The transparent hand of Tianjing was broken by the halberd of metamorphosis, together with the self-destructive "Tianjing Body".


Dading's generals issued Tiger Roar, and the weapons in their hands greeted the halberd of metamorphosis.

Guan Yu dragged his sword, and the dragon-shaped sword on the blue dragon crescent moon encircled, and the sound of the dragon chant resounded through the three armies, welcoming the halberd of metamorphosis.

Collision! Cut the head of the dragon, break the blue dragon, kill Guan Yu, the halberd of the metamorphosis is like breaking the bamboo, kill the enemy with one stroke!

Zhang Fei ’s spear-like snake spear danced like a golden snake, biting the metamorphosis halberd in front of her, but was torn as much as possible, with the gun head and arc blade passing through her chest.

Blood, strength, and life die away.

As soon as the arrow in Huang Zhong's hand emerged from the string, he was broken by the metamorphosis halberd, and the bow, arms, and chest links disappeared.

After Ma Chaohu ’s head and gold gun broke, Xiliang Zhang, Izumo came out with his hands, but still couldn't stop the shadow of the less solid metaphysical halberd. When he fell, he saw Huang Zhong falling from his side.

Zhao Yun's right-handed gentian, left-handed green sword, flowers are dazzling, airtight, and intensive attacks continue to guide and weaken the power of the metamorphosis halberd.

The gentian was cut off, the green sword was broken, and the deep wounds in his arms showed the bone wound spreading to the whole body.

On the other side, in the Wu King camp, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Lu Xun and others died under the halberd of the mysterious transformation.

In the Wei king camp, the brothers of Xiahou could not stop the ghost during the metamorphosis. Wu Ziliang would also delay his death slightly.

Xu Zhu snarled, connected with his body, excited, and stalemateed by the metamorphosis halberd to the ground.

The severely injured Lu Bu and Zhou Yan were dead long before these martial arts masters.

one strike!

Bloody sky, hundreds of thousands of troops touched, leaving only a few live mouths.

Yes, a few people survived.

Da Ding is Zhao Yun. His blood is dripping from his body and he is full of wounds, but the martial arts ability of being able to get in and out of the "arms of the army" allowed him to successfully block thousands of hands.

On Dagan side, when the Xianyun Taoist descended from the mysterious halberd, his figure began to blur, almost turning into a smoke, shuttled through the army.

Use countless people to block the halberd of metamorphosis, and finally crush it after killing power.

Rao is so, but also paid the price of serious injuries.

There was also a "living mouth" unexpectedly in Dayin, not others, but Meng Wou, a master who surrendered professionally.

After Tang Luo became the common enemy of the world, Meng won the first run.

Meng Wou has never entered the city's main government and became a Jia family. At that time, Tang Luo only planned to use him to demonstrate the chess game.

The appearance of Liang Shan's residual soldiers made him useless, and was subsequently placed in the world's first city to survive and die.

But he was the first one to come out to the Jia family with great fanfare, which was quite symbolic.

Jiang Wei originally planned to arrest him for his special effect, but Zhu Bajie said that he would follow him, and no one would care about him anymore.

Unexpectedly mixed into Dayin, but actually survived.

Tang Luo glanced at Meng Gao, and it was another stab at mentioning the metamorphosis halberd. He didn't care why this guy hadn't died. Since he didn't die, then come again.

The moment Tang Luo shot.

The situation changed drastically, and the **** breath poured out from all the corpses, spreading, and immediately converged on Meng Gao.

Meng Gao's eyes were occupied by blood, and his hands were gripped. A blood-stained large knife appeared in his hand and waved at Tang Luo!

The spreading power of the metaphysical halberd and the **** sword collided, and the two penetrated each other silently, and there seemed to be no impact on each other.

Meng Gao's body burst into a mist of blood.

The **** sword light also fell on Tang Luo.

Blood light devoured Tang Luo's location, and his figure was faintly seen standing in midair.

"What's going on ?!" Pig Bajie, Ao Yulie and others changed their faces.

This situation is not what they expected.

Even Sun Wukong frowned, looking around, but couldn't find a suitable opponent to eat him.

"This seems to be ..." Yang Yan Shen said, "turning Qi into a force for real killing."

Luck, merit, are not the kind of force with direct killing power.

The luck reaper used special means to turn it into a horrible killing trick!

Hundreds of thousands of troops, including a large number of martial arts masters, reached their peak when they besieged the world ’s first city, and were buried by Tang Luo at the peak.

Death terror, restlessness, anger, resentment and luck.

The Qiyun Reaper condensed into a **** Qiyun sword, with the grievances of all beings, chopped down at Tang Luo.

This sword cannot be evaded, unable to resist, and unable to defend. As long as Tang Luoshang is in this world, he must bear it with his body, accept it completely and resist the sword.

Scarlet luck is like a knife!

The red of beings, the grudges of all beings, the sword of all beings!

In the blood-colored halo, Tang Luo was in the blood of the dead corpse, and the blood-colored gold-patterned brocade was constantly dripping with blood.

A white hair automatically without wind.

Surrounded by countless resentment, but dare not approach at all, can only growl from a distance.

That is the fear that is imprinted in the depths of the true spirit, and will die together unless it is completely destroyed.

"I thought it would be, lingering."

Tang Luo waved at will, tearing the grieving souls, and the blood halo surrounding him disappeared.

Put away the mysterious change, fell from the sky back to the city's mansion, Tang Luo looked to the gossip furnace and asked: "Lao Yang, can you open your eyes and see? That guy is probably not dead."

"I'm definitely not dead, but I don't need to open my eyes. Do you think Kaitian is eating and drinking? Very tired. I am an injured person, and such a trivial matter can be left to Xiaotian." Yang said.

Xiaotian dog “wheemed”, indicating that the luck harvester could be found completely, and hiding was no longer meaningful.

After weakening it to a certain extent, he can be completely forced out.

"Okay." Tang Luo turned to Zhu Bajie and walked over to what he was about to say, and suddenly stopped.

The ground below his right foot was inexplicably depressed, and a small pit appeared.

Under normal circumstances, when you step on your foot and fall down, your head will probably hit a sharp stone on the ground.

If you are an ordinary person, you will die if you are out of luck.

While Tang Luo stopped, a breeze blew through, and a fallen leaf fell from the branch of the small courtyard tree, fluttering with the wind, but the speed suddenly increased, hitting Tang Luo's neck like a hidden weapon.

Tang Luo didn't even move. The fallen leaf was blocked by Jin Jin's body and shattered.

"How is this going?"

"The aftermath of that knife?"

Ao Yulie and Zhu Bajie came over ~ ~ Sun Wukong turned around Tang Luo several times, his eyes blinked, his eyes were shining, like a welding, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"Hahahaha, Tang Xuanzhang, you are so bad!" Laughter of Yang Ye's gleeful laugh came, and people collapsed on the spot.

"What do you mean?" Tang Luo asked, Yang Yan looked at him with a glance at Tian Tian.

"I glanced at your doom, and unless you leave this world completely, it will probably be unlucky for a lifetime!" Just now I also said that Yang Ye who was very tired with a glance at Tian Tian, ​​in order to determine that Tang Luo was really unlucky At the same time, open your eyes again.

Tang Luo is indeed a halo of doom.

The **** luck knife is not completely useless.

Seeing Tang Luo step on the shit-like expression, Yang Yan suddenly opened his eyes that day.


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