The matter of an Zhike continued to ferment for a week, and a.m. company was also affected.

There are good and bad effects.

Well, this kind of gossip is the favorite of the media, but it also increases the exposure of a.m.

As for the bad, an Zhike is not worth mentioning. It's annoying that Gu Mo's mobile phone hasn't been quiet these days and has been harassed by all kinds of people.

Gu Mocheng is not satisfied and asks Chen to adjust this matter.

He is not a fool, and he knows Ann Zhike very well.

She didn't have the courage to do those things, but she couldn't help being angry with her. She ruined the company's new product launch and their engagement banquet. Anyway, she caused it.

As for the person who played the video, it was mostly aimed at her.

However, the results of Chen's investigation still surprised him. It was Chen Siyu.

Gu Mo sighed in his heart and hesitated for a moment.

He hated that Chen Siyu always did bad things, but when he mentioned Chen Siyu, he thought of his sister and those good times, which made him heartache and reluctant to start on him.

"Morning, make an appointment. I'll meet him."

Chen has been with Gu Mo City for so long. He knows him best. He can understand Gu Mo City's complex psychology. As a subordinate, it's hard to say anything. He can only bow his head and push out after agreeing.

For several days, Xiang Kui came back to an Zhike's home to accompany her.

Anzhi is like a wounded little beast alone in the cave. He doesn't want to step out because of fear.

The emergence of Xiang Kui also gives an Zhike some comfort in loneliness.

With Xiang Kui's company, she also slowly approached an Zhike's life and experienced her past.

For example, that afternoon, after dinner, they sat on the carpet and talked with each other through the window.

"Xiaokui, why do you say there is a saying that the crows in the world are generally black?"

Xiaokui smiled and looked at an Zhike: "what do you want to say? Why do you suddenly ask this sentence?"

"In fact, it's not. It just occurred to me that this sentence refers specifically to some people."

"For example?"

"Well, like... Men"

"Ha ha, are you complaining?"

An Zhike scratched his head and said: "I don't know what has happened recently. I always like to complain about some people and attribute my failure to others. Even if my parents taught me to be responsible for what I do when I was a child, even if I never had such an idea when I got up. But now the older I am, it's not as good as when I was a child. I always feel that I am wronged and others are sorry for me."

"Don't lose heart. In fact, this kind of thing is related to interests. Others use you to attack you with bad words, not because they hate you or something. It's really just because it's their job. Only in that way can they have better interests."

"I know, but..."

But others don't say, what about Gu Mo City.

Obviously, he came all the way back to me. Why did he give me up easily at this time.

As long as he thinks of Gu Mo City, an Zhike can't control his emotions.

She buried her head in her arms and couldn't speak.

Xiang Kui and an Zhike stayed together for a few days and knew that she was actually a very soft and kind-hearted person.

But the more such people are, the more vulnerable they are.

Reach out to Kui and touch the soft tip of an Zhike's hair, because at this time, she doesn't know how to comfort the injured little girl.

"Xiao Ke, don't think about it anymore. It's been so many days. You want to make yourself happy, okay?"

"I have nothing else to do now, and I have no job."

Xiang Kui pulled an Zhike's body: "Xiaoke, look at me. You can, um... You can think of me. We are good friends."

"Well, thank you, Xiaokui." an Zhike was still listless.

"Xiao Ke, do you have anything you want to do now? I can accompany you."

"Nothing, just feel depressed. Thank you for accompanying me these days, Xiaokui."

Xiaokui suddenly came to the spirit and pulled an Zhike to stand up.

"Let's go, I have a good idea."

"What?" an Zhike was a little confused.

Xiang Kui placed an Zhike on the sofa, took out a plate from his bag and pounded it in front of the TV.

On the other hand, Gu Mocheng arrived at the place specified by Chen Siyu on time.

But what surprised him was that the coffee shop was very close to an Zhike's house, only one street away.

I don't know what it means for Chen Siyu to meet here. Gu Mocheng goes in and Chen Siyu looks at the computer near the window.

Gu Mocheng went straight over without greeting: "what are you doing here?"

"Oh, that's funny. Didn't you offer me?"

"You chose the place."

"Can't I just choose? Why are you so sensitive?"

"It's up to you. Did you play the video at the new product launch?"

"President Gu, what are you talking about?" Chen Siyu smiled at Gu Mo City and didn't say anything.

