Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 871: Kill for the nurse

The field was quiet, and many gods walked and stared at the white-haired monk who killed Kong Ming as soon as he appeared (?). Does this person say the legendary demon monk, the sage monk Tang Xuanzhang?

This came out and killed the famous Kong Ming! Oh, no, it was n’t choking, it was flying with a flying sword.

After strangling, he also said that he could help you strip your life.

That's right, the life form did come out, because people are dead!

What's so interesting about this stripping life pattern? And everyone knows that suicide is enough.

Lu Jingtian and Shang Wuren turned their heads and looked at Tang Luo with an incredible expression.

Even the indifferent Jiang Junren's expression almost collapsed.

Who am I, where am I, and what happened?

Kong Ming, why did you die? Don't die!

Also, is the suggestion you give out that everyone wipes his neck and commits suicide?

"What are you doing?" Lu Jingtian asked.

"Stripping life," Tang Luo said.

"People are dead! Kong Ming is dead!" Lu Jingtian really couldn't calm down.

He still hates Kong Ming and others, and even has the right time to kill Kong Ming without hesitation.

Lu Jingtian always thinks that these old guys are obstacles that keep the gods and demons from walking and becoming stronger.

Without them, demon walking would be stronger than it is now.

But this does not mean that he can accept that Kong Ming was killed for some reason.

This has too much impact.

For the old guys like Kong Ming, the best destination is to disappear into the task, no matter what method.

"You don't care if people die. I'll ask you, isn't the life style stripped?" Tang Luoli was right.


Lu Jingtian wanted to curse, but he didn't dare, because he was also afraid of being stripped of his life.

Looking at several other people who did not respond, Lu Jingtian said angrily: "You guys! Just look at it this way?"

Zhao Hongzhang ignored them.

"Um." The Akabido stood up. "That's me."

Tang Luo raised his sword, a touch of blood appeared, and an extra bloodline appeared in the throat of the Equatorial Taoist. He sat back in the chair, closed his eyes, and soon lost his interest.

Along with the spirits, Tang Luo also died by "sword throat".

She died quite simply.

However, after the death of the Equatorial Man, his life pieces did not appear.


This anomaly naturally attracted everyone's attention. What about the life forms (fragments) of Equatorial people?

His life style is a red letter in the Fengshen List. It is clear to everyone that his name is there.

Tang Luo stretched out his hand, the merit Yulian emerged from the eyebrows, and flickered on the two corpses.

Open your eyes again and live!

What is this operation?

Lu Jingtian didn't speak, feeling that he had been tricked.

It is rumored that Tang Xuanzhang is good at saving people by length. It is not fake, but it can really bring the dead back to life!

How powerful is that Yulian!

"Hoo ..." the resurrected Kong Ming exhaled a long breath.

"How do you feel?" Tang Luo asked.

"Weakened." Kong Ming said, this is an inevitable thing, "but the degree of weakening is much better than I expected."

He pointed to his head: "Everything is still there, the difference is just regain control, and power."

Said, Kong Ming gathered his hands around him, and then the right finger sword stretched out.

A flame burst forth from the fingertips, and the blaze of flames made people feel an enthusiasm.

It was a little worse than before, but Kong Ming was still able to perform smoothly, which proved that the disappearance of the life form had less influence on him.

Kong Ming was even confident that he would return to his former strength before the next mission.

As for the Equatorial, he said: "I just felt the great terror between life and death."

With his strength, he gave a little more support, and it wasn't an instantaneous death without feeling-Tang Luo could instantly kill the Equatorial Taoist, so that he could die without even feeling the death coming.

But it would be ugly to die like that, and it would take more merit to save it.

After the resurrection, the Equatorial people did not feel their strength decline at all, and there was one more thing: "What about my life?"

He didn't see his life.

"No, you haven't seen any broken pieces of life since you died," Tang Luo said.

"Why is this?" Kong Ming looked at the Chijingdao people.

Equators also shook their heads: "I'm sure I did accept the life piece fragments before becoming the holder of the life form."

"Don't worry, this should be a good thing," Tang Luo said.

Everyone listened with their ears raised.

"This means that the power of the Fragment of Life is fully mastered by you and becomes part of your own power, which is equivalent to the skills being integrated and not subject to any restrictions." Tang Luo analyzed.

"Really?" Chijingdao couldn't help but be pleased.

"Well." Tang Luo nodded. "But it could be‘ well ill ’. It ’s completely unsaved.”


"Master, look at the fragment of my life." Kong Ming shifted the topic, to avoid Tang Luo dying of Chijingdao's popularity here.

The court is large and public, the public eye is not good and loses identity.

Everyone is a big man with a head and a face. If it is not for demonstration and to dispel everyone's doubts, we will not show everyone death on the spot.

"Oh, okay." Tang Luo grabbed his hand and took Kong Ming's Zhuge Liang's life into his hands. He opened his mouth and swallowed it.

