Step by Step to Win

Chapter 87: courage

   The game that flowed through Yamato Tokyo FC ended with a score of 2-0 in the end. The pace of the Emperor's Cup competition that has flowed through this year ends here, and it doesn't go any further.

Losing 0-2 to a J1 team is not unacceptable for Liu Jingda. After the game, the players in the locker room did not feel too sad. The opponents were very strong. They lost as they deserved, and naturally they were relieved very quickly.

   "The Gas team is still quite strong. I used to think they played in a mess when watching football. They were always pressed and beaten. Who would think of playing with them, they are really good."

   "After all, it's a professional team, two Brazilians, one after the other, we have no chance at all, and Yasuyuki Konano is really strong, the defense is so well organized, and we are not at the same level..."

In the locker room, the players chatted, they were still sighing the strength of the Tokyo FC just now-Tokyo FC’s largest shareholder is Tokyo Gas, so they are also called the Gas team, and to mention that this defeated themselves For the Gas team, the players did not complain too much, and more of them were complimenting their opponents.

A J1-level team, willing to put down their body and play against a JFL-level team, is already quite amazing in itself. The strength they show in doing so is enough to shock the JFL team and flow through the Yamato team. After finishing the ball, the most talked about is the power of professional football. As a college team, the players who have flown through the big team are still looking forward to the future. They have lingering fears about the strength of the professional team on the one hand, and on the other hand they are also yearning.

   Sitting in the locker room, Gao Shunyao did not participate in the chat with his teammates. He sat in the corner and listened to the comments of his teammates without saying a word.

   "Gao Jun, we have already lost, don't care. This year we can stick to the fifth round, which is already very good."

   Gao Shunyao didn't say a word, and his teammates thought he was still sad for losing, and Heya also talked to him, wanting to enlighten him. Gao Shunyao just smiled at this, he was not unhappy because of losing.

   He knows that losing is nothing. Gao Shunyao is not so mad that he just can't lose. He played JFL and the team he was playing against was J1. He could see this gap. After all, the Emperor's Cup competition is not a low-level game. If you want to defeat your opponents by weak and strong in every round, the odds are too small.

   If a person can win, he must also be able to lose. Losing to a stronger opponent is not an unacceptable thing. There is no need to hold hatred in your heart.

   Gao Shunyao lost this game, he was quite convinced.

   Since Gao Shunyao played, this is the most restricted game. Throughout the game, he has won the ball less than 20 times. Compared to playing football, he can calmly receive the ball and take it calmly. In this game, he has seen what the professional team's style of play is. A more intense rhythm, a more fierce style of play, a more targeted arrangement, and tactics to bypass physical weakness... These things, Gao Shunyao has also heard the coach mention before, but this is the first time that this is so clear in the game. To realize.

  Playing with the JFL team does not feel this pressure. Gao Shunyao clearly recognizes the huge gap between different levels of football.

   There is nowhere to be effective. He has a personal experience of this feeling. The other party's various restrictions on him made him realize his shortcomings.

   Maybe I lost this game, but what's the big deal if I lose? From this game, Gao Shunyao saw the direction he was heading, the other side really had nothing wrong with him, and only by playing with serious opponents can he get more profits.

   He understands all these truths, but after the game, he still feels melancholy.

  This time at the Emperor's Cup, after all, it was the first time he enjoyed the pleasure of defeating a powerful enemy. The Asian champion lost to himself. This honor made him really proud for a while, and it also gave him an illusion about the future, and the illusion was shattered in this way, and it was a bit regretful.

   Moreover, after this game, the season that has flowed through is officially over. After a season, the team has not been able to win any championships, the league is only mid-range, and the cup has reached the top sixteen. This kind of performance is definitely not particularly good for any football player. I think that a large number of old players in my team will leave next year. When they leave, the results they took away turned out to be such a result. Gao Shunyao was also a little melancholy in his heart.

   And, although the game itself is not uncomfortable. What makes Gao Shunyao depressed is that the fans in the stands may be disappointed in him. He played the last game well, which increased the number of people in the stands for this game. He heard their shouts in Chinese and saw the banners they were holding. On the Japanese court, someone cheered for himself in Chinese, which made Gao Shunyao extremely proud, but he did not win the game, which made him feel a little ashamed.

This kind of shame made him unwilling to see his friends after the game. After coming out of the locker room, he followed the team directly to the team’s bus, ready to leave the stadium directly and return to Liujing University. go with.

