Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 3 - ...My back...

After he finished getting a familiar feeling on his body thanks to practice and memories, he wore their version of a red wedding robe, which is really far from being called wedding robe, and he is currently inside a room plastered everywhere with red cloth, representing "Double Happiness".

Jean: 'At least I am happy I got back my senses… I don't know for Xia Qingyue though…'

Xia Qingyue is the girl he would marry to, she's around his age and she's considered a prodigy on the Floating Cloud City, she's the daughter of a merchant that has a high economic power in this city.

It seems that they would get married due to a debt that his father had with Xia Qingyue's father. Well, he will leave her alone if she doesn't want him, he has better things to do, like healing his Profound Veins and explore the capabilities of his watch in details.

Right now, the door opened and Xiao Lingxi hastily walked in, Jean stood up and smiled.

Jean: Hello Little Aunt, something happened?

Instead of her, it is someone else that answered, and that person is Xiao Lie, who followed behind Xiao Lingxi.

Xiao Lie: It seems you are alright now, that's wonderful. Che'er, go make your preparations while I go arrange the wedding team… Oh right, do you want to ride horseback or sit in the carriage?

Jean: ...I'll pick the horse, even if I was treated like trash before, I still have pride in me, if I choose the carriage then I may as well slap my own face.

There was a small delay in Xiao Lie's expression, he would have never expected that his grandson would say such a thing. With a satisfactory smile, Xiao Lie slowly nodded.

Xiao Lie: Good!

Then Xiao Lie left the room and Xiao Lingxi stood in front of Jean and curled her lips.

Xiao Lingxi: So you are already being arrogant about her even if you never met her?

Jean: Don't take it in the heart, I promise that even if me and Xia Qingyue are married, the two of us will play together like before.

Xiao Lingxi: Hehe… You know just the thing to say to make me happy. It's fine if you fainted because today is your wedding day. Xia Clan is the wealthiest clan in Floating Cloud City and Xia Qingyue is beautiful as she is talented.

There are many people that want to marry her, however, in the end, she is going to marry my family's Xiao Che.

At this point, Xiao Lingxi wore a proud look on her face. Then her eyes became wistful as her voice turned gentler.

Xiao Lingxi: I feel like this day came so quickly… Little Che is already about to be married…

*Knock* *Knock*

The one who knocked the door is Xiao Hongcang, the old housekeeper.

Xiao Hongcang: Young master, it is almost time to go and meet your bride.

Xiao Lingxi: Ah… Already?

She glanced at Jean's clothes and saw that everything is alright, he may be someone who never wore this type of clothes, but he still held the memories of two people that lived here. Then Jean walked to the door, but he got stopped from Xiao Lingxi who wore a serious face.

Xiao Lingxi: Little Che! Before leaving, repeat the promise we made yesterday, word for word, or I won't let you go.

Jean: 'Promise… ' Alright… After entering the marriage with Xia Qingyue, I won't forget about little aunt just because I have a wife. I'll spend the same amount of time with little aunt like before, I will listen to little aunt's calls and would arrive as soon as I'm called just like before… Happy now?

Jean: Calm down woman, you are already more important than her, why you should think that she will outweigh you? Christ…

And then, he pushed the door open and left Xiao Lingxi in the room, she stood still before she joyfully skipped out, like a girl who had been given her favorite candy.

Outside, Jean met with his wedding team, and with them there was Xiao Hongcang, who kindly smiled at him.

Xiao Hongcang: Young master, please get on the horse. On the way I will be protecting you with everything I have… But of course, today is young master's big day. I should not worry that much since there would only be good things that are waiting to happen.

Jean: Thanks, Uncle Hong.

And right in this moment, a gentle voice came from his left.

?: Looks like I came at the right time. Is Brother Xiao Che going to retrieve his bride now? Congratulations.

Jean turned around and saw two people coming at his side. One is around 20 years old and had a medium build, while behind him there's a thinner younger man, maybe he is his lackey.

Jean: Oh, if it isn't Brother Yulong and Brother Xiao Yang, I feel honored that people like you came here to see me off personally.

Xiao Yulong: Haha, thank you for your compliment, Brother Che. The person you are marrying today is our Floating Cloud City's number one brightest jewel. This is not only our Xiao Clan's big event, but is our Floating Cloud City's big event.

Since you have the chance to marry this treasure, your brother here is very happy for you. Of course, I am also envious and ashamed as well, hahahaha.

Jean: You envious of me? It should be the opposite, with your talent, there's no one that could surpass you in the entire Blue Wind Empire when you grow up. 'So… Why aren't you leaving? Shoo! Go away.'

Right now, Xiao Hongcang warned Jean.

Xiao Hongcang: Young master, we must get going.

Xiao Yulong: Brother Xiao Che, hurry up. We eagerly await for you to spectacularly bring in Floating Cloud City's brightest jewel into the Xiao Clan.

Jean nodded and Xiao Yulong with his lackey left, when they got far enough, Jean turned towards Xiao Hongcang.

Jean: Can you wait a moment here?

Xiao Hongcang: Please hurry up, Young master.

Jean nodded and rushed in a hidden corner, and quickly summoned the same Lamborghini that appeared in his room, thanks god that there wasn't much to remember since he didn't had anything to memorize when he turned blind, so his memory was more concentrated on what he saw once.

He immediately hopped over the driver's seat and used his imagination to make the car move, he still didn't have a driving license and he didn't know how to drive, so he could use "Visionary" to move.

The black Lamborghini came out from the corner, surprising Xiao Hongcang and the wedding team.

Jean: Hop in.

Xiao Hongcang: Y-Young master, this…

Jean: Don't worry, it won't bite you, I found this in the mountain, and it was still in good conditions. If we need to go to a wedding, better doing it with style.

Xiao Hongcang: Ooohh! This man is enlightened from the words Young Master just said! You are absolutely right! We can't let random people insult our Young Master.

The front seat got occupied with Xiao Hongcang, while the other 3 of the wedding team got behind, and it is in this moment that Jean used his imagination to drive the car while he faked it, as if he was the one to really drive it while it was his imagination all along.

While he was driving, he made appear a pair of sunglasses and a black leather coat around his shoulders, to give him a more exotic looks. The streets of the city are pretty lively today due to the wedding with Xia Qingyue and Jean, even if no one cared about the latter.

However, something unexpected happened… A black blur came past the citizens, no one was able to see what it was, but the sound that its engine made is intimidating, so they stepped back.


?: Brother-in-law!!

Everything got ruined when a "Goliath" ran to Jean and hugged him.

Jean: Oof… My image… Shattered just like my spine…

The man that hugged him is Xia Yuanba, even though he looked as a 2 meters tall ȧduŀt on steroids, in reality he's just a young boy with 15 years.

Jean: Hey there, Yuanba. It's been a month… But how in god's name did you turn taller? Did you take some pills?

Yuanba released him and rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Xia Yuanba: This… Even I can't help it. My father tells me to go on a diet everyday. However, letting myself starve and go hungry would be far worse than the feeling of being killed by another.

Hehe, brother-in-law, today you can finally become my brother-in-law.

Xia Yuanba's honest smile is so contagious, that Jean could not help it but smile too, everything was going really good today, except for Xiao Yulong, sometimes he wonders that he was just dreaming after the doctor killed him, but he continued to believe that it wasn't so.

Xia Yuanba: Hurry up and come in, my sister is already ready. Oh, I'll go open the door.

After saying that, he turned in the direction of the Xia Clan entrance, and soon Xia Hongyi, the father of his soon-to-be wife and Xia Yuanba, came out. In appearances, he looked just like a normal slightly overweight person.

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