An Zhike listens to Xiaoxiao's light words and her interview smile.

"Am I going to be a mother again?"

An Zhike completely ignores the fact that he has a very painful head at this time. Because being a mother is too happy!

"Yes, you're going to be a mother again. You're really happy. Your second child has come. I haven't heard any news yet. I really envy you!"

Xiaokui was really envious when she spoke. For a woman, she and Chen Sicheng haven't thought about having children for so many years, but now. When you want it, it hasn't come yet.

Sure enough, in many cases, the more you want something, the less likely it is to get it. So it's better to face it with an ordinary heart. Maybe when you don't think about it, the child will come like a miracle!

"As, now that your mother is pregnant, do you want a brother or sister?"

"If I can, I hope it's a sister."

"Why do you want a sister?"

"Because I am a boy. Boys want to protect girls. My sister is a girl. When I grow up, I will protect my mother and sister."

The constant interaction between Xiaoxiao and as is to hope that Xiaoke can see such a warm picture. When she thinks of everything that happened, she won't look so sad and uncomfortable.

"Godmother, why are you alone? Now I'm all right. Why? A Cheng, they don't see them."

"So what?"

Has always been a very mean woman, at this time. When she heard Xiao Ke ask such a question, she hesitated and couldn't answer it.

Xiao Ke saw the worry, anxiety and evasion in her godmother's eyes when she heard her answer!

Suddenly, many pictures appear in Xiaokou's mind like slides. She clearly remembers that she was pulled in by Li Jing. At that moment in the sea, she saw Ah Cheng was shot, bright red blood

An Zhike seems to think of something very serious. Regardless of public opposition. She lifted the quilt and got up to see the situation.

In the face of the people's stop, Anzhi cocoa shed tears.

"Something must have happened to Acheng, isn't it? Neither Chen Sicheng nor Yin Xu appeared in the ward. After all, I'm pregnant with a child. It's a very happy thing for each of you. Godmother, Xiaoxiao and Xiaokui, don't stop me. Let me have a look? Let me know how Acheng is now?"

"Otherwise, even if you're tied to the hospital bed and locked in the ward, it's no use. I'll only think about it. Such words are very bad for the growth of children."

"Mommy, I know that my mommy has always been a very strong person, otherwise. Five years ago, you couldn't bear the pain to give me birth alone and give me such a good education to make me live so happy. So when we go to see daddy, you must be very strong and won't cry secretly, because you shed tears when you are pregnant, right Bad eyes. "

The three people next to him heard as say such a passage. I'm so surprised that I can't use words to describe my feeling at this time.

"Yes, I will be very strong. As long as Acheng doesn't leave me, I will be very strong!"

"OK, let's go and see daddy together, but we can't see it now. The operation is not over yet. Is the situation a little serious?"

An Zhike listened to her son's words. Her heart trembled and worried! But when she saw firmness in her son's eyes. An Zhike thinks he should be like a child. Don't worry! Believe that God will not be so cruel. What a torment in life!

When a group of them came to the door of the operating room, the doctor just came out.

"Doctor, how's my husband?"

And the doctor who came out was before. When he saw an Zhike. It was a little shocked and surprised.

"Miss, what you have to do now is to keep yourself happy and don't worry too much. Your husband is really in a bad situation. I don't know what you have experienced, but his head has been seriously injured. There is congestion in his head! But the experts didn't operate on him. After all, craniotomy is very risky. So they The consensus is that I hope this congestion can disperse itself and use drugs. "

"So, how long will such congestion stay in Acheng's head? How effective is it with drugs!"

"Miss, the experts and I can't give you a positive answer to this question. At the same time, I want to give you very bad news, that is, your gentleman. He is in a coma now. It depends on what you do!"

"What is he in a coma now? Do you want to tell me that a Cheng will become a vegetable and never wake up?"

"Miss, I can't give you an answer to your question!"

"But I can tell you for sure. He won't become a vegetable, but we can't be sure when to wake up. After all, there is congestion in his head. If the congestion dissipates, he will wake up!"

"At first glance, you are all people who care about him very much, so what you have to do now is to tell him more about the past, to stimulate his nerves and let him have the will to fight against the disease."

"Congratulations, take good care of your body. I feel that you have a very good feeling for that gentleman. Just for this feeling, I believe there will be miracles."

"But, sir, if the miracle wakes up, we can't guarantee whether there will be complications or sequelae."

"That gentleman, we have been sent to the intensive care unit. If you want to go in, you can only go in two together. Don't go in too many at one time!"

"Thank you, doctor!"

An Zhike is now immersed in every word the doctor says.

She felt that she didn't seem to have a heartbeat!

I'm not a vegetable. As long as the congestion in my head is scattered, I can wake up! But after waking up, I don't know if there will be complications or sequelae.

"Xiao Ke!"

"Xiao Ke, don't worry too much. I believe Gu Mo City will be lucky. He loves you so much. How can he bear to leave you?"

Xiaokui came to Xiaoke's side, carefully hugged her in her arms and opened her mouth to comfort.

But Xiao Ke is like a mummy, completely without thoughts.

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