If this is also a kind of revenge, then Guo Gu Mo City has really achieved that goal.

Because for a woman, such pain will really forget to breathe.

In particular, the woman still deeply loved the man. Although everything was a deception, when he appeared in front of him with another woman in such a high profile.

An Zhike felt that he really forgot to breathe in such a moment.

Although she had never experienced the pain of forgetting to breathe, she really understood it at this moment.

It seems that his heart is torn by an invisible hand. He doesn't care how painful the heart is. Anyway, he is so unscrupulous.

I feel suffocated when I breathe.

Especially what Gu Mocheng said just now! Serve them after dinner! An Zhike's heart smiled bitterly!

"You are a servant of our family. Can't you even do this?"

"How? Since I'm a servant, I can do it naturally. Don't worry. I'll serve you for dinner later. No matter what your requirements are, I'll do it."

"You still have a little self-knowledge!"

Gu Mocheng said such words, didn't he be unscrupulous and give this woman a chance to be arrogant?

"Well, Gu Shao, when will you have dinner?"

"Dear, what has the final say for you when we say you are going to finish your dinner?"

Gu Mo Cheng didn't answer an Zhike's words, but turned his eyes to her side, and the woman in his arms asked gently.

"Really?" the woman answered shyly.

"Then we'll have dinner early. After dinner, we'll go out for a walk. After the walk, I'll wait on you to take a bath. After the bath, we'll have a rest. You have to work day and night every day. You're very tired. You won't deal with the documents tonight. Will you have a rest earlier?"

The woman's affectionate appearance is obviously enough to show how much charm Gu Mo City has, and it's easy for any woman to sink easily.

"OK, listen to you!"

When Gu Mocheng spoiled and talked, he did not pretend to hang gently on the nose of the beautiful woman around him.

The woman smiled softly!

An Zhike didn't dare to see the picture of their love at this time, because such a picture of love would only hurt her eyes and break her heart.

Ann Zhike didn't know what kind of relationship between this woman and Gu Mo City was. She didn't deliberately make things difficult after the whole dinner.

Ann Zhike felt very tired!

After dinner, the new woman walked out with Gu Mo Cheng's hand in her hand.

Anzhi is really like a servant. Clean up everything on the table!

Ann Zhike didn't know what was happening outside. Anyway, she stayed in the kitchen until nearly ten o'clock.

When she dragged her tired body to her room, she heard a knock on the door.

An Zhike painfully closed his eyes and took a deep breath of air.

Without any delay, he immediately got up and came to the door to open it.

He saw Gu Mo Cheng standing at the door with a gloomy face. He didn't know what the man was at this time. He seemed very angry.

An Zhike seems to have no too much intersection between the two people since he came back, so he doesn't know where his anger comes from at this time?

Anzhi didn't speak and waited for the master's command.

However, Gu Mo City didn't speak, so she looked at the tired woman in front of her angrily.

Time passed quietly like this. Two people just stared at each other.

In the end, an Zhike could not resist such an inexplicable atmosphere. Only the initiative to speak!

"Gu Shao, I don't know what else you have to say?"

Gu Mo City has always been very angry. From his return to now, he has kept an anger in his heart and hasn't found it.

Because he can't accept an Zhike's calm appearance.

Originally, everything he did now was to revenge an Zhike, but now she looked calm. Gu Mocheng felt as if everything he did was a punch on the cotton, and the pain was himself.

And the other party just doesn't care.

"An Zhike, I didn't expect you to be so heartless."

"Gu Shao, did you knock on the door of my room this big night just to say such a word to me? There are beautiful women on it. Shouldn't you go up and comfort me?"

An Zhike told himself not to be angry! No matter what kind of pain you need to face, a heart can only bear it silently and can't vent it. But why is there a jealousy when talking to him.

When Gu Mocheng heard an Zhike say such words, he directly crossed her body into the room and closed the door!

An Zhike's feeling of uneasiness emerges from the bottom of his heart!

Now I'm really afraid of this man. If something strong happens, an Zhike feels that his heart is really painful. It seems that he can smell the spread of blood.

In an instant, she felt that the air in this small room became thin, and even her breathing became rapid and depressed.

"An Zhike, do you really love me?"

An Zhike looks at the anger and depth in the man's eyes. Listening to his question, an Zhike has a bitter smile on his mouth. It is because of love that the heart hurts so much.

"Didn't you know the answer a long time ago?"

"But your performance now makes me doubt. In fact, your heart doesn't fall in love with me at all."

Anyway, Gu Mo City just can't accept such a calm anzhike!

Listening to Gu Mo Cheng's words, an Zhike immediately understood how his angry wife came. It was because of this.

An Zhike felt that when did this man have such abnormal thoughts in his heart.

Bring a beautiful girl back and put it in the bedroom, but choose indifference directly.

In the middle of the night, I ran to my door to knock, just to say such a sentence and ask such a question.

Obviously, in his heart, what he is doing now may not be from his heart, or from his heart. Now she is the next wife, and her life has been so bad. Why torture her heart with a woman.

"What are you laughing at?"

Gu Mocheng's deep eyes have been staring at the changes of ANN Zhike's facial nerves.

But she found that the corners of her mouth always showed a seemingly meaningless smile, which seemed to Gu Mo City to be a kind of ridicule and relief.

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