"Zhuang Zixuan, are you crazy? What do you want? Just come to me. Why do you want to come in xiaokela. She is a very clean girl, not like our world, full of darkness, blood and killing."

Gu Mocheng gnashed his teeth and looked at Zhuang Zixuan. At this moment, he really wanted to break up the woman to relieve his hatred.

"Yes, I'm crazy. I really want to kill you, but I'm willing to give this opportunity to both of you. I believe an Zhike is also willing to pay his life for you."

Zhuang Zixuan stopped this interesting game because of Gu Mo's panic and an zhikede's fear. Instead, seeing the fear on their faces and the panic in their eyes, they feel that this game is really fun.

Because she finally saw the panic in Gu Mo Cheng's eyes!

"Zhuang Zixuan, you are really crazy!"

It's too late for an Zhi to tell us what happened before. Now she's playing a game she never knew.

"An Zhike, since you've said I'm crazy, it means you've understood the rules of the game! But I don't mind explaining it for you. Each of you has his own shot. If it's an empty gun, Congratulations, your life is not in danger. But if you're unlucky and the bullet is waiting for you there, I'm sorry, you'll die Die. "

When Zhuang Zixuan said these words, she was in a crazy state. In her opinion, the game is really fun.

Seeing the panic in the eyes of the two people in front of each other, just looking at the revenge in their hearts, they reached an extreme peak.

"Zhuang Zixuan, I really want to cut you thousands of times."

"Don't worry, I will give you this opportunity, but it's a pity it's not now."

Zhuang Zixuan's heart is very clear about what will happen to her, so I need to escape. As long as I get it now, I'll be happy.

"Zhuang Zixuan..."

Gu Mo City tried his best to stand up, but at the moment he stood up.

Zhuang Zixuan's muzzle was directly at an Zhike's head.

Gu Mo City was honest in an instant and didn't dare to move at all!

"Zhuang Zixuan, you don't have to play this game. Just give me a shot."

An Zhike closes her eyes painfully, because she doesn't want to see Gu Mo Cheng's pain and panic.

However, it's not easy for an Zhike to trade his life for Gu Mocheng's life at this time.

"No, no, no! I just want to see the panic in your eyes. I want to feel your heartbeat. So, at this time, I play with a heartbeat."

Zhuang Zixuan's nerves are in the extreme state at this moment. Maybe she knows what she is doing, maybe she doesn't know at all, but she knows her own end.

Anyway, in her subconscious mind, she must see Gu Mo City's pain, fear and fatigue.

When Zhuang Zixuan finished, her men clearly handed the robbery to Gu Mo City!

However, Gu Mo City didn't take over the gun in his hand!

"Gu Mo Cheng, since you don't want to go to the cinema, let's start with an Zhike."

Since his men understood Zhuang Zixuan's meaning, he came to an Zhike and handed the gun to an Zhike!

"Xiao Ke, don't be afraid. The first shot, open it boldly!"

Gu Mo City is no stranger to such games. I used to play naturally.

So he knew better that in such a game, the bullets would generally be in the back, not in the front.

"But, but..."

An Zhike's slender little hand trembled and took the man's pistol below.

When she spoke, she felt her voice tremble slightly.

Facing this situation for the first time, an Zhike's heart can't be calm and calm at all.

She felt her breathing very fast and panic!

She felt her heartbeat didn't belong to her.

Also instantly understood the kind of fear that Zhuang Zixuan just said.

In fact, such a game is an exploration of the unknown. Just put your life on every shot!

At this time, she was suddenly afraid of death because she had a son!

But looking at Gu Mo City in front of him, his face was pale. The whole body trembled slightly.

An Zhike closes her eyes painfully. She knows that Gu Mo City is very uncomfortable at this moment. His whole body is very painful.

"Ah Cheng, if I leave the world because of today's game, please take good care of my parents and the people around me. I believe that if you can leave here, there will be an unexpected surprise waiting for you."

"Xiao Ke, don't talk nonsense. Listen to me and do it!"


An Zhike feels that his whole body is very tight, cells and nerves! It seems that the blood is flowing back all over the body.

I don't know how nervous I am at this moment. Anyway, her heart jumps on a string and seems to be ready to explode!

"An Zhike, for this game, in fact, I think you can listen to the words of Mexico City. Because even I don't know where the bullet is? Which shot is it?"

An Zhike knew that there was no use in escaping, but her hands trembled slightly. She really didn't dare.

"An Zhike, if you don't shoot yourself, the bullet will be on the knee on the right side of Gu Mo City!"

An Zhike felt that his whole body was shaking, his eyes were scattered, and his heart was extremely tight!

She didn't touch her heart, but she felt that her heart seemed to jump out.

An Zhike doesn't know where he comes from. Her hand moved hard and sent out an empty gun!

Just after the gunshot, she didn't have any strength. She sat down on the ground decadent!

However, her heart still beats very fast, because she is fine, which means that something may happen to Gu Mo City!

An Zhike felt that he was a heart put down at that moment, but he tightened up again.

She heard a bang just before she calmed down!

When she looked at Gu Mo City, she found that the bullet was also empty!

Once again, the gun is in anzhike's hand!

"Xiao Ke, that's the third anti bullet. Don't worry. There should be nothing."


Before an Zhike finished his words, he was directly interrupted by Gu Mocheng's words.

"No, but shoot boldly! Even if I die, I won't let you leave the world."

An Zhike saw deep feelings from Gu Mo Cheng's eyes. Yes, deep feelings and tenderness!

Naturally, an Zhike nervously shot himself in the chest, just as Gu Mocheng said! Sure enough, it's all right!

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