Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 110 - Marriage

Cang Yue was waiting patiently on her room. From how Yun Canghai talked, he seemed to be ready to die.

From what she knew, he recently reached the 8th Sovereign Profound Realm, something that could cause a great danger to the entire continent if left alone.

But the also means that Yun Canghai, someone who just turned back to the 7th Sovereign Profound Realm, is unable to defeat anymore.

*Step!* *Step!* *Step!* *Step!* 

Suddenly, a soldier rudely barged in the room. "Princess!"

Cang Yue was surprised from the attitude and stood up straight, before putting up her cold facade. "What is it? What could make you enter here with such rudeness?"

"It's… *Pant* It's J… *Pant*... Please-come-at-the-entrance… *Pant*." After speaking with in a single breath, he collapsed down. He ran all the way here as fast as he could do, as if something greatly surprised him.

Cang Yue narrowed her eyes and rushed out of the room. Soon, she reached the entrance and saw Yun Canghai with a smile and a few bruises around his body. 

She smiled and approached him. "You're alright!"

Yun Canghai nodded before he stepped at the side, revealing an armored person.

Cang Yue froze on her steps as she noticed who was the person in armor.

Jean stepped forward and waved his hand. "Hey."

Cang Yue's eyes started to swell with tears as she slowly got closer. "...J-Jean…?"

The armor around Jean dematerialized, and his weapon, Shekinah, also turned to particles of dark light that entered inside his body, revealing Jean on his entirety, or what remained of him…

The princess started to accelerate and jumped on his ċhėst, before bursting out in tears. "WAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

The cry echoed in the entire castle, causing some guards to stay in alert, but when they saw where the cry came from, they couldn't help but smile.

"Princess Sis?!"

A familiar voice reached Jean's ears, causing him to be slightly stunned.

He turned his head around and found Xiao Lingxi with Xiao Lie.

"..." Jean remained silent the entire time, while Xiao Lingxi covered her mouth in surprise, as tears also came out from her eyes.

"Che'er!" Xiao Lie called out with an happy tone, since he was used to call him Xiao Che instead of Jean, he called him like that even now.

Jean just nodded with a smile, before his gaze turned back toward Cang Yue, who was still crying on his ċhėst. Meanwhile, Xiao Lingxi started to approach him and said.

"Xiao Che… Your arm…" She pointed out, then Cang Yue and Xiao Lie also glanced towards the missing arm and gasped. However Jean just waved at them. "Pffft, t'is nothing but an itch, give it 2 weeks and it will turn out completely new."

"Jean, no one can just grow up an arm…" The atmosphere turned slightly comic with Jean's reply and Cang Yue can't help but slightly chuckle.

"Well, I do." Jean replied again before starting to ċȧrėss Cang Yue's head. "Anyway, there are many things that are happening recently, so it's better if I say it now instead of waiting…"

Yun Canghai, Xiao Lie, Xiao Lingxi and Cang Yue didn't know what he meant, but the next words surprised everyone.

"Cang Yue, I want to marry you."

"Eh?!" Xiao Lingxi was extremely surprised from what Jean said, while the two grandfathers stood silent at the sidelines.

"Wha-Wha-What are you saying?!" Cang Yue's face turned completely red.

"What am I saying? This… HEY, EMPEROR!! CAN I MARRY YOUR DAUGHTER?!"

Everyone stood silent from the sheer stupidity one must have to shout that in the imperial palace…


Another shout replied back to Jean, some minutes later, the emperor Cang Wanhe reached the entrance in a rush.

"Jean?! Is that really you?!" Cang Wanhe was surprised when he found Jean hugging his daughter, all of his anger vanished instantly, replaced from shock.

"Dennell Jean greets the Emperor Cang Wanhe, I would like to ask your daughter's hand."

"Wha…?" Being requested to give out his daughter so suddenly to a man that vanished for an entire year, of course he was speechless.

The emperor calmed down, and then asked. "Jean, where were you in the last year?"

"Fighting for my life in a trial, it costed me an arm, but that's nothing much. At least I am finally out." Jean explained with a short sentence. 

Then Cang Wanhe noticed Yun Canghai's state and said in surprise. "Brother Yun, what happened to you?"

"*Sigh* The Demonic Cultivator got free from my seal. But fortunately my grandson came there to rescue me!" He patted Jean's back, causing him to almost stumble down.

"I see… So now you want Our daughter's hand…" The emperor turned towards Jean, and sized him up.

In the next moment, his attitude made a 180° turn and started to laugh. "Good! Hahahahaha! We were getting worried that Our daughter won't be able to get married despite being 21 years old…"

"Fa-Father!" Cang Yue shouted in embarrassment

"Dennell Jean, with that request of yours, We can finally put down the biggest worry of Our life. For your own relatives, you destroyed the Xiao Sect without a single hesitation. From this, We know that you are a person who takes bonds very seriously. By passing Yue'er to you, We can be completely at ease. Hahahaha!"

Cang Wanhe laughed out loudly, with Jean's influential power and strength, he could be called unmatched in many places. If he was able to make his daughter marry him, not only he felt at ease, it will also benefit his imperial family.

"So, what do you think, Yue'er?" Cang Wanhe asked, and Cang Yue just rubbed her red eyes and hugged Jean again. "I accept!"

The emperor nodded and then said with a serious tone. "Since the two of you are mutual in this relationship, then there are no other problems. Half a year later, it will be the most auspicious day of this year. On that month, We will host your wedding in this imperial palace. Do either of you have any objections?"

"Ah!" Cang Yue let out a tender cry. She completely never expected that Cang Wanhe would suddenly bring up the wedding.

"Of course not! I was the one who took the initiative, what sort of person am I if I suddenly refused?" Jean replied to Cang Wanhe, who laughed loudly.

"Good! Good! Good!!" After the laugh, his voice rang in the entire palace. "Hurry and declare to the entire world, our Princess Cang Yue will be married to Dennell Jean in 6 months! Have the literary department quickly draft out invitations, and invite the entire world!"

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