The place to eat was chosen by Li Jing. Gu Mo Cheng just set the time in advance. Although there was a phone call from tans, they didn't really contact in private.

Li Jingxuan's place is very original and interesting, but it doesn't seem to be suitable for negotiation. On the contrary, it is suitable for couples to drink tea.

When Gu Mo City arrived, tans had arrived and Li Jing sat next to him.

I expected it.

Gu Mocheng walked over with a smile. Tans got up and shook hands.

"As soon as Mike said goodbye, Mr. Gu became more energetic." tans also smiled.

"So is Mr. tan. Now the beauty cause has a double harvest. Congratulations."

"Ha ha, Mr. Gu misunderstood. I don't know how many times the fate between Mr. Gu and Xiaojing has been shallow since they met in college. Now they can't even be close friends. How dare they talk about it."

Li Jing didn't get up. She just smiled and said, "what are you doing standing up? Sit down and talk."

For a time, the three sat opposite each other, but no one spoke.

Li Jing felt the embarrassment of the atmosphere and shouted to the waiter, "ah Cheng, look what you want to drink. We ordered it just now."

Gu Mocheng took the menu and turned it over: "have a cup of American style"

"Before President Gu, Xiaojing should have told you the purpose of my trip. I don't know what President Gu thinks."

Before Gu Mocheng could reply, Li Jing smiled and interrupted: "tans, are you stupid? Ah Cheng has come. Naturally, he also has ideas."

Gu Mo City is still silent.

Li Jing felt that she couldn't hang up. She turned her head and looked at Gu Mocheng: "ah Cheng, do you think I'm right."

"Mr. Tan, I probably know what you mean, but I want to know your plan."

"Well, President Gu is really straightforward. We can tell him the plan directly and generously to show our sincerity. But I want President Gu to promise me one thing."

"You say."

"After listening to the plan, President Gu can choose whether to cooperate with us or not, but at least he can't be our enemy."


"Thanks to Xiaojing's help this time, the home show of China is our main entry point. Xiaojing's purpose is very simple. She doesn't lack anything now, but she wants to return home for development, so what she needs most now is to expand her popularity."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu must also know that the famous model Mel of Xingxiu company also participated in the show. First of all, Mel is Xiaojing's biggest enemy and her biggest obstacle. Secondly, Mr. Leng, President of Xingxiu company, is also Mr. Gu's biggest enemy. Considering Mr. Gu's IQ, will their famous models use black means to frame others, and then expose them again A string of things. "

"You mean..."

"Yes, this plan must be seamless. It will be done by taking care of president a's contacts in city a, my funds and Xiaojing's strategy."

"Is Tan always so confident?"

"Why, does Gu always think I'm wrong?"

"You imagine the enterprise structure of our city a too simple, and Leng Lingxiao is not so easy to deal with."

"Mr. Gu, it's simple to say, but it's actually very difficult to do. There will be many doubts at that time, and the more fake Xiaojing plays, the easier it will cause panic."

"What do you say?"

"President Gu, I used to specialize in human psychology. The more false this thing is, the more problematic it looks to outsiders, and the more likely it will become true. I am very confident that even if President Gu becomes a player in the game, he will enter the game passively."

"OK, give me two days to think about it." Gu Mo City didn't stay much, so he got up and left directly.

The other two people who stayed in the cafe didn't leave in a hurry.

"It seems you can't." as soon as Gu Mo City left, tans changed his tone and looked at Li Jing frivolously.

"That's because of you. In private, ah Cheng didn't treat me like this."

"Hum, it's best. I hope this plan can succeed. And you, as the most central part of the plan, do what you should do."

Li Jing naturally knows what tans is talking about, but it still makes Li Jing a little angry to say so openly in an ordered tone.

Tans didn't care. He got up and left directly, and didn't want to pick her up.

An Zhike now regrets going home.

Because she didn't expect that Ann's mother insisted on following her home to clean up her clothes for her.

Her repeated refusals were ultimately ineffective.

As soon as she arrived at the apartment where Ann Zhike lived, Ann's mother really worked hard and began to clean up her room for her.

While cleaning up, he said, "you child, look how rough your life is, you shouldn't have agreed to live out by yourself."

"Mom, I told you not to follow me. You have to listen. How tired you are after working all day."

"Oh, mom is fine. You can have a rest tomorrow weekend. You are the child who doesn't listen to anything. How worried we are."

Anzhi didn't know what to say, so he went back to his room to wash and prepare his luggage for tomorrow.

Ann's mother saw her packing and hurried to follow her, folding her clothes and brewing her own words.

