Zhou Xiu couldn't help looking at the people who kept leaving. She was very angry. She was suppressed by the words of Gu Mo Cheng's assistant. These people were so powerful. Seeing Gu Mo Cheng ignoring her, she dared to shake her face.

But even so, she did not dare to get angry on the spot. This was neither her family nor her own, nor the person she could lose her temper freely. If it is not handled properly, her fame will be covered up by scandals and there will be no future.

"Since everyone has something to do, let's go first. The waiter can help me find it. If I can't find it, I'll be the only one to bear it. Hey..."

So she could only say considerate words with a pitiful white face

In the heart of some men, there is some understanding. But the influence of Gu Mo City is too great. Even if it is a short-term understanding psychology, there is no way for them to have the determination to provoke Gu Mo City.

So think again and again, they left the lake with two.

Until the end, only a sparse figure was left. Most of them are left behind waiters. They have the responsibility to look for Zhou Xiu's so-called lost necklace here.

Zhou Xiu clenched her hands and left traces in the center of her soft palm, but she didn't realize it.

Did she annoy Gu Mo City? It's impossible. Such a big man won't embarrass himself because of such a small thing, right.

It's just that Zhou Xiu is thinking here and worried about her future life. In the dark light not far away, a tall figure looks at Zhou Xiu ruthlessly and ironically. If you dare to do such things, you should think about your own consequences.

When an Zhike asked for the fresh breath, she was already on Rolls Royce.

The whole person woke up in Gu Mo Cheng's arms, and the tip of her nose was slowly full of the smell of men, but she didn't know that not only now, her whole life had been shrouded in the smell of this man, and she couldn't take it off anymore.

When she returned to her mind, Ann Zhike was surprised how embarrassed she was now. After all, even if she returned to the car, she was still buried in Gu Mo Cheng's arms, and her hands were still firmly grasping the shirt on Gu Mo Cheng's chest, and the whole person was stuck to Gu Mo Cheng.

Ah! Ann Zhi was at a loss. What the hell was she doing? And what to do next. And... Gu Mocheng walked the whole a university with her? How did the two get into the car?

The whole person's thoughts were like an explosion, which made her crash again.

"Wake up."

How could Gu Mocheng not feel the movement of the body in his arms? Looking at her slightly blinking eyelashes and tight little face, maybe he didn't realize it. His eyes were no longer the first time to see an Zhike at that time.

Of course, the tone is still dead, as always, President Gu's tone.

Ann Zhike's lying corpse is the same as she didn't hear it. She doesn't want it. She feels that her face is definitely red now. If she wants to go to Mexico City again, she will be at a loss. God, it's a shame.

No, no, still lie on the corpse. When you can lie on the corpse is when you can.

"Get up!"

Gu Mocheng once added a tone and looked at the fat claw that grabbed his shirt. If it went on like this, it was estimated that his shirt would not want to stay completely, but would only be caught in the shape of claws one by one.

Thinking of the ugly appearance after that, he felt that he was still taking precautions.

The slender fingers covered the fat claws. Sure enough, the claws were stiff, and the hot temperature could be felt across the skin. Grasp it with your claws, and then pull your hand out.

An Zhike doesn't have that face now. She struggles with Mo City. She also knows that she has been found. But she still didn't dare to look up. The claw can only move with Gu Mo Cheng's cold fingers, and then be placed on the cool chair.

"How long do you want to stay in my arms?" Gu Mocheng felt that an Zhike's face had made great achievements in her one month at home. When she first met, she would refute so excitedly because of a specious language. Now, after talking coldly for so long, she didn't say nonsense, and the people in her arms still didn't move at all, Gu Mocheng was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

However, the mountain people have their own tricks.

"You're not going to pack up your clothes. It's going to be exposed." in a cool sentence, an Zhike was surprised. She suddenly felt that she didn't notice it from the moment she was beaten to the moment she was held.

Mainly because after her three-year body shape change, she can't wear clothes that show her chest and legs during the day, night, winter and summer. Those clothes will only make her feel more ugly.

Today is the first time she wears a dress in three years. Naturally, she has less consideration.

