Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 54 - The Miracle



[L: "Love"]

He finally reached his courtyard, he took some unexpected turns to leave behind Feng Baiyi, he noticed that he was being followed some time ago, and not by a single person, so he needed much time to leave him behind.

Then Jean pushed open the door to his house, and his eyes widened when he noticed the woman already there, flying on the bamboo window at the other side of the house.

Jean: You're here...

?: You were late, when will you start the detoxification?

Jean: Calm down woman, I had some problems in the way. Besides, I want you to accept to 3 things before I'll detoxify you, after that, everything will be ok between us.

Jean: The only thing that could be a problem for me would be either you suddenly doing some bullshit or a lightning bolt striking me down.

?: Speak.

Jean: First tell me your name, I can't just call you "You" or dishwasher.

?: ...No.

Jean frowned and looked at her.

Jean: I already told you my name, and you might have an idea about my identity now, at least tell me yours.

?: Call me whatever you want.

Jean: Alright… Then I will change my first request… I'll call you Little Fairy from now on, is this ok?

?: Little Fairy? Absurd! With my age, it's enough to be your elder!

Jean: Now look at my eyes, and tell me… Do I give a fuċk?

Little Fairy: ...Tch, call me whatever you want then.

Jean: Good, second request, when I will detoxify the poison, I want you to protect me for a while, around 3 months, alright?

Little Fairy: Okay. This, I will accept. After the detoxification, I'll start to protect you in secret for a period of three months.

Jean: Mm, for the third request, I will tell it in future, you will still have the right to accept or refuse it.

Then he extended his left hand towards her and said.

Jean: Little Fairy, extend your hand out first. I must first ascertain the condition of the ice poison in your body.

Her face turned cold as condensed ice before she frowned.

Little Fairy: I had never and will never allow any man to touch my body.

Jean: You think I care if you are holding your skin's chastity? Do you want to be detoxified or not?

Even though he talked so rudely, it certainly brought a good point to Little Fairy, who, after hesitating, gave him her right hand, Jean's left hand got over it and injected some Profound Energy to check her body.

As he probed on, Jean was secretly shocked in his heart. This level of Ice Poison of Origin must come from a Sky Profound Beast! Jean's profound energy continued to spread. As it reached the vicinity near the profound veins, Jean's brows suddenly tightened, as his expression immediately changed right after.

Because in the heart of her profound veins, there was a very small ball of a fog-like thing that continuously squirmed as it emanated an icy and ghastly chill outwards. Jean was only touching it with profound energy, yet he could still feel how shockingly terrifying the chill emitted by that ball-thing was.

There is a Poison Spirit! It was already too late for him to simply use the Sky Poison Pearl, Jean retracted his palm and said with a serious face.

Jean: Little Fairy, you should have also felt it just now. The acute poison in your body actually produced a Poison Spirit! To rid of this sort of acute poison, the Poison Spirit must be eliminated first!

And to destroy this ice-attribute Poison Spirit, the bond between the Poison Spirit and profound veins must be severed by flame energy that's pure enough. The Poison Spirit then needs to be forced out of the profound veins, and suċkėd out by force using flame energy….

This Poison Spirit hasn't fully taken shape yet, and my flame energy can bȧrėly accomplish it. But if we wait for it to continue developing, then it would become extremely dangerous… Don't move.

At that moment, his Phoenix flames began to burn on top of his palm.

Little Fairy: Phoenix Flame? You are someone of the Divine Phoenix Sect?

Jean: No, it isn't from the Divine Phoenix Sect, less talky, more worky.

From a distance of a few centimeters, his palm aimed at the center of the woman's ċhėst, and the Phoenix flame traveled through the air and slowly extended into her body.

The instant the Phoenix flame burned in the woman's body, the bond between the Poison Spirit and her profound veins was forcefully severed, and the flame energy directly wrapped toward the Poison Spirit.

Jean closed his eyes completely to concentrate. The Poison Spirit struggled and fled in the midst of its fear…. In just a few short breaths of time, it had already been forced out of the profound veins by the Phoenix flames.