"Xiao Ke, tell mom what happened."

"Mom, what do you want me to say?"

Ann didn't know how to answer. But I accidentally saw a medical record sheet opened by the hospital at the head of an Zhike's bed.

While Ann knows that she can pack things without paying attention, Ann's mother takes up the medicine and looks at it carefully.

"Pa" the medical record book was slammed on the table, "an Zhike, come here."

Ann's harsh words frightened Ann Zhike, who was packing up.

"What's the matter, mom?" Ann Zhike looked back and found that Ann's mother had just seen the medical record book.

"Damn it, how can I forget it." an Zhike actually didn't care about the existence of this thing. According to his speculation, he should put it down when Gu Mo City sent him back that day.

"Mom... Our company had a new product launch two days ago. I was busy for a while, so I was tired."

"My silly child, take a closer look at what is written on it. If you go on like this, your body will be bad before you are 40. Do you know? It says that you are overworked and think too much, resulting in a series of symptoms such as five zang organs depression, palpitations and dreams. In the long run, it is easy to cause the failure of many organs of the body."

Ann's mother's words made her eyes red, and Ann knew what to do.

"Mom..." at this time, an Zhike obediently looked like a child. He used to hold Ann's shoulder. "Mom, doctors love to be scary. You see, I'm not standing in front of you now, right."

"What's the matter? You lied to me. It's all written on it. You were sent to the hospital after fainting. My good child, tell your mother what's the matter." Ann's mother broke into tears when she finished this sentence.

An Zhike didn't know how he was, and he also shed tears.

"Mom, it's nothing. I really don't lie to you. Every time I feel very sad, I feel much better as soon as I go home and cook dinner for you and my father."

"Well, you are a little girl who is easy to be bullied outside. When you have something to do, go home and tell your parents that we may not be able to do anything for you when we are old, but at least we can persuade you and help you relax."

"Mom" an Zhike cried in a mess and hugged her and her aging mother in the past.

"Mom, it's all my fault. I used to worry about you and my father when I went to school. Now I thought I was strong and capable when I grew up, but I never thought I was still so cowardly and could not withstand a blow."

"Silly boy, what are you talking about? You've done well."

It was already deep. The mother and daughter were lying in bed, but no one was sleepy.

"Xiao Ke, tell your mother the truth. Did Gu Mo City bully you?"

"Mom, how do you know?"

"Alas, I didn't believe it when your father told me that most of your feelings were hurt. I didn't expect it to be true."

I don't know why. Now as long as I mention that person, Ann Zhike's tears can't stop.

"Mom, I really don't know what I did wrong, but why? He liked me first, but why did it become like this."

Ann's mother looked at her daughter crying in her arms and felt distressed. "Child, love is the most difficult thing to control in the world. Everyone wants to achieve positive results at the beginning, but those who really come together in the end are the most suitable people."

"Mom, what is the most suitable person?"

"Xiao Ke, how do you define suitability? Do you think you are suitable for him?"

Mother's words reminded an Zhike of that morning in the company and the sexy girl.

Being in front of her is really the difference between an ugly duckling and a white swan.

"Mom, but in that case, why did he help me, treat me well and pursue me?"

"Child, we regard him as sincere, but if two people want to fall in love and stay together for a long time, is it enough to have a sincere heart?"

Ann's mother's words have made Ann Zhike understand her meaning and the truth she wants to tell herself.

"But mom, I still don't understand. Since it's inappropriate, just let go, and I won't pester him. But why does he humiliate me again and again? While giving me hope to take me to her mother, he puts forward very harsh conditions for me to compromise, and he has to show me that he doesn't want to, which makes me uncomfortable."

"Xiao Ke, his mother can't fully understand the ideas in his heart. Since things have been like this, what we can do now is to face it calmly, look directly at it and take it as a lesson. Never think too well of people and never think too bad of others. Since you are sure that you have been sincere with each other, it means that there is no regret."

"But mom, why has it been several days? My heart is still tender and uncomfortable. I really feel that as long as I think of the past, my heart will be blocked, like I can't breathe. I haven't had this feeling for a long time. This feeling always reminds me of a lot of the past and xiner."

"Good, go to sleep, son. Just sleep. When you wake up, it's like it never happened. If Xin'er is still there, would you want to see you like this? Didn't you say at the beginning that your burden is heavier than others and you should live a wonderful life for two people."

Ann Zhike doesn't know how she finally fell asleep, but in her dream, she saw Xin'er.

Xin'er also came to her in a fresh floral skirt and called her name with a carefree smile.

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