Ann Zhi really learned it by herself. It turned bad. She could sit in bed with a big man. They were not dressed yet. Can be so unscrupulous to discuss such topics.

In the past, as long as she talked about such things, her white face would turn red and very shy.

Maybe I've really grown up and experienced five years, so I can face it when this happens.

Although I lost my mind last night, I was also drugged! Maybe I didn't feel much in the early stage. But later, when the whole person wakes up. She clearly felt the extreme madness.

It turns out that such a thing is really. The happiest moment in life!

But according to this, hearing Gu Mo Cheng's words, the whole person was not calm. He lay directly on the bed and lay the body.

Gu Mocheng looked at the change of his woman, and a happy smile appeared on his handsome face. Sure enough, it would be great if we could explain this matter when we meet again! Not to miss so many beautiful and happy moments between two people.

But now the misunderstanding between the two people has been solved, which is very good.

I think in the future, two people together is just around the corner, so now. One thing he wants to know is what's going on with the wound on his stomach?

Because Gu Mocheng feels more and more that Xiaoke must have had a child.

Such a long wound can only show that it is not a natural birth, but a caesarean section!

So now he is eager to know. Where's the child? Whose child is it, and the answer is to ask Yin Xu!

Although he was not sure whether Yin Xu would say it, he should try to do it anyway.

Sure enough, as Xiao Ke said, after eating something at will, she may be really tired and tired. After a while, she heard her steady breathing.

At this moment, Gu Mocheng really feels that he is the most sexually happy man in the world.

But the important things are still not forgotten.

Looking at the sleeping woman with affectionate eyes. Gently on her forehead, a sweet kiss.

"Gu Mo City!"

"Yin Xu, I want to know if Xiao Ke has had children in the past five years."

Gu Mocheng is not vague at all. He does things neatly.


Yin Xu on the other side of the mobile phone knew when Gu Mocheng asked such a question directly. He would know about the child in a short time.

The reason why I didn't choose to investigate. It is because he believes that he will give him a sincere and accurate answer on this matter.

"Yin Xu, listening to your hesitation and a little surprised, I can conclude that Xiao Ke had a child five years ago. So I believe you will tell me who the child is and where it is now?"

"Gu Mo Cheng, how do you know this?"

When Yin Xu asked this question, he thought of it. There must have been a relationship between the two people, because the wound on the stomach can only be seen when they have a relationship. As long as you see the wound, as a normal adult, you will know that such a wound feels like a caesarean section to produce a child.

"You don't care how I know about it. Now I'll ask you if Xiaoke had a child five years ago and who the child is? Of course, you can choose not to answer me. But I believe that since you have completely let go, you naturally want to complete me and Xiaoke. Since you want to complete both of us, help me once and tell me whether Xiaoke has it or not Had a child. Whose child is that? "

Yin Xu heard Gu Mo Cheng's urgent words on his mobile phone.

"If I said Xiao Ke had a baby, what would you think of?"

Yin Xu knew that as long as he said such a sentence, he had thought that the child was five years ago.

"So now you're telling me that Xiao Ke really had a child, and this child is still the one five years ago, right?"

I don't know why, in Gu Mocheng's psychology, he just has such a strong feeling. If Xiao Ke had a child, the child must have been five years ago, so in fact, when he left five years ago, the child was not destroyed at all.

"Of course I won't stop you from thinking like this."

"Yin Xu, I beg you. Please tell me the whole story of my affair. I'm really eager to know the answer."

This matter may not be particularly important to Yin Xu. But it's different for Gu Mo City.

He felt guilty for five years because of the child. If the child did not leave the world and was born, how happy he would be. At this moment, how eager he wants to see the child.

As like as two peas, you know, that child is your Gu Mo Cheng! Originally, she decided to knock down the child. But I secretly saw her. After she met him, she didn't want to knock it off. So we didn't destroy the child when we left. I can tell you clearly that a boy is very smart, very steady, and the character is exactly the same as yours. If you can see him, I believe you will see you as a child. Especially his eyes are really the same as yours, like deep drum and calm. "

The more Gu Mocheng listened to Yin Xu, there was a strong desire to shout in his heart. He just wanted to see the child at this moment.

"Where is he now?"

"In the city you are most familiar with, I don't know where it is."

Gu Mocheng heard Yin Xu's words. I suddenly remembered an interesting thing. Because he thought of it, he knew where the child was.

"Yin Xu, I really thank you very much, all my life. I thank you very much!"

"You're welcome. I just hope Xiao Ke can get happiness."

"I'm sure we'll meet soon. I'll hang up first."

Now Gu Mo City, he can't wait to return to his city. Go and see your child, because he finally has a son, and he is almost five years old!

An Zhike, who had been sleeping in bed! I don't know what happened, so I was directly dragged up by Gu Mo City.

"What are you doing?"

"Go back, we'll go back right now. I've booked a plane ticket, half an hour later."

Gu Mocheng looked at the woman with an innocent face. He really wanted to strangle him.

Hearing the word "go back", an Zhike was completely awake in an instant.

She looked at Gu Mo Cheng with love and hate. A bad feeling spread in her heart.

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