Colorful neon lights, noisy crowds and shocking music.

Night life is the same as before, people come and go every day.

The people in the night scene changed round after round, but they never decreased.

Here, there is no financial crisis, no end of the world, only twisting beauties and manic beasts showing off their strong hormones.

Li Jing is here. Her new boyfriend brought her here.

After Li Jing finished the show, her legs were strong enough to get out of bed and walk, so she went straight to the night show.

It can be said that this is a double harvest of fame and wealth. I'm sorry not to hook up with a handsome man to reward myself.

Sure enough, the handsome guy took the bait in less than half an hour. Today, this place also came with him.

They danced on the dance floor for a while, and then returned to the private room to rest.

The private room is very quiet. I can't hear any sound outside.

Li Jing's new boyfriend is also a foreigner. He has been in China for two years and hasn't spoken Chinese well.

Fortunately, Li Jing is also a person who has been abroad. There is no pressure for foreign language communication.

However, the communication between the two people is complicated, physical and less than language.

There was no foreign opening in China. Her foreign boyfriend obviously couldn't help it. As soon as he entered the private room, he pushed her directly onto the sofa, pressed her and began to take off his clothes.

This series of actions took only a few seconds. Before Li Jing could react, the short skirt was lifted.

Pain came from her lower body, but she was unwilling to show weakness and bit it up.

The two tore in the private room for less than five minutes, and the door was kicked open.

Foreigners were suddenly interrupted. Obviously, they had a bad temper. They wanted to go up and leave, but they found a group of people in black.

After thinking that he couldn't fight, he subconsciously went to the ground to pick up clothes and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly stretched out a foot and stepped on his clothes.

"Fuck!" he cursed and raised his head.

The man who stepped on his clothes was Chen. He looked down at the man squatting on the ground and said, "all the clothes on the ground are for you. You can take them away in three seconds. Don't drop one, otherwise you can't take anything."

The man nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and Chen raised his feet.

He swept all the clothes on the floor and sofa and walked out of the private room without looking back.

Until the man went out, Gu Mocheng came forward and looked at the naked Li Jing on the sofa with a disgusting face.

Li Jing also knew that the arrival of Gu Mo City was definitely not good for her. She forced down her anger and said with a smiling face, "ah Cheng, why are you here at this time? You see, I'm not well dressed and there are so many people here. How can I be regarded as your woman? Let's go to my house when we come back."

Li Jing spoke intermittently and stood up to leave.

Gu Mocheng gave a look in his eyes, and Chen stretched out his hand to stop Li Jing. At this time, she was naked and smooth. Chen's hand didn't leave any kindness. He directly touched her round chest, so that she had to return to the sofa.

Gu Mocheng walked straight to the sofa at the other end and sat down like ignoring her.

"It's all right. I've never treated you as a woman, let alone my woman. You, whether in my eyes or Leng Lingxiao's eyes, are just a chess piece."

"Hum." Li Jing knew she couldn't. She smiled coldly and replied, "yes, I'm a chess piece. What about you, you scum? What else do you want to say and ask?"

Li Jing brushed her hands on her chest. At this time, there was no feeling of fear. She looked directly at Gu Mo Cheng and sneered.

"Ah Cheng, I told you when we met. I've been in Mike for ten years and haven't seen any big storms. You can't scare me."

"What you need to know, I'm not trying to scare you."

"If you have anything to say, my aunt has to catch a Kaizi. She doesn't have so much Kung Fu nonsense."

Gu Mocheng looked at the woman in front of him and couldn't help feeling.

At the beginning, Li Jing on the university campus was gentle and quiet. She was a standard good student. Even her tutor praised her.

But now she is different from the one she met in Mike a month ago. At this time, she seems to have changed her face.

"Li Jing, you should have thought of it before you did it. I won't let you go."

"Let go? Gu Mo City, not to mention that you are not even farting now. Even if you are still Gu Mo City, you may not be able to do anything about me. How can I be afraid of you because of my own strength and my cold zero Xiao?"

"Oh, really. Aren't you afraid?" Gu Mo Cheng smiled at the corners of his mouth and flashed a dangerous light in his eyes. "In this case, we'll talk when you're afraid of you."

Gu Mocheng waved and stood back in the morning. People in black behind him came up one after another and looked at Li Jing naked on the sofa.

Li Jing was nervous, but she didn't show it. She still hardened her neck and said, "it's still this hand after playing for many years. Do you think my mother hasn't been rotated?"

Gu Mocheng wanted to give her a chance to ask her, but before he opened his mouth, he heard Li Jing's rigid ridicule.

