The first ray of sunshine in the morning did not shine on an Zhike's face, but wantonly sprinkled on lavender with a radius of hundreds of square meters.

The aroma is striking. You can feel the hot opening of lavender through the window.

Before entering the purple smoke gate, you become a purple smoke guest first.

An Zhike got up and stretched a big stretch, but he was in a good mood.

The room has an excellent scenery, and the endless lavender is in full bloom.

The lavender manor in Gumo city covers a huge area. Lavender is mainly divided into three kinds: native lavender, long spike lavender and mixed lavender.

Lavender symbolizes love, but also implies waiting for love, seeing miracles as long as you breathe hard, and the romance of heart to heart.

No girl doesn't like it here.

An Zhike went downstairs after washing and saw that most people had gathered in the living room.

Somehow, an Zhike always feels that Jintong is very hostile to her recently.

Jin Tong smiled at her sarcastically when he saw her go down.

An Zhike didn't want to think more, so he politely smiled at her, but he didn't want to hear Jintong say this to himself.

"Where did you buy this dress? It's quite white. Do you know this one on me?"

An Zhike just wanted to answer that she knew. Is this the new model of C.K in the first half of the year or her main promotion.

Su Jin interrupted first and said, "if you don't know, who knows where you bought it? Anyway, no matter what kind of clothes you wear on you, it's also to show your chest and ass, ha ha."

"You!" Jin Tong blushed with anger and didn't know what to return.

Su Jin ignored her and took an Zhike away. As she walked, she said, "I can't stand her appearance. It seems that she is higher than everyone. In fact, I don't know what shady activities she has done in private."

Although an Zhi won't be angry about the little things just now, he is very happy for Su Jin's words to help.

"Sister Su Jin, I always thought you would be the same as that cold president. I didn't expect that you just have a cold face and a hot heart. It's easy to get along with."

Su Jin heard this and smiled.

An Zhike looked silly.

At ordinary times, Su Jin just has a cold face. She doesn't look good or ugly, but it's not easy to get close.

But now Su Jin with a smile has another flavor, which is different from Jintong's flirtatious, and is quite different from the enthusiasm of foreign beauty salia.

It has its own characteristics, which not only shows the courage of women, but also more gentle and quiet of women.

"Sister Su Jin, you smile very beautiful, and you look much kinder than usual."

"Thank you." Su Jin answered politely, but the corners of her mouth rose a little.

An Zhike wanted to say something else, but he was suddenly pulled by a hand.

An Zhike turned his head and a handsome but serious face appeared above his head.

It's Gu Mo City.

"Please enjoy my lavender manor today. If you are unfamiliar with it, you can ask the housekeeper at any time."

After Gu Mocheng said this, he ignored the crowd and took an Zhike's hand and led him out first.

An Zhike followed behind Gu Mo City with an ignorant face. He didn't know what to say.

Gu Mocheng took her for a long time.

An Zhike couldn't help saying, "where are you taking me?"

"I often remember the sunset in the river Pavilion. I'm intoxicated and don't know the way home.

I went back to the boat late and mistakenly went into the depths of lotus root.

Fight for the ferry, fight for the ferry, and start a pool of gulls and herons. "

Gu Mo City recites poetry silently in front of an Zhike.

Suddenly looked back and smiled at her: "would you like to go into the depths of lotus root with me?"

An Zhike looked at Gu Mocheng and turned back to her. His heart seemed as warm as the sun.

It suddenly reminds her of those old times, from meeting by chance to accompanying each other day and night.

At school, she was framed and surrounded by everyone to see her joke. It was him who stretched out his hands, pulled her up and helped her out.

When cyan was bullied, he suddenly rushed over and hugged himself to be beaten for her, but he also gently comforted her and told her not to be afraid.

Under the icy water, her breathing became weaker and weaker. Just when she thought she was dying and closed her eyes in despair, it was him who brought her back to the cold and humid air.

Fish can't live without water. She knows that she can't live without air. But since then, she knows better, and she doesn't want to leave him.

In the past six months, she often worked hard, and there was always him around her.

He yushenjing's roast goose, sansuzhai's preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and he spoiled and rubbed his hair.

One scene after another flashed before an Zhike's eyes.

She knew that even if Gu Mocheng asked her if she would marry him, she would answer yes without hesitation.

In this way, an Zhike walked hand in hand with Gu Mo City to the end of lavender.

She thought the end of lavender was nothing more than green grass.

But I never thought I could see such a dreamy scene in this life.

