However, Gu Mo City did not speak, but quietly got up and came to an Zhike. Lay down directly behind Ann Zhike.

"Gu Mo City, what are you doing? Is as still there?"

An Zhi really wants to be scared to death by Gu Mo Cheng's actions at this time.

"Xiao Ke, if I don't sleep with you, I can't sleep! Therefore, I think I should hold you to sleep! Don't worry, I will be good and never make any special moves. After all, our baby is lying next to me, and I dare not!"

An Zhike didn't take Gu Mocheng's words as one thing at all.

"There are still things you dare not do in this world?"

In fact, the reason why an Zhike spoke such a sentence was that he said it at will without going through his brain!

"Don't say, there is another thing in this world that I really dare not do."

"Who believes it?"

Ann Zhike pouts because she really doesn't believe it!

"I dare not do things that hurt you. I dare not do things that make you uncomfortable. I dare not do things that make you cry."

An Zhike heard Gu Mocheng say such a word, and her heart was shocked.

Because I never thought Gu Mo City would answer like this.

Without such an unconscious love word, an Zhike felt his heart beat faster at this moment. Breathing became a little short. Because this man began to treat her very well!

"I believe you! Should we rest now? Just now you said yourself, but you can only hold me and sleep like this."

"Of course, because you are my best sleeping pill!"

"Or sleeping pills. Our whole family is sleeping pills."

Originally, an Zhike was always on her side, because she was always looking at her children. And Gu Mo City lies behind an Zhike. His hands were wrapped around an Zhike's waist.

And an Zhike himself spoiled after finishing this sentence. Her little hand couldn't help holding the big hand on her waist!

A happy smile appeared on his face and closed his eyes slightly.

Gu Mocheng felt such a move of his beloved woman. His heart beats so fast!

But in Gu Mo City's heart, it's also very uncomfortable. I'm afraid I'll have to stay up all night tonight.

Because the woman you love is in your arms, but you can't do anything. Isn't it hard for him?

However, such suffering is always better than Xiao Ke's absence!

However, if Xiao Ke flirts or teases himself that day, it is estimated that something big will happen!

For such a day, Gu Mo's heart is very looking forward to it.

Ann Zhike slept soundly, but she was always in a daze. She seemed to hear the sound of water in the bathroom.

It was because she wanted to sleep too much, so she didn't care too much.

"Baby, you are really handsome today."

An Zhike could not help sighing as long as she looked at her son. This genetic gene is really too magical. It's so cute to give birth to a child.

"Slag dad, wasn't I handsome when I appeared in front of you?"

Anstown looked at his slag father, such a pride, such a self-confidence. I believe it as like as two peas!

Does Anzhi know when his son started? Actually become so narcissistic.


"Is that slag dad? Are you handsome or am I handsome?"

An Zhike stood by and listened to the dialogue between our father and son. He was really helpless, but his beautiful face couldn't hide happiness.

In fact, Yin Xu has never been in the habit of going to the bar. But since that time I had sex with the woman named Bai Xiaoxiao. He always goes to that bar to have a look from time to time.

These days he always feels as if he is ill. In my mind, I always think of Bai Xiaoxiao wearing a white skirt from time to time.

Especially when she stood between men and was teased by them.

In fact, this has happened for several days. It's really like what Bai Xiaoxiao said. After having a relationship, she really didn't want Yin Xu to be responsible!

And she left early that morning. No words left.

In Yin Xu's understanding of women, he thinks that women are a very troublesome creature! But he fell in love with a woman named an Zhike at first sight.

Despite this relationship, he has been paying for so many years. Only now did he tell himself that he should completely forget.

It's because he wants to forget, so it's in his subconscious mind. Just tell yourself you should have sex with other women.

And Bai Xiaoxiao appeared in front of him.

He has been in the bar for three consecutive days, but he hasn't seen Bai Xiaoxiao!

For this woman, he didn't ask his men to investigate more.

Maybe in Yin Xu's subconscious. I want to develop well with Bai Xiaoxiao. Otherwise, how could he allow himself to have sex with her?

At the same time, Yin Xu himself is not a person who likes to quit drinking and pour sorrow.

The last time, it was because I needed to vent. That's why I came to such a small bar.

Maybe some things are doomed!

Yin Xu comes to the bar!

"Give me a bottle of red wine!"

Yin Xu said casually to the bartender!

Because red wine is to taste slowly! In this way, time will pass more slowly. Maybe I can see Bai Xiaoxiao today.

Sure enough, Yin Xugang just poured himself a glass of red wine when he heard a familiar voice!

"Smelly woman, you are so brave that you dare to call someone to deal with us. Are you impatient?"

"Haven't I ever sent someone to deal with you? Have you made a mistake!"

Bai Xiaoxiao clearly remembers that the two men were that night. Someone who's going to molest her outside the bar!

If she had the strength to deal with these two men. So why do you sell wine in the bar now?

"Are you kidding? How can I get the wrong object."

"No, it has nothing to do with me. You..."

Bai Xiaode didn't finish her words. Even she didn't see what was going on. The two men in front of her fell directly to the ground and howled in pain!

"I didn't ask you to die, so I learned to advance an inch, didn't I?"

Yin Xu's indifferent voice came into the ears of the three people!

In fact, when Bai Xiaoxiao heard the words of the two men just now, she naturally thought that Yin Xu might have done it. But now listening to him admit so recklessly, my heart is really warm!

"Who the hell are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is. I can do what I want you to do."

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