Happy time is always fleeting. After a few songs, the dinner is almost over.

The following period of time is the home of the reporter, but a.m. has stipulated in advance that the reporter cannot ask privacy questions, and the company representative has the right to refuse to answer.

All left are the technical directors and supervisors of the company.

Naturally, an Zhike, as the publicity director, also stayed to accept the questions of reporters.

On the second floor of the hotel, stairs and elevators are not accessible to ordinary people because they are guarded by specially assigned personnel.

At this time, there are only three people in one room on the second floor of the hotel.

The room is more splendid than the hotel lobby. As soon as you enter the door, a huge screen blocks everything inside.

The screen is painted with auspicious clouds and energetic golden dragons.

Inside, there is a huge round table with all kinds of delicacies. The lockers beside the round table are also gorgeous, with all kinds of rare jewelry and strange stones on display. There is also a locker next to it, which is the same color of red wine, which is shining against the gold inlaid frame.

At this time, only three people sat next to the huge round table.

One of them is Gu Mo Cheng, the owner of all the items here.

The other two are mayor Xie of city a and Mayor Zhang of city B.

"It is a great honor for A. m to invite two mayors to attend A. M's celebration dinner today. I'd like to thank all A. M's employees."

The first to speak is naturally Gu Mo City as the master.

The mayor of city a naturally arranged it aside: "of course, Mayor Zhang can attend in his busy schedule. I also thank all enterprises on behalf of city A."

Mayor a clearly knows that although they are both mayors, city B is the most important and developed political and economic center in the south. When they become mayors in places where power conflicts, the status gap between them is naturally not general.

In fact, mayor a can successfully invite Mayor Zhang of city B to attend today. First, Mayor Zhang is very interested in Gu Mo City's a.m group, but there are many companies that the mayor is interested in, and it is impossible for him to have time to know one by one in person.

The second most important reason is that mayor Xie and Mayor Zhang worked in the same government agency for two years.

Mayor Zhang is an old minister in the organization, while mayor Xie is a vice minister promoted by Mayor Zhang.

Later, they were transferred to city a and city B.

Knowing this relationship, Gu Mocheng privately arranged for mayor Xie to invite Mayor Zhang. In this way, the odds of victory will be greater.

At this time, Mayor Zhang, who had been silent all the time, also said, "OK, thanks a lot. When I first met President Gu, President Gu was more polite to me. Since we have been friends in arms for so many years, how can you be polite to me? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Gu Mocheng listened to Mayor Zhang's tone and felt that he should be a kind and easy-going mayor without official airs.

"Xiaosheng is the younger generation in front of the two mayors, and he knows that a.m. would not have achieved today without the help of mayor Xie in the government and the convenience given in the project."

Since the mayor is so kind and easy-going, his intuition tells him that he must also like to be modest and obedient to his younger generation. In addition, Mayor Zhang and mayor Xie are so familiar that it is absolutely good to give mayor Xie a face in front of mayor Zhang.

Sure enough, mayor Xie and Mayor Zhang were very satisfied and happy.

"Old chief, do you think I'm right to tell you? President Gu is not only young and promising, but also very stable. So from the beginning, I believed that things would never go wrong in his hands."

Mayor Xie listened to Mayor Zhang's words and was no longer polite. He cordially called the old chief, which was the name used in government organs and units before.

"Well, the child is really a good and capable child." Mayor Zhang praised and stopped talking.

Gu Mocheng couldn't directly mention the topic of entering city B, so he had to invite the two mayors to eat and drink to ease the atmosphere.

Mayor Xie doesn't know what Gu Mocheng thinks.

However, he felt that Gu Mo City was very smart to do so. Everything should not be urgent, otherwise it would be too eager for quick success and instant benefit. The old leader didn't like people who were greedy for money and profit.

Now I'm not in a hurry. I'm eating and drinking while talking about some fun things to adjust the atmosphere.

Just then, the atmosphere on the first floor of the auditorium was far less relaxed than that on the second floor.

Originally, the company's technical directors answered the questions like a stream and performed very appropriately.

But I don't know which reporter started. As soon as the conversation turned, an Zhike besieged.

"Miss an, it was reported six months ago that you were a top student graduating from a university?"

"But some people say you are an Zhike, an ugly girl who was popular in the a forum and microblog?"

"Yes, miss an, please explain whether the same name is a coincidence? And if it's you, why did you appear in a.m. company and take the post of publicity director in just one year."

"It has been reported that Mr. Gu Mocheng accompanied a fat ugly girl to attend the graduation ceremony of a university. Is that you? Did you hook up with President Gu at that time?"