Lavender is the most gentle and modest, but the aroma is not strong, but quiet and quiet.

However, at the end of lavender, there are large areas of red roses and red Datura.

The strong aroma came to my face, which changed the previous quiet and elegant.

But in a moment, it can make people intoxicated.

An Zhike exclaimed and ran to the garden.

Roses also seem to grow vigorously because of her arrival, competing to bloom their beautiful faces.

Gu Mocheng was so happy to see an Zhike that he didn't realize that the corners of his mouth also rose slightly.

"Do you like it?"


An Zhike blushed with shame after only saying two words, and let Gu Mocheng take her into his arms.

At sunset, the last remaining light shone on the men and women who kissed each other in the depths of the flowers.

The fragrance of flowers is still so strong, as if celebrating in its own unique way.

To an Zhi's surprise, it was just the beginning of a surprise.

Gu Mocheng took her to a cabin deep in the flowers.

Although it is a wooden house, it has everything in it, just like a home with a breath of life.

An Zhike changed back to a silly look and stammered to ask Gu Mo Cheng, "what is this, and who lives here?"

Gu Mocheng rubbed her hair in the past, and his mouth was really disdainful: "fool, this is your home."

"My home?"

"Of course, I specially prepared it for you. Do you still like it?"

"Yes, I like everything you prepare."

Gu Mocheng smiled.

An Zhike was stunned. He smiled and he smiled again.

I don't know since when, he is no longer the cold-blooded president Gu.

He will laugh and get angry and prepare so many surprises for her.

An Zhike felt that he had never felt so happy today.

"OK, don't be silly. That's your room. Go and have a rest. There are surprises in the evening."

An Zhike obediently returned to the room, but it was difficult to calm down.

An Zhike sat in front of the window and looked at the red roses blooming outside the window.

Are they two together?

Then... I'll be Gu Mo's girlfriend in the future.

An Zhike only felt that his face was too hot, and his heart was full of Gu Mo City.

After about an hour and a half, she heard Gu Mocheng knock on the door and say, "come out for dinner."

When I went out, I found a table full of delicious food, including potato cake, roast goose, coke and chicken wings!

Instantly put those things that made me shy out of the sky.

However, where did these food come from? There was no one else in the cabin. Even if the housekeeper asked someone to do it, it was not so fast.

When I was wondering, I saw Gu Mo Cheng in a floral apron coming in with a plate of shredded pork with Beijing sauce.

Gently said to her, "sit down and eat."

An Zhike felt surprised that he could swallow a whole chicken.

"You did all this?!"

"I used to cook, but I'm not very good at some of your favorite dishes. Fortunately, I learned it a while ago. Try it."

Wait, an Zhike can't pay attention to the small matter that Gu Mo City should say so many words at once.

She saw Gu Mo Cheng shy just now!

She really saw it. Gu Mocheng shyly wiped the water on his hands with his apron. Some flattered and some embarrassed said those flowers to her.

Well, it seems that you really need to adapt yourself slowly.

I didn't expect you to be such a Gu Mo City!

However, no matter how important these are, they can't equal the delicious food with excellent color and delicious taste in front of anzhike.

An Zhi sat uneasily on the chair and added chopsticks after chopsticks.

For a moment, I was really hungry after walking so long. I was embarrassed to say that just now.

The second is.......

How can Gu Mo City be so perfect! I can even cook. It's so delicious!

Sitting in the Gu Mo City opposite an Zhike, he didn't care to eat.

He looked at an Zhike, but he thought of another person in his heart.

That is a sunny little girl.

At that time, his temper was very bad and he had few friends.

She doesn't hate him. She follows herself like a follower every day.

Don't listen to the nanny as long as your parents are not at home.

She always pesters herself to make her all kinds of delicious food she likes.

He refused several times, so she pulled her sleeve and cried endlessly.

The noise upset him and he had to obey her.

She was so hungry that she croaked, but she was willful that she didn't eat the meal cooked by the nanny.

Often in the end, he can't beat her and cook himself.

With a big shovel in her small hand, she made her favorite fried rice with eggs.

She also bowed her head for a while.

The plate was clean, and then he sat aside and rubbed his bulging belly and smiled at him.

However, such a beautiful and lovely person is no longer.

An Zhike only focused on eating and didn't notice the person opposite. His eyes slowly became no longer soft.

But the plan still needs to continue.

After dinner, an Zhike grabs to wash the dishes, and Gu Mocheng sits aside and waits.

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