This move made Lu Jingtian a little bit still.

However, after the last veiled face, now he certainly will not rush to speak anymore.

Tang Luo swallowed the shard of life and completely absorbed its hidden power: "No, your shard of life is fine, it is non-toxic and harmless."

Kong Ming nodded, but did not feel regretful or anything.

Tang Luo's test is equivalent to the kind of match that can be lit, irreversible.

In the end, even if there is no problem with the life pattern, Tang Luo cannot spit it out to others.

Not willing or not, but really not.

"The sage monk can indeed strip off his life form, I believe everyone has seen it. If anyone wishes, the sage monk will strip the life form for you for free." The demonstration was almost complete, Kong Minglang said.

This is the suggestion he made.

It is also the greatest guarantee that he can obtain for the holder of life and death while the demon is walking.

With Tang Luo's shot, at least you don't have to worry about one day in the future, it is extremely powerful, and when you are full of anger, you suddenly become someone else's food.

The loss of life does not mean that everything is lost, it is only weakened, and there is a chance to rise again.

It depends on whether those people have such a decision.

Anyway, Kong Ming and Equatorial are decisive.

Next, Nie Zheng also died under Tang Luo's Metaphysical Sword, and pieces of his life form emerged. After his resurrection, his strength also declined.

But the degree of decline is even lower than that of Kong Ming.

His life pattern is also very incomplete, less than a third.

It seems that after the life form (fragment) is stripped, the degree of strength decline may be related to the integrity of the life form and also to people.

Kong Ming can be said to be not inferior to "the deity", but the sword **** Nie Zheng is better than blue out of blue.

His life style is "Nie Zheng", with the same name and surname as himself.

If it is the one in real history, it would not be enough for a thousand swordsmen, Niezheng.

Similarly, Nie Zheng's life form was determined to be innocuous after Tang Luo's "trial".

Of the eight directors, there are two left: Lv Jingtian and Jiang Junren.

They are still thinking that Tang Luo saved the others by waving his hand, but there was no difficulty at all.

Can they be saved?

Will there be a sentence "Sorry, I have tried my best"?

You know, in the minds of Lv Jingtian and others, Kong Ming and others are just stumbling blocks, while Tangluo is a mountain that can hardly surpass any hope.

It was difficult for them to make up their lives in the hands of Tang Luo.

This is their strongest enemy in the imagination.

Moreover, the other party will take the life form directly, which is difficult for Lu Jingtian to accept.

"Sacred monk, do me a favor! My son's life ..." A bald man came with his son of war.

The father and son are the literate father Kratos and the son of his God of War.

"Just your son?" Tang Luo asked.

"Um." Kratos nodded, and asked carefully, "I'll come again when his strength recovers, do you think so?"

A tough smile appeared.

"It doesn't matter." Tang Luo took a little hand at himself, killed the God of War son, and after his life pieces appeared on the body, Tang Luo was revived immediately.

"Huh?" Tang Luo said, after devouring the shard of life, "There is something wrong with his shard of life, and there is another will in it."

"Hoo!" "Kratos" breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the son rescued by Tang Luo, and thanked him.

"No, it's what you need," Tang Luo said.

Taking life pieces was also good for him. Don't forget that Tang Luo's injury is still there.

The strength of God of War's son "Rocky" has fallen sharply, and the impact is not small. Father and son stripped one of them first, and it was really good to support each other.

Quite a few teams immediately moved and acted.

Directly approached Tang Luo, and Tang Luo saved more than 20 people on the spot, and two of them were fragments of the same life.

In it, there are six more fatalities, and the number is really a lot.

Kong Ming looked at him, trying to find out which laws of life were in question.

The platform started to be lively.

Tang Luo sat behind the stone table and received the "patients" who lined up one after another, looking like doctors.

On the right hand side is a sword of mysterious change, and on the left hand side is a floating Yulian lotus.

The right hand controls death, the left hand controls life.

The words "killing life as a guardian and killing people instead of killing people" really shouldn't be ridiculed.

"Sacred monk, can you promise to save people? What if someone doesn't save them?"

"Yeah, you monk, at least make a guarantee! Otherwise we won't rest assured!"

"And you just took away the extra pieces of life?"

After another person was resurrected, UU reading suddenly burst into noise.

Kong Ming immediately turned his head, staring sharply, looking at Lu Jingtian and others.

Lu Jingtian welcomed Kong Ming's gaze: "It is wrong to ask for a guarantee concerning life and death. Other people are unwilling to say, for me!"

It looks like a petition for the people.

A bunch of life-frame holders around looked at Tang Luo involuntarily.

"No guarantee," said Tang Luo, "if you don't trust the poor monk, then please go back. The poor monk is not reluctant."

Lu Jingtian's faces suddenly looked ugly.

Young man, still too young, thinking that many people can be kidnapped, what promises Tang Luo made?

He was unhappy and just lifted the table.

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