Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 33 - Mind if I take some from you?

Xiao Luocheng raised his cup of wine and gulped whatever there was, then he laid it down on the table and asked.

Xiao Luocheng: Me? Aren't you going too far with your ambitions, boy?

Jean: Hahahahaha, too far? You are just one of the first stepping stones for my ambitions, and you tell me I got too far?

Xiao Luocheng: Too much arrogance kills people, if you continue like that, you will surely attract bad attention.

Jean: I don't care, won't you just get down or leave from here and consider myself the winner?

Xiao Luocheng: Don't worry, I will accompany you for this time, but don't blame me if you get any bad injury, we are sparring, so it's obvious that some accidents could happen.

Jean: Hah, you couldn't say better, be careful to not be the one injured then.

Jean raised his watch and started a video at Xiao Luocheng.

Xiao Luocheng: Brother Jean is right, both of us need to be careful. But worry not, because if I am the one in bad conditions, I will not blame you in the slightest.

Jean: Hehe, just like that… Now I got some nice material.

Xiao Luocheng: Come again?

Jean: Nothing interesting, come down, I need my rest.

Xiao Luocheng sighed, as if he was worried for Jean, but everyone could see his killing intent flaring out. He leaped in the center of the hall and took a stance.

Xiao Luocheng: I saw Brother Jean easily defeating Senior Brother Lu Zhannan, so I hope you don't mind me getting serious.

Jean: You need more than that.

Jean kicked the ground and reached Xiao Luocheng in a moment.

Xiao Luocheng: 'Fast!'

He immediately raised one arm, blocking Jean's fist, the shockwave created from them made almost everyone's hair float while they covered their faces. Xiao Luocheng's eyes widened before he held a serious face and flared up all of his Profound Energy.

Jean and Xiao Luocheng jumped away before Xiao Luocheng took out a sword from his spatial ring and rushed at Jean.

Xiao Luocheng: Extreme Wind Slash!

Xiao Luocheng's sword separated in several silhouettes that created a wind storm, the wind storm almost crashed at Jean, but he used his Star God's Broken Shadow to dodge it and appear in front of of him.

Xiao Luocheng's eyes trembled before he managed to block Jean's second punch with his sword, Jean's foot flew in air and slammed onto Xiao Luocheng's side, sending him some meters away.

Then he took a new stance and waited for Jean to attack, however he stood there, just looking at him with his 6 pupils… Wait, there's something wrong with that sentence…

Xiao Luocheng: What's wrong with your eyes!?

Everyone and Jasmine saw that each eye of Jean developed 3 irises and pupils, each one looking at a different direction.

Jean: I just want to have a bit of fun…

Jasmine: 'W-What is this feeling…'

She looked carefully and noticed that his shadow was full of eyes that seemed to observe her, giving her chills on her spine, the feeling that she had wasn't one of encountering someone stronger, or unbeatable… It was just like that of a normal person encountering a demon, terrified.

Xiao Luocheng charged at Jean, but he just smiled in return before his shadow took form and crashed on Xiao Luocheng, unfortunately for Jean, there was still 1 hour before "Almighty" ends, so he can see only things 1 hour away from now, however it's more than enough!

The Xiao Sect's Branch Young Clan Master landed with a surprised expression, before he saw the shadow disappear in the air, he put back the sword he had and took another sword that was releasing the might of the Earth Profound Realm.

Xiao Luocheng: This is the Tiger Soul Sword, a sword made from the body of a Earth Profound White Tiger! I dare you to block my sword again!

Jean: ...Tiger Soul Sword…

...What sword are you talking about?

Those words rang on everyone's ears, and took a second glance at the sword on Xiao Luocheng's hand. The blade wasn't there anymore.

His eyes widened in terror like everyone else's, but Jasmine was the one most shocked when she saw the blade on Jean's hand. The blade slowly fell from his hand and met the ground with a *Clang*, attracting everyone's attention.

The disciples and the only elder of the Xiao Sect trembled while their face took an ugly side, meanwhile everyone else had their minds full of questions.

Xiao Luocheng: W-What did you do…?!

Jean: Hohoho, I don't need to explain myself to someone like you…

Jean suddenly appeared behind Xiao Luocheng and sent the latter fly away, Xiao Luocheng rolled in the ground, and when he stopped, he tried to stand up with trembling legs and terrified face.

Jean: Oh, be careful… There's a trap.

When he finished to talk, a spike made of the same thing that the shadow that attacked Xiao Luocheng appeared under him, piercing his ċhėst. He spit out blood while Jean walked near him and put an hand over his face, then he asked with a smile and a low voice.

Jean: Do you mind if I get some from you?

No one knew what he was talking about, but suddenly, Xiao Luocheng fell in the ground, and shockingly his cultivation was non-existent, while Jean's cultivation increased to the 8th Nascent Profound Realm.

Jasmine: '...A… A devil… This ability belongs to a true devil!'

