She doesn't know what to do now. It's almost the power of Gu Mo City who came to this city. It's hard for as to go to school.

But we can't let them know the existence of as, if they know. I don't know what irreparable things will happen.

While an Zhike was immersed in his thoughts, the new president came directly to her.

"An Zhike..."

An Zhike thought she was dreaming. Because of the sound, she realized that she couldn't.

An Zhi expected the person who appeared in front of her, "Why are you here? Are you the new president they said!"

An Zhike was surprised that he completely forgot the occasion.

Because at this moment, she said such words. Shouldn't she tell everyone present that there is a relationship between her and Gu Mo City?

"Yes, I'm the new president they say."

Ann Zhi is really helpless. When did this man become so childish.

Don't he know that this company is just killing time here. Everyone's enthusiasm is very low! Buying here is a waste of money. He is such a business minded man. Such an immature move.

"You are really a boring person."

Helpless, an Zhike can only say such a sentence to comfort himself and tell himself that his appearance has nothing to do with himself, but the fact is that no matter how she escapes, Gu Mo City will come here because an Zhike is also here.

"Don't worry, I'm a public-private person. When I'm in the company, I want to see strength and ability."

"I know I won't let you down."

An Zhi can stay around Gu Mo City and do something. Naturally, he knows how strict he is with his work.

"I'm glad that from this moment on, I will be the new president of this company. But I'm very strict with my work. If I don't achieve my goal, I'll leave immediately! I won't have a free range state for you like your previous boss. Now I'll give you half an hour to prepare. What kind of business do you have? What kind of work do everyone do Yes, I'll have a meeting in half an hour. If I'm not satisfied with your answer again, I'll fire her immediately. "

Originally, a group of women were still in the flower maniac. But hearing the new president's words of justice, everyone's heart was bad. Because in the past six months, each of them is here to spend time, and they don't care about work at all! And now it's only half an hour. I can't do it at all, so I have to work hard.

But they don't want to leave, because such a handsome new president makes them look good.

"Don't you understand what I just said? It's only half an hour now. Don't you prepare for work."

Gu Mocheng said such a sentence indifferently that everyone ran to his desk like the wind and dealt with work immediately, especially women.

Half an hour

Gu Mocheng sat at the front of the conference room. He listened to everyone's report and frowned deeper and deeper.

An Zhike knows that this man is really strict with his work and can't make any mistakes. Listening to their reports like this, even an Zhike felt that there was no benefit at all! You can imagine how angry Gu Mo Cheng, who has always been very picky about his work, will be.

"It seems that our company needs to recruit new staff."

"Mr. Gu, although their work report is really not very good, it is also because they have not had any motivation to do anything since this time. I believe that after you come, each of them will be very motivated. In that case, why not give each of them a chance. Just give them a one month probation period. If the work fails to meet the standard After all, we need some time to prepare and recruit some new staff. "

An Zhike knew that Gu Mo Cheng was trying to hide his anger if he didn't have any feelings!

"I believe an Zhike's words have been heard and expressed. Those who feel incompetent for this job can leave directly. I will never make any retention! Of course, those who stay will work up to the standard and double their salary after the one-month probation period. There will be overtime pay and full attendance. I will reward their salary. I will make an announcement ! so I'm looking forward to doing everyone's performance. The harder I work, the more money I get. "

An Zhike knows that this man has always been resolute and resolute in doing things. He won't procrastinate, just like now. Of course, she knows what Gu Mocheng's intention is?

No matter who comes out to work, they just want to make money. As long as they can make money, this is everyone's motivation.

What a temptation it is to double your salary.

Gu Mocheng looked at everyone sitting in the conference room without any movement. Then don't talk. The meaning is very clear.

"Good! In that case, I'm looking forward to your performance in the next month. From today on, an Zhike will be my personal secretary! I'm a person who only looks at my working ability. I heard each of you's report clearly just now, but you also heard an Zhike's report."

So the meaning is very clear, because Anzhi is a person with strong working ability. He deserves to be his secretary!

Ann Zhi is really speechless. If she knows that such a report will be his secretary, she will write the report at will like other staff.

"In the company, I don't want to hear any gossip, so pay attention to your behavior. Everyone sitting in the office must appear in the company in formal clothes. Women must wear high heels of more than 5cm and men must wear suits!"

An Zhike knows that this man is really strict with his work. He will never leave any slack for himself!

"After the meeting, an Zhi can stay!"

Everyone in the conference room was afraid to speak and looked very tense, because the new president was really resolute and did what he said.

But for them, the new president's appearance is really high. But the most tempting thing is to double the salary.

Only Gu Mochen and an Zhike were left in the conference room.

"Gu Mocheng, you are already a 30-year-old man. You are so naive."

"I just want to be childish. Only in this way can I see you all the time."

"I believe you are a very business minded person. When you buy this company, you know that this company has no strength at all. You..."

An Zhike was directly interrupted by Gu Mo City before he finished his words.

"It doesn't matter. For me, where you are, I will be there. Moreover, I believe that as long as I am there, there will be no new company that can't develop."

An Zhike listened to Gu Mo's proud words.

She is really speechless, because this man does have proud capital.

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