In line with the consistent style of a.m., the new product launch is still held in the largest hotel in a city.

Because of the previous show storm, A. M's great reputation at home and abroad, and the smooth progress of project cooperation in city B, there are many guests present this time.

A. M also paid attention to this before the press conference, changed the original standing exchange meeting, cleverly arranged seats, and became a more humanized Symposium.

There are ten minutes left. As the host, an Zhike is making final preparations.

Until now, an Zhike has not seen Gu Mo City. It is reasonable that he wants to speak at today's new product launch.

But now it's not this problem that worries Ann Zhike, but the engagement will be announced on the spot today, and Ji Yin is also on the spot.

She waited a long time for this moment.

It is said that Ji Yin also specially found a lot of media people in order to officially introduce her to the public.

A. M inherited the consistent opening method, full screen black screen, and flashed the countdown method.


The hotel hall was restored to resplendence with applause.

An Zhike took the lead in the applause: "welcome to the press conference of a.m. in the new season. All employees of a.m. have paid a lot and made a lot of efforts for the release of new products."

Applause continues to ferment. The first thing to start is the award process.

"There are three prizes in this award, of which the first prize will be awarded to the representative of TiNi, the design director of the company. Thank her for breaking through the innovative design concept and painstaking design process."

Tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny.

She smiled with white teeth and red lips, bowed on the stage and made a speech.

"First of all, I want to thank the company for its trust in me and its willingness to entrust me with important tasks. Second, I want to thank my colleagues and partners around me for helping me out when I was in the most difficult time."

Her words were simple and powerful, and she thought of warm applause.

Then the second and third prizes of the company.

After the award ceremony, we began to enter the main topic of the banquet - displaying new products.

Due to the short time, the number of new products launched this time is very small, only one group.

It is divided into six types, including two rings, three bracelets and a main necklace.

The two rings were slowly launched by the demonstration model, each of which was given a special meaning. They glittered under the spotlight, like showing their own voice.

After the ring, the bracelet is displayed. The bracelet has changed the previous style of diamond inlay. One of them is designed as enamel color with five small flowers. It is thickened with gold wire around, which is more stable and luxurious like peony.

Before the necklace was displayed, an Zhike stepped onto the main podium again.

"In order to thank you for participating in this new product launch, we decided to conduct an on-site auction to give back to the employees and partners who have accompanied a.m for many years."

There was an uproar below. Everyone didn't expect that A. m would bleed at the new product launch.

Moreover, the reserve price given by a.m. was a rare one in a thousand years, and everyone was stunned by the figures on the screen.

The etiquette lady began to issue the voting instrument, and all the people began to believe the authenticity of what an Zhike said just now.

After a while, the venue was unprecedentedly lively. Everyone began to work on their favorite jewelry and joined the enthusiastic auction activities.

Nearly three hours have passed since all five pieces of jewelry were auctioned.

People are tired and looking forward to the exhibition of the last new product.

The hall rose again and fell into silence and darkness.

There was only one light on the stage. Gu Mo Cheng stood under the spotlight with a brocade box in his hand.

An Zhike's new start jumped up fanatically, and she could even feel the hot temperature on her face.

She stood where she was, feeling her legs weak and even unable to move.

Gu Mocheng looked directly at her and approached her step by step.

She looked at Gu Mo Cheng walking in his direction, step by step, closer and closer, and even his face slowly enlarged in front of her.

Gu Mocheng observed shyness and excitement, with a smile on his face.

An Zhike felt that this feeling was very wonderful. He clearly knew that Gu Mo City came to him and that he must announce his engagement at this time, but he was still excited and cautious.

All eyes were focused on the men and women in the spotlight.

Men and women in the spotlight fight with each other. At this time, they only see each other.

Gu Mo City slowly opened the brocade box and said softly, "do you remember what the stars said to me that night?"

"Remember" answered in a small but firm voice.

"Then I'm going to fulfill my promise now."

Gu Mocheng knelt on one knee and raised the brocade box in his hand.

An Zhike felt his heart was about to jump out, and even his hand opening the brocade box trembled.

It's a ring, and it's the same ring as the last star moon hug.

"Ah Cheng, thank you." an Zhike shed a tear on his cheek and fell to the ground.

Gu Mocheng stretched out his hand to put on the ring for her, stood up and wiped away her tears.

