Listen, after a moment of silence, ah Si finally chose to promise!

Her beautiful face showed a happy smile.

She happily hugged ah Si in her arms, and the whole person was like a child.

Gu Siyu finally showed a happy smile on his beautiful face.

In an instant, I felt that my decision was really correct.

If I just refused. Shallow doesn't know how sad and sad it will be.

Good. Anyway, grandma has nothing to do now. Now that the child has left. Then choose to forgive.

Because a person living in hate is really very painful.

And such a pain will not only make yourself very uncomfortable, but also affect all the people around who care about and love themselves.

Shallow, I hope you today such a request, I will not exchange for once regret.

I hope your mother can understand that you did it entirely for her good.

Li Jing, I hope this matter can be completely settled at this moment. Everything that once and in the future doesn't belong to you. No matter what you do? It won't be yours. Like an unforgettable love.

Gu Siyu prayed from the bottom of his heart that this matter was completely solved.

At this moment, shallow is playing his own little 99 in his heart!

The next thing to do is to let my mother completely put down the hatred in her heart.

Just, now I just don't know if my mother can accept it.

I don't know if it will make her more crazy and hate her more in her heart because of such a thing.

I hope my mother can wake up completely and realize completely through every moment of all that happened today.

"Shallow, I asked the servant to prepare some blood enriching porridge for you. I'll eat more later."


"Really good, for our children to come earlier. No matter what I prepare for the next month, you should eat obediently."


Gu Siyu looked so obedient that he didn't adapt to it.

"Because no matter how unreasonable my request is at any time, you will choose to agree. Why do you do everything for my good at this moment? Why don't I want to do it?"

"Ah Si, no matter what happens in the future, I'll depend on you anyway! Even if something happens in the future makes you angry and can't accept letting me leave you, I'll stick to you like a dog skin plaster."

When she said this again, she really pulled Aung Si's arm like a dog skin plaster and wouldn't let him leave.

This series of things happened today. For shallow people, I don't know whether it is good or bad.

But he was very happy to feel such a change in shallowness!

"Grandma, what do you think?"

Ji Yin saw shallow and ACE appear in the ward at the same time, and her heart began to worry!

Originally she wanted to sit up, but the wound didn't heal. In addition, she was too old. She should pay good attention, otherwise she would tear the wound again. It will be difficult to deal with.

"Nothing, don't worry! Shallow, you should have a good rest in bed at this time and don't walk down the ground."

"It's all right. I'm a young man, energetic and not so fragile."

Shallow, of course, know what Grandma means by these words?

Since this matter is an open secret, there is no need to say it directly.

Shallow came directly to Ji Yin.

Holding Ji Yin tightly with both hands, she looked a little old.

"Grandma, I'm sorry! If my mother hadn't been so persistent and hated, nothing would have happened."

Ji Yin looked shallow. There was a kind of kindness in her eyes!

For her old age, there was no edge to show when she was young.

Now she just wants peace.

If she can report her real great grandson, she will be more satisfied and happy.

"Son, strictly speaking, this matter has nothing to do with you. You and arth are the most innocent people in this matter, but what happened once made you two young people suffer such a pain. It should be that we tell you that we can't afford it."

"Everything that happened, no matter what? I can tell you when I have time. Ah Si can tell you, ah Cheng and Xiao Ke can tell you!"

"Children, don't think about anything now. The only thing you need to think about is to simply take care of your body and stay with ah Si. Let yourself have children as soon as possible. In this way, it will be a joy and satisfaction for each of us."

"Well, grandma, I will listen to you. No matter what happens in the future, I will accompany ah Si."


Ji Yin felt very tired because of such a thing and because she was old and talked a little for a while.

Shallow and ah Si were probably in Ji Yin's place. They stayed for less than half an hour and left.

But before going back to her ward, she chose to see her mother.

With theout Arthas!

At first he disagreed, but in the face of every word he said, he couldn't say anything to refute.

Li Jing heard the opening of the door. She was very decadent in bed, and she treated such a voice as if she had not heard it.


"It's you. Are you here to see my jokes?"

Shallow listening to his mother say such a blunt sentence, shallow that heart is very clear, in her mother's heart, she did not let go of all things, but intensified.

Shallow came directly to his mother's hospital bed and sat down on the next stool.

"Mom, the reason why I'm here today is that I don't want to see your jokes at all. Mom, no matter what happened before, I just hope you can be safe and healthy."

"Wolf heart and dog lung."

It seems that in my mother's heart, I still care about what I did before!

It's because of what I did before. In my mother's heart, I guess I won't forgive for a lifetime.

However, if she had two choices for such a thing, she would still do so.

"Mom, are all things tangled in your heart now? You can feel that these things are not your fault. But now you have paid a very heavy price for the hatred in your heart. Mom, you are a very beautiful person. How can you accept that you have destroyed a beautiful face like this? Mom, let your heart down completely Those hatred at the bottom! Only then can you come out completely. Otherwise, you will never forgive yourself and others all your life. "

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