  Unfortunately, things went against his wish, and he was stopped by a voice just beside the bus.

   "Gao Shunyao!"

   The girl's crisp shout sounded in her ears. Gao Shunyao stood at the door of the bus and also stopped. He turned his head and saw Chen Sirou standing there. The setting sun shone a red halo. The girl stood there, her whole body seemed to melt into the setting sun. The delicate and beautiful figure made Gao Shunyao's heart beat faster.

   There was a roaring sound in his ear, and all the whistles and shouts of his teammates rang.

   "Ko-jun, go and handle your own affairs." Behind him, Higa Yusuke pushed him hard. Gao Shunyao raised his head and glanced at Yuji Nakano in the car, who also nodded at him.

   "Why are you here?" Gao Shunyao smoothly threw his senior bag to Yusuke Higa, and ran two steps before Chen Sirou. He originally thought that he would be embarrassed to see Chen Sirou because of the loss, but when he did meet people, he didn't care about them anymore.

"I'm watching the game. Li Ze and the others were still there just now. We watched the ball together... After the game, I said I wanted to come over and see you. You played well, don't blame you for losing, don't care too much. "

   Chen Sirou's soft-spoken comfort made Gao Shunyao's heart warm: he lost the game, he was still a little guilty in his heart, but Chen Sirou's comfort made him feel uneasy. Although Gao Shunyao doesn't care much about media comments, he still values ​​the views of people he values. The early exit of the fans made him feel a little guilty, and being able to get praise from Chen Sirou at this time meant a lot to him.

   The stadium cast a huge shadow. In the shadow, two people walked side by side, and the shadows seemed to melt together. The girl chirping and talking in front of the boy made the boy's mood rippling in circles.

   A sense of happiness filled Gao Shunyao's whole body, but at the same time, the more she was like this, the more uncomfortable Gao Shunyao was. He started to learn to play football, and from the very beginning, he hoped to be respected by the girls around him. He has always wanted to make a little achievement, let the girl see, let the girl feel, get the girl's appreciation and love. But it has been a year since he started playing football, and he found himself still so failed. My team couldn't get an upgrade in the JFL league at all. My own cup journey, which was also a short-lived glory, failed miserably. After a season, I still didn't achieve anything. I always wanted to be a successful person, but in the end I was comforted by a girl. What else is more uncomfortable than this?

   What he wants is not such comfort.

   All he wanted was a championship. After winning the championship, he confessed to Chen Sirou in cheers. He wanted the most wonderful moment, the most beautiful touch.

   Unfortunately, he lost the ball.

   Chen Sirou was able to come to comfort him after the game, of course he was very happy. It's just that she disappointed Chen Sirou. Some people care about themselves, which is of course a good thing, but I am somewhat sorry for this concern.

   I should play better.

   Gao Shunyao wanted to say something, but he didn't open his He smirked twice, but didn't know where to start. The girl didn't see his nervousness, but saw that he looked wrong, thinking that he was still sad for losing.

   "Don't be so sad. If you lose, you will lose. You can continue to work hard next year. Don't be so awkward. If you do this again, I will ignore you."

   Chen Sirou walked step by step beside him. After saying this, she no longer spoke. Unlike Tian Ying, she is not a girl who likes to nag, and when she is comforting, she will have a little temper. However, it is this small temper that makes Gao Shunyao even more difficult to give up.

  What should I say to make Chen Sirou happy? Gao Shunyao had a lot of thoughts in his heart for a time. He wanted to tell a joke and also wanted to apologize, but when all the words came to his lips, they were swallowed by him. Compared with those, there was one sentence that he wanted to say even more. .

   If it was before, he might not dare to say. But after losing the ball, Chen Sirou came to comfort him, which instead encouraged his courage.

"Sirou, I actually lose, I don’t really care. I care because I know that you definitely don’t want me to lose. I hope you can see me win. I hope you can be happy. I’m disappointed because I am worried that you will be sad after I lose. If you can let go, then to me, losing the game is nothing."

   I don't know why. In this game, Gao Shunyao lost to Tokyo FC, but after losing the game, he had more courage and courage in his heart. When facing Chen Siro, he didn't hesitate anymore and didn't dare to speak. Suddenly, he had the courage to say what he had always wanted to say. "Sirou, I like you."

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