"In that case, enjoy it. People are so upset recently that they just use you to vent."

Gu Mocheng said that, got up and left, and followed him in the morning.

Out of the bar, Gu Mocheng said to Chen behind him, "it looks like this tonight. Tomorrow, when she is willing to speak, she will bring it to see me."

"Yes. Where are you going now?"

"Go back"

Gu Mo City felt tired after a busy day, and his tone was also light.

When he got to the car, Gu Mo Cheng seemed to suddenly remember something. His tone was still light, as if he inadvertently asked, "where is an Zhike? He's always at home?"

"No, miss an went to Daocheng."



Gu Mo Cheng was sleepless. He sat up and opened his eyes and asked, "where is she doing?"

"Miss an should be a tourist, boss."

"All right. When will she be back?"

"I don't know. Miss an didn't buy a return ticket."

Gu Mocheng is a little angry. This woman has so many moths.

It was only Li Jing who fell ill that day and stimulated her. She couldn't stand it. Her affectation was really annoying.

"Anyway, the company is busy recently, and can't use their publicity department. Let her go and let her do whatever she wants."

The morning heard the impatience in Gu Mocheng's tone, and the timid didn't dare to answer.

An Zhike and Yin Xu traveled together for two days.

In these short two days, their revolutionary friendship has rapidly upgraded.

They went to see snow capped mountains, ancient temples with a long history and walked on picturesque grasslands.

Everything is as beautiful as a dream. This is really a place to wash the soul.

An Zhi is a little glad that he can meet such a companion. He is still an acquaintance. The most important thing is that Yin Xu is not knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he is very vivid and humorous.

Traveling with him is like enjoying it. I can learn a lot of knowledge I didn't know before.

Such a trip made an Zhike forget the noise and annoyance in the city and devote himself to this picturesque place.

"Xiao Ke, what are you thinking?"

An Zhike was distracted by the scenery outside the window and was called back by Yin Xu.

She turned her head and smiled at Yin Xu and said, "I don't have any senior students. I just feel very happy to come out this time."

"Ha ha, I'm also very happy. But, Xiao Ke, where do you feel happy?"

"Well, there are many. The scenery here is good. It's also a place I've always wanted to come. And I learned a lot of knowledge from my elders along the way. Everything makes people feel happy."

An Zhike turned back and smiled at Yin Xu, stretched out his arms, stretched himself and said, "Hey, it's nice here. I can't bear to go back."

"By the way, Xiao Ke, I haven't asked you how long you plan to stay here?"

"What's the matter, senior, do you have something to go back?"

"No, ask your plan. I'm an idle man now. I don't have anything."

"Hey, hey," an Zhike turned around and said, "in fact, I didn't have any plans. I was just angry and annoyed at that time. It was like leaving city a, so I went on a walk and go trip."

"Oh, since that's the case." Yin Xu smiled happily. "Xuemei, what do you think? Let's stay here for a few more days. How about you go and have fun all over? It's rare to come once. We don't leave any regrets."

An Zhike nodded like mashing garlic: "OK, OK."

The promise was too straightforward and a little embarrassed, he said, "but my budget is not enough, and I've been spending your money these two days. Your card has stopped. It's not appropriate."

"Oh, what's wrong? It's lucky that Xuemei is willing to take me in, and it doesn't cost much money. Don't worry about the money. It's not easy to come out for a visit."

An Zhike nodded and felt that Yin Xu made sense.

Yin Xu had his own wishful thinking in mind and said, "Xuemei, I also know a place that is very interesting. How about taking you on our way back."

"Er... No, if you stop in the middle, you have to book another ticket, which costs a lot of money.";

"Oh, just now I told you not to think about money." Yin Xu looked at an Zhi and pretended to be miserable. "In fact, seeing that you can come to the place you want to come, the senior students will envy to death, so the senior students always want to go to that place."

"Oh, so it is, senior."

"No, I'm usually a beef friend. No one likes to go to the place I want to go, so I've always been lonely. I didn't think he was happy to play with my younger sister this time, so I invited you to go with me..."

Sure enough, at Yin Xu's pitiful request, an Zhi Kexin softened, patted Yin Xu on the shoulder and said, "the senior is fine. I'll go with you. In fact, I also want to go out and play. I don't want to go back to city A."

Seeing that an Zhike agreed, Yin Xu cheered in his heart and carefully asked the doubts in his heart for a long time: "Xuemei, why are you so resistant to city a? Are you unhappy or too tired?"

An Zhike looks at the continuous snow mountains outside the window and replays the past scenes in his eyes.

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