Li Jing had a thick, unsharp look in her eyes, but when she heard this sentence, her body was stunned for a moment.

Also, with Gu Siyu and their guards around, the identity will be exposed sooner or later!

Because in the hearts of an Zhike and Gu Mo City, they will never believe that shallow is their own daughter.

"Tell me, whose child am I? Who am I? Why aren't you my mother?"

Li Jing listens to such accusations.

Her heart suddenly didn't know how to describe what kind of feeling it was?

"Mom, it's all like this! If I don't know everything, do you think I'll appear here to question you?"

Yes, I just want to get an answer when I come here today. Otherwise, I will not be reconciled.

"Why, since Gu Siwei has told you everything, why do you come here to question me?"

There is no indifference in Li Jing's eyes. She seems to dodge with a touch!

In fact, there was still some worry in her heart. After all, at that time, she knew her identity when she saw the little girl. It must be not simple, especially from her clothes and those things left behind!

"Mom, since I came to ask you, at least there is a family relationship in my heart. I really can't accept such a thing for the time being, and I can't forgive my biological parents. Why did you abandon me? But I also thank you very much, no matter what your purpose? Keep me by your side, at least raise me up."

"Mom, please tell me whose child I am and how I came here? Did they leave a little information for you at that time? They deliberately left me and accidentally picked me up by you. Or they sent the child directly to you. Or you asked me back directly in the orphanage."

Li Jing looked shallow and very restless. She knew that this matter had a great blow to her.

I knew it when I saw that my mother didn't say anything against me!

This matter has been eight or nine times.

"Mom, no matter how you get me, in the end, I'm not your daughter! Right?"

Obviously, in her shallow heart, although she already knew the answer, her heart was still difficult to accept.

This problem had appeared many times in her heart.

Now suddenly it really becomes a fact. How does she accept it!

Because from this moment on, she will become a fatherless orphan. For an orphan, do you really deserve all the happiness? Do you really still have this qualification certificate by arth's side? Give him all the love.

Why, why are you so busy!

At this moment, for shallow, her heart is very tangled.

Her heart can't accept such a thing.

Because now, in her heart, she really doesn't feel qualified to stand beside ah Si. In the past, she could persuade herself that she was a child with a mother. Even without a father, she was still a child with a mother, but now.

Now I have no mother or father at all. I don't know how to appear in this world. What's more, I don't know why my parents abandoned them. If they did, why did they give birth at that time?

Bring a life to this world, no matter which parents should cherish it well?

Shallow stood in front of Li Jing and thought about a lot of things. Her tears couldn't be restrained at this moment and directly burst into tears!

"Mom, don't be silent. I beg you to tell me how I came here?"

"I really want to know who my parents are and how you got me?"

Shallow cried and asked his mother to get an answer.

Li Jing and shallow get along with each other. For so many years, she has known since childhood that shallow is a very strong and stubborn girl.

She will hardly have tears for anything, but at this moment, she will shed tears because of heartache and disappointment.

Once upon a time, Li Jing wished she could have a daughter, so beautiful and kind as shallow.

However, every word the doctor said was still in his ears!

Once because he had sex with too many men, naturally he couldn't avoid pregnancy! After the treatment of pregnancy, he resolutely chose to kill it. No matter what the doctors and nurses say? It's no use. Even after they got pregnant, some men ran over and hoped they wouldn't kill the child. But I still decided to do so.

Because of this, I have no possibility of pregnancy, plus falling into the sea. Stay in the sea for a long time, so you don't have to make any illusions about pregnant children.

Child, child

When Li Jing thought of this, she felt like she was crazy again.

As a woman, I can't have children all my life! It only shows that the woman is not a complete woman. And he is the one who can't live.

"Shallow, do you really want to know who your parents are? Do you really want to know how I got you?"

When Li Jing asked this, a kind of hatred burst out in her eyes.

"Yes, of course I want to know who my parents are and how did you get me?"

Shallow still cry like a tearful man!

"I can tell you both things, but you must do one thing. As long as you can do it, I will tell you everything and say everything."

"What's the matter?"

When shallow asked again for four words, there was a feeling in her heart that this thing was definitely not a good thing? Have things developed into what they are now? Is there still only hatred in her heart? Does she still want to use these things to do something?

"I know you are a very smart person, and your intelligence has not inherited from me, but from your family. Although I am smart, my heart is cruel. No matter what I do, I will never leave room for others. If this thing is not successful, I will try to do it one by one."

"So, as long as you can kill Gu Siyu, I will tell you everything you want to know."

Shallow heard Li Jing's words, she felt her body clearly back two steps!

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