An Zhi doesn't understand!

"How could I be hurt? I haven't offended anyone since I came back."

When an Zhike said this himself, she remembered it. It seems to have offended Li Jing unknowingly.

After all, when I came back, no matter what purpose and reason, it was because of her that the wedding didn't go on.

How can Li Jing's heart not hate such a thing.

"So, are you telling me that Li Jing will retaliate against me? Because you are not with her. Because I appeared at the wedding on her wedding day, and then asked you to leave the wedding and all the people to chase me!"

"What do you think she will do according to your understanding of Li Jing?"

"She is also a woman. Can she do something heinous?"

It should be that Ann Zhike has never seen how dangerous the world is and how cruel a person's heart is.

"If I tell you now about everything Li Jing has done, you will feel that women are more cruel than men in this world."

When Gu Mocheng said this, he couldn't help sitting down beside an Zhike.

"Listen to what you say, I don't have to think about what she has done. It seems that she is really powerful. After all, she helped with many things five years ago. But will she really do anything to hurt me or her children?"

"Xiao Ke, you must be careful with Li Jing anyway! She would rather be broken than complete now. Since she can't get it, she would rather hurt. But I can't do anything? After all, she has been with her mother for the past five years. I'm not a person who doesn't miss the old love, as long as she doesn't do anything to hurt you and ah Si "Then there's no big problem."

When Gu Mocheng said this, he wanted to use the safety knowledge he was seriously thinking about in his arms.

But when Gu Mocheng was ready to put his hand on an Zhike's shoulder and hold her in his arms.

An Zhike seemed to know it. He took a few steps to the side!

Gu Mocheng looked at an Zhike's behavior at this time and knew that there had been a lot of things in her heart that she could not choose to forgive. But think about it, everything that happened five years ago was on her. It's a heavy blow, especially in the ten months of pregnancy.

It seems that this matter must be forgiven.

"Forget it, I don't want to say more about Li Jing. We'll talk about it when it happens. After all, she's in the Ming Dynasty. We're secretly trying to escape. It's no use trying to avoid. Anyway, I think this thing should give Li Jing a chance. Otherwise, she can't start. Let's live in fear all the time. Because we don't know her What kind of outrageous things will you do? "

In fact, an Zhi can treat such a sentence, that is, say it at will, but listen to Gu Mocheng's heart. I think it's a very good way.

Li Jing is actually a very sincere and shrewd person! Then we should let the people under her relax their vigilance and give her a chance to take advantage of it. Otherwise, this matter may be endless, but such an opportunity is difficult to wait. Do you want to create such an opportunity for her?

"Xiao Ke, if she catches you, don't I have to worry about death."

"Gu Mocheng, I think you are a very smart person. How come you found out that you are so stupid now? With the development of science and technology, won't you find a way? You can install a receiver on me! As soon as I can't get through, you can be sure that I must have been arrested by Li Jing. In that case, it's for me Do you have a chance to save the United States? Don't worry. If she catches me, I will delay and wait for you to save me, but I believe you. "

When an Zhike said this, her clear eyes looked innocently at Gu Mo City!

But this comes from the deepest trust in the bottom of my heart. I should take care of Mo Cheng's heart and feel warm.

"But I don't know what crazy things Li Jing will do. I'm still very afraid and worried!"

Not because Gu Moshen is not smart, but because he is too worried. When something happens, the brain becomes stupid.

"Be at ease when you come. There is nothing I know I can't face."

Gu Mo Cheng saw Xiao Ke with such an open-minded attitude. He was really ashamed of himself.

Sure enough, in a person, he has experienced too many twists and turns and disappointments. You always act calm when things happen again. Very quiet, very peaceful! It exudes elegance and intelligence between feet.

Now Xiaoke seems to have reached such a state.

"Is it because too many things happened to you that make you so calm and steady? Or is it because your character has always been like this, but have you found it? Xiao Ke, I'm sorry? You suffered too many things you couldn't bear five years ago. In fact, as long as I think of everything that happened to you, my heart is very painful. Now for me, The only regret is why I fell in love with you, but I am not willing to admit it. I always blame you for all my mistakes with xiner's departure. "

The two people had a good chat. They didn't expect Gu Mo City to say such words!

In fact, during this period of time, an Zhike seems to have forgotten a lot, and the whole person is immersed in happiness.

"Why do you think of this all of a sudden? In fact, we've had a good time together. If you can forget it, forget it. It's really not easy to get here, so just cherish it?"

Yes, now Ann Zhike really doesn't dare to do any vision and hope for the future. Especially at her age now, she has long passed the dream time of those fantasies. Therefore, it is the most important to be practical and cherish.

Gu Mocheng looked at an Zhike. In his deep eyes, only Gu Mocheng knew what he was thinking.

Perhaps because he thought of painful things, his eyes showed deep sadness.

An Zhike didn't know what was going on, so he saw Gu Mo Cheng kneeling on his knees.

If a man kneels on one knee, it is a proposal, but on both knees

An Zhike stood up stunned, and his two hands on his side kept clenching and loosening!

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