The hand was faster than the psychological thought, and quickly touched his legs and chest for the first time. The whole person also quickly got up from Gu Mo City, more specifically, the whole person leaned back.

However, even such a big move was expected by Gu Mo Cheng. He circled an Zhike with his hands. However, he expected the action, but did not expect how strong her strength was. He was directly led by her and leaned back.

With a crack, an Zhike fell directly to the ground in the car, and Gu Mo Cheng fell directly to an Zhike. Of course, the reaction was very fast. Not all of them fell on her. They supported each other with two strong arms. They directly presented the posture of a woman under a man.

But fortunately, the ground is covered with a thick carpet. Even if you fall directly, it doesn't necessarily hurt.

But Ann Zhike's eyes widened with fear, and his chest jumped up. Even at this distance, the pores on the man's face are still too detailed to see. Even if the pain all over her body was concurrent at this time, she couldn't stretch out her hand to rub it, because the distance between the two people was really too close.

I don't dare to make any disorderly movements at all. I'm afraid of touching some places that shouldn't be touched.

The sound directly frightened the morning who was still driving. Looking back from the rearview mirror, the two people who should have lined up in the back seats disappeared in an instant.


"Keep driving!"

Chen almost stepped on the brake directly. As a result, Gu Mo Cheng said that he immediately returned to the normal situation. Since the president said so, it means that the person is still here. He just thought nothing had happened and went on with his work.

An Zhike shrank back slightly. She almost held her breath and was about to suffocate.

Gu Mocheng stiffened his body and controlled his breathing. The people under him were obviously frightened, and the pupils had not contracted.

"Do you want to get up first." Ann Zhike gently opened her mouth and tried not to let her breath rush on the face of the man opposite, increasing her bad heart. She felt that she couldn't go on like this. If she went on like this, she was really going to kill her.

"Do you remember now?" Gu Mocheng looked at the people under him playfully. His eyes moved and his red face. Although there were some fat meat like cotton, it didn't make people feel very greasy and even feel a little cute. And that bit by bit, just don't dare to look directly into his eyes, with a little soul embarrassment.

Isn't that how he felt before. Now it's her turn. How do you feel.

"En en." an Zhike nodded at once. She doesn't care about anything else now, because she feels cold on her thighs. Did she run out when she fell just now. God, she's so embarrassed.

The cold air from the air conditioner blew over her thighs from time to time, and she felt that her goose bumps were about to get up.

"Then tell me, why didn't you get up just now?"

Speaking of this, Ann Zhike's face is red with some inexplicable meaning, but how can she say it now? Can she say it's because of shyness?

"Do I?" an Zhike said timidly. She didn't dare to look at Gu Mo Cheng's penetrating eyes and silently shrank back, but the range of physical activity was really too small. She didn't even dare to bend her legs. So this backward contraction actually has no effect at all. The distance between them is still so close that their faces are not hidden in the eyes of the other person.

It's just Gu Mo City that can be enjoyed so happily. An Zhike can't even look at Gu Mo City, let alone appreciate his mood.

"You have. Or do you not want to answer this question?"

Domineering is something that a president will never lose. Now Gu Mo City is like this. An Zhike is about to be overwhelmed by his domineering attitude and tone.

"I... really don't." an Zhike was forced to murmur. His eyes unconsciously added a trace of crystal. He wandered around the corners of his eyes. His white and red face was like a delicious apple, which made people couldn't help taking a bite.

And the voice of mosquitoes and flies, if it weren't for the low distance between them, Gu Mo City couldn't hear it at all.

Gu Mo City was silent for a long time. Finally, he got up, bifurcated his legs and knelt on an Zhike's legs. Pulled off the coat that fell on the seat and covered the white thigh of anzhiko.

After leaving the confinement of Gu Mo City, she began to breathe normally, and the upsurge of the whole person slowly subsided. Put away his legs, and Gu Mo Cheng's suit and coat can barely cover the whole. An Zhike also feels that his current clothes are very uncomfortable, but now it's really inconvenient to tidy up everything on himself.

Ah, tears are falling!

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