"Fool, I want to thank you. Thank you for being so excellent but so lovely and charming."

Seeing the warm moment coming one after another, the lights will be all on, and the audience should applaud.

Everything didn't happen truthfully.

The light is still off and not on, but the picture appears on the big screen.

It's a video with a messy room in the background.

The messy pajamas and underwear on the ground indicate danger.

Sure enough, three seconds later, a naked pair of men and women appeared in the video.

The woman seems to have been carried to bed in a coma. The man is yellow and black, naked, bent back and can't see his face.

He walked slowly towards the camera, then the angle of the camera deflected and turned to the woman lying in bed.

All the people exclaimed, because the woman on the bed was an Zhike.

The woman on the bed slowly opened her eyes and put her hand around the photographer.

Under the sharp lens, the naked woman is very eye-catching.

Then the video didn't cut off. They began to turn clouds and rain on the bed. The woman's white chest swayed wantonly under the violent impact, accompanied by wanton screams.

At this time, the video was suddenly cut off and all the lights in the lobby were on.

Everyone's eyes are looking at the men and women on the stage. The timid whisper is getting bigger and bigger. Did one or two words float to the ears of the people on the stage.

"This woman is too unclean. It's not enough to hook up with President Gu."

"Hehe, sexual desire and its exuberance can't be controlled."

"Oh, today's young people, even if they are fooling around, they still record it. It's late now. It's in public to see how they end."

"Don't say yes. There have been rumors before. A. M's video is either sold to a junior or to a rich woman. You see, you just bought it."

Ji Yin's anger could no longer be contained. She rushed to the stage, slapped Ann Zhike and slapped her to the ground.

"An Zhike, it's a mercy beyond the law for me to allow you to enter our house. I didn't expect you to be such an indecent and disgusting woman to discredit cheng'er and a.m."

Ann Zhike was stunned by everything in front of her. Naturally, she knew she wouldn't do anything like that, and she never knew that person.

But why is the man in the video so like himself? Ann Zhike is confused and wronged. The original warm proposal was interrupted, and now he has become the biggest cancer of a.m.

An Zhike was slapped to the ground and didn't get up, but looked at everything in front of him with empty eyes.

"Don't think it's over without talking. I tell you, you don't want to enter the door of our family forever. You disgusting woman, not only that, a.m. will fire you. You don't deserve to work at a.m."

Ji Yin said, picking up the microphone dropped on the ground: "the scene just now is just a play played by cheng'er in order to cooperate with the new product exhibition and let consumers experience the artistic conception. Please don't misunderstand."

"I think the reason why this video appears, which leads to the exposure of the private life of some people with bad life, is also due to some misunderstanding, so please put aside her personal affairs, which has nothing to do with the company."

Ji Yin finished explaining and began to send relevant personnel to maintain the scene.

At the end of the party, the news media and spectators who had enough gossip left one after another.

I don't know how long this farce will be criticized and what impact a.m. will suffer.

The hotel hall was slowly deserted, leaving only messy chairs and two people on the stage.

Gu Mocheng stood in place, holding the ring that Ji Yinfan had dropped when he knew it.

"Say, what's going on?"

Anzhi didn't stand up and sat on the ground with her legs around her knees.

Her eyes were empty: "I don't know, I really don't know."

"Don't you know? You arranged everything for the new product launch. When something like this happens, you tell me you don't know?"

An Zhike cried in his voice: "A Cheng, do I think of such a thing? Don't you believe me? It's not me. I haven't done such a thing."

Gu Mocheng's heart was cold. He raised his head and didn't want to see her at all: "hum, you don't know, it's not you? Do you think I really don't know what you've done? I stayed in city B with Leng Lingxiao and spent many nights with Yin Xu in a hotel room. Do you really think I don't know? I just didn't expect that you are such a kind of goods. You're really hungry."

"An Zhike, you make me sick."

An Zhike cried more loudly: "ah Cheng, don't say that about me. I really haven't done anything. I didn't think it would be like this."

She looked at Gu Mo Cheng about to lift her legs and leave. She was very sad and angry. For a time, panic filled her heart. She didn't get up and just lay down and hugged Gu Mo Cheng's legs.

"Ah Cheng, don't go. We agreed to get engaged. Why don't you believe me? I haven't done it. I really haven't done it."

Gu Mocheng didn't even want to return. He didn't want to look at her any more and left the meeting directly.

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