The morning sun came in through thick curtains. But Ann knew he was sleepy and didn't realize it was dawn at all.

However, Gu Mo City, who has been taken care of all night, has a good rest. Although I was confused all night, I seemed to say a lot of messy words, as if I was dreaming. I felt that Xiao Ke came to take care of him.

But such a thing seems to Gu Mo City to be dreaming in a dream.

After all, it's because I was drenched with cold water for so long, and I burned too much one night. When I woke up in the morning, my head was still a little uncomfortable.

Naturally, Gu Mo Cheng would never know that there was another person in his bedroom.

He was in some pain and wanted to turn over when he turned his head. But I saw a man sleeping by the bed. Look at her hair and you know it's Xiao Ke!

Gu Mo City's heart seemed to set off thousands of waves in an instant. Because he never thought Xiao Ke would really come and how she came. Did you turn the window like him or came in downstairs.

But in Gu Mo's subconscious mind, he thought Xiao Ke should turn over the window.

Gu Mocheng moved his body carefully.

He hurried out of bed!

Came to an Zhike's side, some looked down at the sleeping Xiao Ke! Listening to her steady breathing, looking at her deep sleep, I can see how tired she was last night!

A touch spreads to every cell in the bottom of my heart.

Naturally, his head clearly remembered every word Yin Xu said to him yesterday.

Gu Mocheng bent down, carefully and gently picked up an Zhike and put her on the bed.

Although this process came down, Gu Mo City tried to be careful not to wake her up.

An Zhike who didn't wake up can only show that she was really tired last night. It's early morning now, and she's still asleep. She had no idea what had just happened.

Gu Mocheng, who was going to get up to find an Zhike, lay down on the bed again, quietly lying by the bed and watching the sleeping an Zhike!

Really, Xiaoke has not changed much compared with five years ago. The only change is more mature, more sensible, more intellectual, more elegant behavior!

Such elegance, such maturity, such elegance can make a man intoxicated!

"Xiao Ke!"

When Gu Mo City gently calls Xiaoke. His hands dare not touch Ann Zhike's tired face!

Because he was afraid that such a touch would awaken an Zhike!

It is a kind of satisfaction and contentment for Gu Mo City to be able to accompany an Zhike so quietly.

"Sorry, I really don't know so many things have happened in the past five years. You are really too strong. That kind of strength makes me feel inferior as a man. If you weren't so strong, maybe now, the children are not with us!"

"In fact, I am also the happiest person in the world. So I will cherish such happiness. Really, no matter what happens in the future, I will accompany you. I don't expect your forgiveness, but a kind of silent companionship."

Gu Mo Cheng's voice is gentle but firm!

Finally, Gu Mocheng could not help but carefully hold an Zhike gently in his arms!

When holding an Zhike, Gu Mocheng really wanted to close his eyes and have a good rest. However, the more he closed his eyes, the clearer his thoughts became.

Maybe what Yin Xu said to him yesterday really influenced him too much.

The more his heart wants to ignore, the more difficult it is to ignore.

No, it's piecemeal. I know how Xiaoke lived in the past five years.

Inexplicably, Gu Mo held anxike's petite body tightly.

Just because he just thought of every word Yin Xu said to him yesterday, an act he couldn't help!

There is no concealment of tenderness and doting in deep glasses.

Gu Mo City looked at an Zhike with a beautiful sleeping face. I can't help but want to kiss her.

But at the moment he was ready to go up tonight, an Zhike opened his eyes.

"Gu Mo Cheng, what are you doing?"

In particular, Gu Mo City closed his eyes slightly when kissing, so he didn't know that an Zhike woke up at all.

Hearing the loud voice of an Zhike, Gu Mo City was a little embarrassed! But he still opened his eyes and smiled at an Zhike!

"I ask you, what do you want? It's early in the morning! Last night, but I was as tired as a dead dog. I hurt you all night."

"Thank you for your care. I will remember it all my life!"

Gu Mo Cheng is not a shy person, but why. He dared not admit it at this time.

"Gu Mo City, such a big man, actually kissed me secretly."

An Zhike seems to have seen such a thing for a long time.

"Are you kidding? You're my wife. If I want to kiss, I'll only kiss bright and upright. How can it be a secret kiss?"

It turns out that a man, no matter how cheeky he is, can really lie with his eyes open.

"Hey, hey!"

An Zhike pretended to show a silly smile at Gu Mo City.

Although Ann Zhike was a little tired, she still had to because her son might go to her room later.

Seeing that an Zhike was about to get up, Gu Mo City hurriedly stopped him!

"It's early now, and you didn't rest all night last night. Now have a good rest!"

"In the past, when I was sometimes tired, I probably didn't sleep for a day or two. What's this?"

An Zhike said such a sentence at this time, which was completely unintentional. It's all talk! But he didn't think of such a sentence, which made Gu Mo City's heart hurt.

What is the concept of a woman who doesn't sleep for a day or two.

An Zhike felt that the men around her didn't do anything. She realized what she had said just now.

"In fact, it's inevitable to take care of children in one night, so there's no big deal. You look like how hard and tired I used to be."

"Yes, let you have another child. Let you enjoy the treatment of a princess and a queen all the way!"

"Gu Mo Cheng, you..."

Gu Mocheng said such words, but she couldn't say no. Because such a wish is also what her son expected.

"For children, let's let it be. If you are pregnant, you will be born. If you are not pregnant, don't think too much!"


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