Since Jean hid his cultivation now, no one knew about his current cultivation, but in Jasmine's eyes, it was clear as day that Jean absorbed Xiao Luocheng's cultivation. Suddenly, she remembered about that time when she was unconscious in the Sky Poison Pearl…

...Jean could have easily took everything from her, but he didn't… Was this the ability of the "Almighty"? Creating black shadows and absorbing power from other beings? Even if she didn't knew the two most important parts of the ability, she already thought that this ability was on the level of the other Schrifts.

The elder noticed Xiao Luocheng's non-existent cultivation and screamed in terror.

Then he frantically rushed towards Xiao Luocheng and checked his conditions, later, his complexion greatly changed and turned his head to look towards Jean with an extremely malevolent expression.

?: You little bastard, I… I'll kill you!!

Jean just looked coldly at him with his 6 pupils, and murmured.

Jean: We were just fighting, things like this are inevitable… Wait, did you expect that I would surrender myself just because he is the Young Master of the branch of the Xiao Sect? Hah, idiot!

The man threw himself at Jean in anger, ready to take his life, but a loud roar interrupted him.

Qin Wuyou: Freeze!!

Then another silhouette flew up from the seats and swooped down toward the man, forcing him to back far away. The middle-aged man who was forced away furiously spoke with a gloomy expression.

?: Palace Chief Qin, what is the meaning of this? This little bastard actually went as far as to cripple my family's Young Sect Master; blood debts should be repaid in blood. Don't tell me you're still going to protect him?

Before Qin Wuyou could answer back, they heard a voice coming from Jean's watch.

[Xiao Luocheng:  Brother Jean is right, both of us need to be careful. But worry not, because if I am the one in bad conditions, I will not blame you in the slightest.]

Jean: So… What blood debt? Brother Luocheng told me that it was ok going far.

?: You… Shut the hell up! Even one hundred of your lives wouldn't match up to a single finger on my family's Young Sect Master! If I can't kill you today, I, Xiao Zaihe, would have lived in vain!!

After he finished, Xiao Zaihe took in a deep breath. His right hand swung out, and a current of storm-like profound energy shot straight for Jean. However, right after he attacked, Qin Wuyou waved his long sleeve and cleanly nullified Xiao Zaihe's profound energy.

Qin Wuyou: Xiao Zaihe, if you dare attack my Palace disciple again, I won't be this polite anymore!

Xiao Zaihe: You! Palace Chief Qin, are you trying to shred all cordiality with my Xiao Sect!

Qin Wuyou: Haha, this Qin of course never had this intention. However today, you violated my New Moon Profound Palace first! They clearly told to each other that it didn't matter how much one would hurt the other, they would not get blamed.

The fact that your Xiao Sect never displayed the slightest bit of opposition, everyone in here are all witnesses! This Qin here even more so, saw and heard that clearly.

Right now, you suddenly attacking my palace's disciple, is killing without reason! For you to act in this way, was New Moon Profound Palace ever in your eyes!? You Xiao Sect indeed cover the sky with one hand in New Moon City.

Every member of the New Moon Profound Palace were excited from the speech Qin Wuyou gave and looked at him with a gaze filled with passion.

Xiao Zaihe: You!! Tch… Good, very good! Today's incident, as well as Palace Chief Qin's words, I, Xiao Zaihe…. has firmly remembered them! Today's favor, our Xiao Sect…. On a later day, will definitely…. Repay it a hundredfold!! Let's leave!

Then every member of the Xiao Sect left the New Moon Profound Palace. Everyone looked restless, but Qin Wuyou had a calm expression on his face, he turned around and spoke to the other 6 sects.

Qin Wuyou: This Qin is extremely guilty of letting our esteemed guests be startled. *Sigh* This was originally supposed to be a friendly exchange of pointers between two young and capable talents.

Who would have thought that my Palace disciple would accidentally lose control, which resulted in such an outcome. This Qin has honestly been caught unprepared.

But the good thing is, before my Palace disciple Dennell Jean and Xiao Luocheng had exchanged hands, they promised to not look into the matter if any one of them became seriously injured. But in case Xiao Sect breaks their promise, I would like all the friends here who witnessed it to say a few words of justice.

Some elders and sect masters nodded quickly and left hastily, but before the Iron Spear Clan could leave, Tie Hengjun reached Jean and talked to him

Tie Hengjun: Brother Jean, Xiao Luocheng was not only the number one amongst New Moon City's younger generation, but had even carried the hopes of Xiao Sect Outer Sect's future. Now that he has been crippled by Brother Jean, Xiao Sect will definitely not let this matter rest.

Even though this Xiao Sect is only one of the few hundred branches of the Main Sect, they still carry a large amount of power and influence; one that far surpasses what Brother Jean can imagine.

They are definitely not someone Brother Jean can fight against… So, I would suggest for Brother Jean to immediately leave New Moon City; the faster the better… This is definitely not a coward's way of running; first protect your life, and then think of what to do next. As long as you are alive, you can always come back again.

Jean's heart became touched from those words and smiled.

Jean: Yes, I will do so. But I want to visit a bit the city, I came here only today so I thought about doing a tour before leaving. However Brother Hengjun doesn't need to worry, I have a method to escape from them safely.

Tie Hengjun nodded and left together with his Iron Spear Clan.

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