"I know that five years ago, I did too many things that hurt Xiaoke. She can't forgive me. I can understand. But I'm eager to know why she chose cesarean section. According to my understanding of Xiaoke, she won't easily choose cesarean section."

Yin Xu heard what Gu Mocheng said at this time!

"In fact, Xiao Ke has almost forgotten what happened five years ago. Because there is enough time to forget some purposeful injuries and purposeful pain. Xiao is a very kind person. Her heart is very open-minded, so she won't let herself live in hatred all the time."

"Well... Why do you want to forgive me? Don't you want to give me another chance or trust me again?"

If it's really the same as Yin Xu said. Gu Mocheng is eager to know why.

"If you want to know why Xiao Ke can't forgive you, then I have more to say."

"I'm all ears. I'd like to hear it in detail!"

To deal with this five-year gap, Gu Mo City is eager to know everything. Obviously, Yin Xu is the best choice.

"Although five years have passed, I still clearly remember how bad her life was when I left your world with Xiaoke. If it wasn't for her wanting to be responsible for the child, I guess she didn't have the motivation to stick to it. In my impression, I think Xiaoke has always been a very strong girl. But with you This relationship is a great blow to her. "

Yin Xu was in no mood to eat!

Although Yin Xu has been with an Zhike for the past five years, giving her silent support, encouragement and comfort.

It's a pity that he still loves this man in an zhikede's heart.

"Originally, when we chose to leave, we wanted to go abroad. But in the end, we both decided to go back to my city. But in another city, Xiaoke didn't want to live with me. Because she was in the early stage of pregnancy, she usually depended on herself. So I let her be a secretary beside me. I believe you know very well, Xiaoke But a person with very strong working ability. As long as she is willing to do something, she can't finish it. "

"But Xiao Ke spends all her time on work every day. She tries hard to forget you with her work. Because after five years ago, she changed from thin to fat. In the process of changing from fat to thin, her physical fitness is not so good. So she was under great pressure when she was pregnant."

"And time goes by slowly in her work."

"I can never forget that in more than seven months. I don't want her to come back to work. I think she should take good care of her baby and give birth to a healthy and clever baby. But Xiaoke doesn't agree at all. No matter what I say, she just doesn't agree. Finally, I can't help but agree that she will work until the eighth month."


When Yin Xu said this, his tone was always very calm. Not too many waves!

But when these two words came out, Yin Xu stopped. He seems to be brewing emotion, brewing words! It also seems to recall everything in the past.

"But what?"

When Gu Mocheng heard this, he felt his heartbeat. To this part of the throat. It's going to jump out soon. Because he never knew that he hurt Xiaoke so deeply. So deep that if it weren't for her children, she wouldn't have the motivation to live. In order to be able not to think of their hard work every day.

At this moment, Gu Mo City feels that he is really scum. No wonder as would call him father scum!

It turned out that he didn't know what even a child knew.

"But I was born prematurely before eight months!"

"Premature birth?"

Gu Mo Cheng became super unstable in his deep eyes. Because he knew very well how dangerous the mother would be if she gave birth prematurely.

"Yes, as like as two peas, I believe in the reason for premature delivery. You need to get it! Yes! It's exactly the same as you think. Because Xiao Ke has been busy working in the East. Although she works at work, she has been working very hard."

"In fact, there was a small accident that caused premature birth! That is, when I took the elevator with others after punching the card in the morning, the elevator broke down! At the same time, because there were many people in the elevator, I accidentally met Xiaoke's stomach when the elevator broke down. However, Xiaoke was very strong. It lasted about half an hour until the elevator was repaired, even though it was flowing all the time Blood, but she always told herself to wake up. "

"Although I didn't see such a thrilling picture at that time, people in the elevator would talk about that thing. Gu Mo Cheng, in fact, when I thought of this thing, I especially wanted to kill you. You're really not a good man."

"But you are clearly not a good man, but Xiao Ke loves you wholeheartedly and has never forgotten. It is because of that love and that deception that she can only paralyze herself with work. In the company, she takes every job more seriously than others."

"Gu Mo Cheng, do you know how I feel now? I really want to stab your heart with a knife. See if your heart is red or black?"

"Have you ever thought about how she felt when she was alone in the elevator? She was lying in the operating room in pain. She had to choose caesarean section. I think at that moment, she should hate you."

"Xiaoke's principle is not to be deceived. But you have broken her principle. Her love is so deep that you love. I think even if you sacrifice your life in your family now, you can't cover all Xiaoke's pain!"

Gu Mocheng listened carefully, but his heart was very painful and painful!

He knows that there are still many things, and Yin Xu certainly hasn't said it yet. But the general situation has been fully expressed!

After Yin Xu said some things sporadically. When he looked up at Gu Mo City, he found that tears were flowing from the corners of Gu Mo City's eyes!

Yin Xu thought that Gu Mo City must be very painful at this moment!

Because such a picture gives Gu Mocheng endless imagination.

"Xiao Ke, she..."

When Gu Mocheng spoke, he found that his voice was choking!

He reached out and touched the corners of his eyes, but he couldn't help crying!

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