How did the two of them show up here?

No, it's not just the two of them. Ann Zhike looked at some familiar faces around her. Her original face sank. She wanted to ignore them, but there was always a desire to explore and trend her.

"You line up here, I'll leave first." an Zhike knows that she is very impulsive, but she has calmed her heart for so long. Because the appearance of these people fluctuates again, she has to pay attention to it.

There is also the person who sent her the package mentioned by Zeng Yu.

All this drove her. She comforted herself in her heart. Anyway, she just went to see what they were doing. If she just came to play, she would come back. Anyway, so many people could not find her.

"Alas, you don't want to go back." Cheng Xinran was startled. He thought that an Zhi didn't accompany him and wanted to go back first. It's just an excuse to leave first.

An Zhike looked at them, who were about to disappear, and looked a little worried.

"I met some acquaintances. You stay here first and I'll come back. If you buy the tickets and I don't come back, call me." get out of the line and go in the direction of those people disappearing. Fortunately, they are not in the amusement park. Otherwise, even if Ann Zhike has this idea, they can't get in at all.

Cheng Xinran is very depressed. Now he is left alone in the queue. For so much time, even the people who quarrel with him are gone?

How hard it was, but he was comforting himself. Well, when he thought about it, his heart seemed better?

Where would an Zhike pay attention to Cheng Xinran? He crossed one passer-by after another. An Zhike finally squeezed out of the crowd. At a corner, he found that the pedestrian had disappeared.

Looking around, there are people's figures, but there are no familiar figures.

An Zhike's heart was empty for a moment, took back his eyes and steps, and smiled bitterly. Was it destined not to let her come into contact with her previous life.

Looking back at the overlapping crowd, her original position has been invisible, let alone Cheng Xinran. I hope the child didn't drown in the sea of people.

When she looked back, she didn't know that there were also a pair of eyes on her in the dark. The killing and disgust in her eyes couldn't help it. Her eyes just stayed on an Zhike for a few seconds and gradually faded away.

Not far away, Zeng Yu looked at her mobile phone with a overcast face. Even if the curtain was right in front of her, she couldn't decorate her face at all. The woman was really a mess of shit. When she left the curtain, would the woman come out to make trouble?

Looking at the screen again, it was an Zhike who stood there eagerly and blankly, looking around for photos of their figures. In Zeng Yu's eyes, this is obviously an Zhi's shameless move.

She said, it's impossible. Ann Zhike can't give up at all.

He Chong and Muli on the other side looked puzzled. Looking at the gentle person on the other side, he twisted his face when he picked up the fork, rubbing on the plate and making a harsh sound.

Curtain Li frowned. What's the matter with this woman? Is this the real her?

The girl beside Zeng Yu looked at this scene awkwardly and hurriedly pushed her arm.

"Zeng Yu, Zeng Yu! What are you doing?"

Zeng Yu reacted and opened her eyes. She realized that she was already the eyes of the whole restaurant. In an instant, she threw her fork on the table, smiled awkwardly, and her face flashed bright red. She was provoked by the little bitch and even went wrong in front of the screen.

"Sorry, I just thought of some other bad things. So I'm a little out of control. I..."

"Oh." screen Li took a dull look at Zeng Yu and didn't publish any language. Anyway, he came out to lie down today because he was looking at other things, not what he thought about this woman.

Zeng Yu bit her back teeth with hatred. Her face was not obvious. She lowered her head and said nothing more.

However, the picture on the mobile phone without signature is still a thorn in her heart. If it is not removed, it will only grow pus and rot in her heart and continue to hurt.

"Sorry, I have something to go out first." Zeng Yu intuitively lost face and hair today, but she had to leave now. She didn't dare to look at other people's faces and bowed her head. She went straight out of the western restaurant.

Only three people looked at each other and didn't know their minds at all. Only Muli looked at Zeng Yu's figure thoughtfully and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Everything is ready."

In the dark, a low voice murmured.

It took an Zhike a long time to find a quiet and shady place, and most of these places appeared by the lake.