A series of shelling by reporters revealed an Zhike's past. An Zhike listened to the words of fat, ugly and collusion, like a knife gouging out his heart.

Why, I clearly rely on efforts to change, why no one believes her at any time.

"Cough, everyone asked about miss an's private affairs. We issued a statement in advance and refused to answer if you asked about personal affairs." it was the vice president of the group who was trying to clear the encirclement for an Zhike.

For a moment, the scene became more chaotic, and everyone was whispering underground.

"How can this be regarded as a private matter? This woman is now the publicity director of a.m. such an important position is held by a person who has just joined the company for one year. She hasn't explained yet. She doesn't know what the secret is behind it."

The people below said more and more, and even the vice president asked the assistant to go upstairs to ask Gu Mo Cheng for instructions.

An Zhike stood up.

She knew that Gu Mocheng was talking upstairs. Even if she couldn't help, she couldn't rely on him again and again.

Today's an Zhike is not an Zhike a year ago!

An Zhike took the microphone and was not afraid of anyone's inquiry.

"Yes, you know all right. A year ago, the fat and ugly woman of a was who you were. As for the relationship between me and President Gu, I can only say that now we are the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and we didn't know each other before. In my heart, President Gu is a good man. Although he is always cold to people, he helped me in my most difficult time and changed the past After the cowardly me. "

An Zhike stood high on the steps of the auditorium, exuding the charm of self-confidence, which made everyone stunned for a moment.

Her eyes were so stubborn, but they flashed tears.

"As for the publicity supervisor, I did it step by step from the company's intern. People in the company saw that I forgot to eat and sleep and worked overtime late at night every day, so no one was unconvinced or raised objections. Every C.K jewelry promoted by me in the first half of the year became a hot money, because we are committed to being close to more consumer groups and different types of environments in the publicity of each product "Women in the world."

At this time, an Zhike was full of pride.

Yes, all this is the result of her efforts and the result of her working overtime day and night with the whole publicity team.

Everyone present was stunned by her language, and finally understood why Gu Mo City had eyes for the woman in front of him.

Not because she is beautiful, not because she is elegant. But because she integrates beauty, wisdom and diligence, and has her own aura like Gu Mo City, which is enough to frighten everyone at the critical moment.

In Gu Mo City on the second floor of the hotel, I just smiled when I heard the news told by the assistant.

He had known that this woman was not in the pool. She had precipitated for a year and now she had enough strength to be alone.

Some people hide for a long time and always burst out.

Somehow, thinking of her, Gu Mo's mouth was slightly upward.

Mayor Xie, who was on the side, took this small action seriously and asked, "what's the matter, President Gu, is there a good thing?"

"Yes, I'm afraid a.m. will make headlines in major newspapers tomorrow."

"Ha ha, it's not a common thing." Mayor Xie thought it was almost time. He asked, "old chief, how's your city B? Is there a big company as famous as a.m."

"Ha ha, don't say that although City B is a political and economic center, there are few companies as strong as a.m. City B has fierce competition and will be forced to go bankrupt if you are not careful."

"I've heard that there are many large companies in city B with developed economy. I really have the idea of exploring the truth for a long time."

"What's the difficulty? It happens that our government has a project. Several major local companies in city B did not fight for a result. If you don't win the bid, this is a great opportunity for a.m. to enter city B."

"Ouch, old chief, it would be great if it were really like this. It also strengthens the cooperation and contact between city a and city B in the future. We can meet often."

"Younger generation, thank the old chief for giving this opportunity. We will try our best to show the strength of a.m."

After a meal, all the goals that should be achieved have been achieved. Since Mayor Zhang intends to give him this opportunity, coupled with the strength of a.m., it is certain that he will win the bid.

Gu Mocheng ordered his assistant to send the two mayors to rest.

He also called the vice president: "the gifts prepared for mayor Zhang and his wife were sent by someone overnight today."

Although from mayor Xie's mouth and his understanding of mayor Zhang, the mayor really doesn't love money.

But Ann Zhike was right before. How can a woman refuse the jewelry launched by a.m., not to mention that it was made for mayor Zhang's wife alone.

The reason why people sent it to Guanqiao overnight is here. The mayor didn't accept it, but the mayor's wife accepted it. The meaning is the same.

Everything has been done properly. I should go downstairs and have a look at the full air of an Zhike in the mouth of the vice president just now.

Unexpectedly, the press conference ended quickly. There were few people in the lobby except the cleaning staff.

Damn an Zhike, she didn't know she brought it by herself. She left without waiting for him.

Forget it. Tell her the good news tomorrow. I'm tired today.

Gu Mocheng thought and drove back to the villa to have a rest.

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