"I know it's you."

"You know why you asked me."

"Just because I don't do it to you doesn't mean I'll let you go."

"Ha ha." Chen Siyu lit a cigarette, threw up a cigarette ring and didn't change his smile: "President Gu, we should have a common enemy. Why did you do it to me?"

Gu Mocheng frowned and didn't speak.

"When did you learn to smoke?"

Xiner hates smoking most. She can't smell it since she was a child. Chen Siyu knows it.

Gu Mo Cheng's words aroused Chen Siyu's mood. He frowned: "Gu Mo Cheng, your sister has long died. Why do you need it?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Gu Mocheng's face was also fierce. He hated to hear this sentence, especially Chen Siyu.

"Chen Siyu, don't go too far."

On the contrary, he was not excited. He just shrugged and said, "I'm telling the truth. Instead of refusing to recognize the facts here, you'd better cooperate with me and think about how to make an Zhi miserable."

"I have my own way. I don't need you to intervene."

"Hum, really? I think your way is to make an Zhike prosperous in the company, and life is getting better and better. I'm sorry I can't understand your idea."

"Did you synthesize the video," he said

"What video did you say about the new product launch?" Chen Siyu sneered: "Gu Mocheng, I tell you the truth. Although I hate her, I disdain to do despicable means. Don't you believe it? You can see what she is doing now."

Gu Mocheng remained unmoved: "did you arrange it? She doesn't have the courage."

"No? How are you sure? Don't you know his relationship with Leng Lingxiao and Yin Xu?"

Gu Mo City was silent

Chen Siyu didn't give him time to think: "Didn't you ask me why I offered here just now, because there are the fruits of my efforts here. Gu Mocheng told you that I didn't hurt him, but just exposed what she had done that she couldn't see anyone. I've been staring at her here for several days. She goes in and out with different men every day. She rarely comes out, and people often go to see her with fresh vegetables and fruits She, and not the same person. "

"I don't believe it"

Chen Siyu shrugged: "if you don't believe it, go and have a look."

Gu Mocheng got up and planned to leave.

Chen Siyu said behind his back, "I'm waiting for you here. After reading it, I think I want to cooperate with me."

An Zhike sat on the sofa in a daze. Originally, she just let herself toss with sunflower, but now she was stunned.

The little girl used to look at a very proud person in the company. I feel that she is very lively and cheerful these days. How come she thought so dirty in her heart.

Because Ann Zhike never thought that the disc Xiang Kui took out was about that kind of thing.

After a while, the panting of women and the rough roaring of men filled the whole hall.

Xiang Kui excitedly pulled her to sit on the sofa and watch together.

"Xiaokui, this... This thing is not good."

"Oh, what's the matter? There's nothing shy about your physical needs. Besides, aren't you in a bad mood and need to vent? I brought it to you specially. There are other things. You'll try it later. It's great."

"Ah! I don't want it. Don't take it out. Where did you get all these things?"

"Bought it"

Xiaokui stopped talking and pointed to the TV so that an Zhi could watch it.

Although an Zhike was curious to see it, he really felt that the picture was naked. He pulled Xiangkui aside, and his half covered and half exposed eyes didn't know where to turn.

But she didn't expect that Xiang Kui really had a back hand. She took out the so-called "tools" and held them in front of her.

"What are you doing? Don't take it so quickly."

"Oh, don't be shy," she said and began to take off her clothes. "I'll show you. If you won't, I'll help you."

"Ah... No."

An Zhi really didn't expect this to be the so-called decompression method of Xiang Kui.

Gu Mo Cheng, standing outside the door, did not see it with his own eyes, but heard it with his own ears.

He heard men gasping and women screaming.

There was also an Zhike's voice. Although the voice was weak, he still recognized it. It was an Zhike's voice. She was shouting No.

Gu Mocheng suddenly felt sick. This woman not only didn't repent at this time, but also made him sick.

What Chen Siyu said to him was repeated in his mind.

"She goes in and out with different men every day."

"Every day someone comes to see her with fresh vegetables and fruits, and it's not the same person."

Gu Mo Cheng's hand clenched into a fist before it fell on the doorbell.

An Zhike

I didn't expect that since you are such a woman, what you said is fake.

After a long time, Gu Mo City fell and clenched his fist, turned and left.

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