An Zhike is distracted when she looks at the lake in front of her. It seems that a lot of things have happened by the lake, and they are unbearable and sad memories. Did she make water in her life?

Mottled eyes with hot temperature. It's afternoon. The advantage of being by the lake is that when the clear wind blows from the lake, you can feel bursts of clarity and comfort.

Leaning against the back of the chair behind him, an Zhike sighed comfortably. Shouldn't he blow the air conditioner at home in summer. Is it really necessary to roast kebabs on such a hot day?

Even if there was a cool wind, Ann Zhike's back was still wet with sweat.

I was thinking nonsense here and didn't notice someone coming behind me.

"So reluctant? Want to chase back the curtain with a face?"

An Zhike is comfortable, but he doesn't want to hear the word "curtain away" from the voice behind him. Leng Leng opened his eyes, stood up and turned around. He saw Zeng Yu, who was leaning against the stump behind the seat.

"Why are you here?"

An Zhike felt strange in his heart. He just looked around but didn't see their figure. Why did he sit down here again and again? The woman came and smiled ironically. Did Zeng Yu not only put medicine on her body, but also install a locator?

"What place is this, you don't know?" public place, you don't care why she is here. An Zhi didn't think Zeng Yu came to make up with himself. Since the other party is not a good goods, why should he keep his temper.

"Say, did you come for the curtain!" an Zhike's face was very hateful in Zeng Yu's eyes. He pushed an Zhike fiercely.

An Zhike took a step back from the strength, but it was only a small step. At least the weight was here.

"What do you think? What can you do when I leave for the curtain?" an Zhike looked at Zeng Yu sarcastically. It was that she wanted to really stay away from the past life, but when Zeng Yu came to her, she couldn't help the fire in her heart.

"An Zhike, can't you let go of the curtain? Didn't you hook up with Gu Mo City. Ah, what are you pestering?" Zeng Yu shouted out of control. What should she do.

"Where am I entangled?" the twisted face in front of ANN Zhike makes him feel disgusted, but he can't talk nonsense. She was a little curious to know what they had done, but the most important point was Zeng Yu. Who was behind her was what she cared about.

"You're just pestering. If you don't pester, how can you run out on such a hot day? You must know from some channels that I'm dating screen Li, so you're making trouble, aren't you!"

Zeng Yu's out of control has filled her whole body, slowly approaching an Zhike, which makes an Zhike feel a danger and threat.

With Zeng Yu approaching, she retreated step by step. But I can't. one step back is the lake.

One foot fell into the lake in an instant. Zeng Yu also noticed an Zhike's accident, but there was no action. Her body added fuel to the fire and stretched out her hand to push her further.

"Ah." an Zhike's voice was drowned by the lake before it came out.

Layers of lake water wrapped an Zhike. An Zhike splashed in the water a few times, but he didn't know that these moves would only accelerate the fall of his whole body, and the weight of his body kept falling.

At this moment, an Zhike felt relaxed and relieved of everything. She opened her eyes and looked at the water getting closer and closer to herself. She had no ideas and was empty all over.

It's OK to die like this, she thought. In this way, no one will know who the rat across the street in the school called Ann Zhike. No one will observe her soundlessly with that strange vision.

It's just a pity.

Ann's father, Ann's mother, Cheng Xinran, and Gu Mo City. Only they will be sad because of their departure, won't they?

Look, she's not sure.

More and more heavy pressure pressed on her, and she didn't feel that she fell to the bottom of the lake until she lost consciousness. It's just that there's a faint sound, but I don't know whether it's an illusion or

Cheng Xinran looked at the fewer and fewer people in front of him, but the man who had left for two hours had not come back. The sun had fallen half, and there was a faint glow.

"What do you mean, did she really go back? No, it's so ungrateful!" Cheng Xinran took out two tickets from the ticket window. He was very angry. He took out his mobile phone and called the phone with the remark of an Dafu.

"Doodle... Doodle..."

"Hello, the number you dialed..."

Cheng Xinran is more confused. Can't he get through? What is she doing? Is there no electricity?

Just then, there was a noise from the people nearby. He vaguely heard that someone fell into the water?

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