His Phoenix flames suddenly accelerated, and completely wrapped the fleeing Poison Spirit inside it in just an instant. The Phoenix flames abruptly flung, and his right hand that was controlling the flame quickly grabbed toward his front…

The moment his palm touched the Poison Spirit, it also fully grasped onto a towering hill of softness as his open fingers deeply sunk in…

*Flag Activated*

...That wasn't his watch…




[M: "Miracle"]

Jean sighed in relief in his heart, but he still sweated cold when he saw where his hand currently was… Her left boob.

As he had expected, the moment his palm covered her ċhėst, the Little Fairy's body stiffened. Her slightly closed eyes suddenly flew open, as her body instantly emitted an incomparably ice-cold killing intent and boundless profound energy.

But when she saw the lump of poison spirit in the conflagration, her heart suddenly softened, and forcefully retracted the profound energy aura back into her body…

But Jean was too close to her, and how could the profound aura, which had been released with anger and killing intent, be easy to retrieve; a small portion of her residual energy still viciously swept onto Jean's body…


Jean's body was struck as if hit by a heavy hammer. He felt that his entire body become overturned, his bones snapped in two and all of his internal organs had ruptured in a split second. But he didn't fell unconscious.

Jean's body flew outwards like a cannonball, smashed through the wall, snapped a tall tree in the courtyard that had the thickness of a bowl's mouth, and continued to fly for several tens of meters before heavily crashing onto an ancient boulder.

The huge boulder cracked and split into pieces, and Jean, bounced off onto the ground as he bled profusely from his entire body. Not long after, a large pool of blood had already gathered under him.

Little Fairy was guilty after doing that, she just killed the person who saved her life, even if he touched her ċhėst, it was unintentional… She gently raised her snowy hand, and plumes after plumes of beautiful ice aurora fluttered under her hand and fell toward Jean, attempting to freeze his body.

However, the next second, her profound energy dispersed and her eyes widened in shock, Jean's injuries were vanishing at nȧkėd eye, the blood stopped flowing out, and Jean was slowly trying to stand up…. Is this a 'Miracle'? Only Jean knew it...

Jean: Ugh…

Little Fairy: You… You are not dead yet?!

Jean: Oh fuċk you…

When Jean was fully standing, Little Fairy noticed something strange, somehow, his height towered over hers, he passed from having an height similar to hers to 15 centimeters higher, not only that, but his power rose from the 4th True Profound Realm to the 6th True Profound Realm.

Jasmine: The "Miracle"...

Jean glared at the woman in front of him, who almost killed him, if he died some seconds before, then he might not return anymore back to life…

Jean: Fucking flags… You are lucky that midnight passed or I might die for real there…

Little Fairy: W… What…?

Jean: You know what, I lied before, I need just some seconds to heal you, not 10 days, it was just for tricking you, but fuċk it, I've had enough for today, come here.

Little Fairy raised an eyebrow in surprise, before she did as he said.

Jean lifted his left hand, palm facing the woman, and used the Sky Poison Pearl to heal her almost immediately. Then he said with an unamused face.

Jean: Alright, done. Now if you dare to say anything about what happened during this time to anyone, you can be ȧssured that I will make you shut up forever, as you seen before, I can take a hit from you and come out stronger.

Remember to protect me for these 3 months, you can do whatever you want when I am inside the Profound Gathering Tower, and now let me sleep, I need it to discharge my stress from getting killed…

Little Fairy understood that he was pretty angry with her for almost dying, even though he seemed to not blame her that much, so as he said, she left him alone.

Jean got over his bed and started to sleep. Jasmine wanted to tell him about the next training he need to do, but she stood silent, knowing that this time Jean was really pissed off, and it didn't happen many times.

In reality, Jean is a calm man when confronted against words or insults, he can even answer back with worse insults as if he was talking about the weather, but if there was one thing that Jasmine could say about him, is that he doesn't forget.

Everytime that something happens to him, he would always had in mind a method or an objective to get back to the other party who hurt him in any manner, as he said before, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Either you are his friend, or you are his target, the world is split in these two sides for him.

And right now, Little Fairy was a "Target".

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