An Zhike felt his voice trembling when he said this.

Because this pink diamond ring is almost priceless.

And there's no pink diamond ring. It may be her wedding ring.

Why is her heart not excited?

"Yes, this is our wedding ring. Do you still like it?" Gu Mocheng took out the pink diamond ring with his white slender fingers while talking gently.

To an Zhike!

An Zhike's white hands trembled and took the ring.

"Is such a beautiful ring really our wedding ring?"

The manager is completely afraid to speak at this moment!

Although she looked at Gu Shao with a calm look on her face, there were some inexplicable emotions in his eyes, which made her a little flustered and didn't dare to speak at all.

At this moment, an Zhike is completely immersed in this joy and forgets everything around him.

An Zhike looks at it with a ring!

So beautiful, so exquisite! It took a lot of effort and time!

"I ordered people to start a long time ago. They finally didn't let me down and finished it ahead of time. We can also see the initials of the two of us in this ring. This is a unique place without a ring."

An Zhike listens to Gu Mo Cheng's narration in a very ordinary tone!

However, it makes an Zhike's already excited heart more excited at the moment.

She took a beautiful ring and looked carefully at the inner ring. Sure enough, you can really see the abbreviations of two people's names in it.

The surprise on an Zhike's face was more than a little.

"Thank you, a Cheng! I really like this surprise."

"Just like it!"

"As long as you prepare something, no matter what it is, I like it."

"Don't worry, there will be more surprises waiting for you after we get married. I don't know if you can accept it."

On Gu Mo Cheng's handsome face, there was a hint of playful irony in his clear black and white eyes.

However, an Zhike is completely immersed in this joy now. She doesn't realize that Gu Mo City is different at this time.

"Really, what kind of surprise is it? Can't you reveal it a little in advance?"

"Don't worry, Xiao Ke! All you have to do now is be happy and don't think about anything."


An Zhike then has this ring that will soon belong to her.

Happily, Gu Mocheng held him in his arms.

The manager looked at the handsome men and women in front of him, looked at their every move and listened to every word they said to each other.

She is really envious. After all, Gu Shao is a person with power, power and status. It's really not easy to love his wife so much.

"You said, if I gave you all the surprises today, would you be too happy to say anything?"

When Gu Mocheng spoke, the car with excellent performance was running smoothly on the road.

An Zhike listened to Gu Mo's gentle words.

Her heart immediately set off a layer of ripples.

Although I don't know what the surprise in his mouth is? But just now the unique ring, her whole person is still immersed in that joy.

"If you give me all the surprises today, I will cry happily."

Ann knew that the man driving seriously looked at his side face so quietly. Feel his steady breathing.

Such a picture is quiet but beautiful.

If in this world, apart from his parents, this man is the best for himself. Marrying him must be the most correct choice, and he will be the happiest person in the world.

"Then let's go to the next destination to give you another surprise. I hope you can be as happy every moment as you are now."

"With you by my side, I believe she must be the happiest woman in the world."

An Zhike is really a very satisfied person.

No matter what the man around him says or does? Her heart is easily satisfied as long as she can think of her words. Just like now, although this ring is really valuable. But in an Zhike's psychology, this is the man's mind.

Even if she marries a man who has nothing today, as long as she has her place in the man's heart and can think of her when doing anything, she will be very satisfied. She doesn't care about anything other than money.

But God was really unfair. He played a joke on her and then another joke.

An Zhike is still immersed in his own thoughts, thinking about what the second surprise will be?

Unknowingly, time passed slowly. Gu Mo City stopped at a top-level and luxurious wedding dress shop!

An Zhike heard the sound of the brake, recovered and looked at the environment around him. He found that he was actually in front of a wedding dress shop?

Is it

An Zhi could endure the throbbing and excitement in his heart.

Because he has thought of what the next surprise is? If she guessed right, it must be the wedding dress.

Stay with ah Cheng almost every day. I don't know. When did he prepare the rings and wedding dresses?

It turns out that when a man has a heart, even if he is busy, he can handle all important things tightly and orderly.

The more Gu Mo City is like this, Anzhi will be more inseparable from him and more dependent on him in the days after he can.

Then the purpose of Gu Mo City will really be achieved, and the effect will be very good.

Since Gu Mo City took an Zhike's slender hand, an Zhike quietly followed Gu Mo City's footsteps to the wedding dress center like a castle.

Gu Mocheng also cooperated with an Zhike's footsteps at this time.

The faint fragrance lingers on the wings of an Zhike's nose!

The more you go inside, the pure white wedding dress inside is like a palace of marriage. It's really sacred.

An Zhike was totally immersed in such a wonderful atmosphere.

I don't know what the eyes of the men around me look like at this time?

"Mr. Gu, young lady!"

"Has the wedding dress arrived?"

"Yes, it arrived yesterday!"

The official smile on the manager's face was elegant.

"Take us!"

"OK, Mr. Gu, madam Shao, this way, please!"

The manager made an elegant gesture of invitation!

Suddenly, a long tailed deep V collar and a pure white wedding dress with waist closed appeared in front of me!

The waist is dotted with a pink diamond ring, which reflects the color of the previous ring!

The skirt is dotted with beautiful lace!

Alonson's needling, Chantilly's embroidery, Duchess's lace, ribbon lace

"This... This... Is this my wedding dress?"

Although a good education has kept an Zhike calm, her eyes and expression can't hide the excitement at this time.

"Yes, do you like it?"

"Yes, super."

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