Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 89 - Bitch, I have a Throne!

Su Haoyu: So you want to let a servant to do the job? Are you really too weak and scared to fight me?

Jean: No, I just start to feel comfortable on this throne that clearly shows how many times I am superior to you, if I actually stand up then I might need some time to adjust myself again.

Su Haoyu: You…!

Jean: "You", "You", "You"... Everyone say "You" once they get angry, if I gained a profound coin for every time I heard that, I would have been able to buy the male side of your family as slaves and the female side of your family as "workers" in the bed. And I would still have enough money to buy all of the girls you glanced to even once. 

Su Haoyu: You ba-

Jean: That's another profound coin for me.

Even though the people that were standing with Su Haoyu and his father were enemies of Jean, they were trying hard to not laugh at the exchange between the two of them.


Jean: Nice, you lost it, now I will explain why the great ME is so great, I have a throne, you don't, I'm sitting on it, you don't. Also, those are 2 more profound coins.


He jumped at Jean in anger, but Xiao Tiannan quickly grabbed the man's face and slammed it in the ground.

Xiao Tiannan: Master didn't give you the permission to fight him, I am your torturer for now, trash.

Meanwhile, beside him, a middle aged man called Li Yunji leapt out and tried to pierce Xiao Tiannan's ċhėst with a longsword.

Li Yunji: You dare to harm my young master, give me your life!!

However, Xiao Tiannan just raised his hand and stopped the longsword with a pinch. Even though Li Yunji was a 2nd Earth Profound Cultivator, it was still quite far from someone at the 6th Earth Profound Realm.

Xiao Tiannan: Master?

Jean: What day is it… 4/4/1996… 4+4 is 8… 9… 18… 27… 33, the last number is 3… So… Break 3 limbs.


Xiao Tiannan's arm shot forward towards Li Yunji's armed arm, and broke the elbow, then he placed a foot over Su Haoyu's ċhėst to block his movements and stood up, before pulling Li Yunji over and breaking both his legs.


Xiao Tiannan threw the screaming man away and gazed at everyone else that was present while his foot was still over Su Haoyu's ċhėst.

Su Hengyue: You damn bastard! You actually dare to harm my son, I will definitely have you die a dog's death!!

Xiao Tiannan just glared at Su Hengyue, without even acting, while Jean spoke.

Jean: Hey, Great Elder, since he is part of my weapons, does this count as my victory?

Su Wanji: Hmph! I admit that even if I don't know how strong you are, to have such a person under your feet means that you are not a simple man. But this isn't neither what I wanted nor the requirements I asked for. You didn't even show your strength, which seems completely void, and you aren't part of our clan. 

Even if you enter our clan now, it's no use! Grandwake Clan has never taken in any disciples from outside! And Li Yunji is nothing but half a servant as well!

Jean: So I need to be part of your clan? Are you living under a stone? Clan Master Su has already betrothed his daughter Su Ling'er to me, I am currently Clan Master Su's son-in-law. Be lucky that you are still considered the Great Elder of the clan or I would have solved this problem in my own way, extermination. 'I don't believe I am actually saying it…'

His words suddenly blanked everyone's minds. Whispers began to sound from every direction and there were many that constantly shook their heads to show that they knew absolutely nothing about this matter.

Everyone's expressions were especially strange since Su Ling'er was after all, still young. She was only ten years of age this year. If the two unsuspecting people were betrothed before they were even ȧduŀts, that would still have been quite normal, but Jean was a full grown ȧduŀt!

Meanwhile, Jean raised an eyebrow, knowing what they were thinking and shouted.

Jean: What the hell are you thinking?! Obviously the marriage won't be now! What am I, a pedophile?

Su Hengshan: That's right, Yun Che is the number one genius of the younger generation amongst the ones I've seen. I quite admire him, since I am a witness of his great power, I can confirm that he is no weaker than all of us put together; additionally, he also saved my daughter's life, so I have arranged for my daughter to marry him. When my daughter reaches 16 years of age, they will marry!

Su Ling'er blinked her innocent watery eyes. She had a look of confusion all over her face. After all, she was already ten years old this year and not some two or three year old little kid. She already knew what "marriage" meant. Even if she didn't understand it completely, she was aware of what it basically meant. She looked at her father and then at Jean. Her heart was beating wildly as she was at her wit's end.

Su Hengyue: Bunch of crap! I can accept the fact that he is engaged with your daughter, even if no one ever heard of it, but him being stronger than all of us?! Hah!

Jean just sighed and slowly put down Su Ling'er from his ŀȧp, before he pushed himself from the throne.

Jean: I think you don't understand what is the situation you are currently in…

After saying that, he unleashed his cultivation unrestrained, causing a great gust of air to blow everyone away, except Su Ling'er and Su Hengshan.

Su Ling'er: So cool…!

The Great Elder was alerted and quickly placed his arms in front of him, to cover himself from the suppressing power coming from Jean.

Jean: I have a throne, I AM a "Throne", and I am superior to anyone here here present. I am giving you all a great deal of mercy that not even I know where it came from, just because you are all members of the Grandwake Clan.

Only he and a few other people, at Sky Profound Realm, were able to confirm Jean's cultivation, his legs almost turned jelly in front of Jean's gaze, while everyone else looked silently at Jean, obviously they were all cultivators, so they were able to hear what Su Wunji said.

Su Hengshan: S-See? I told you that he was superior to all of us put together… But if no one is still convinced about the marriage, I, Su Hengshan, will personally announce it right now...

Even he was shocked at the news, but he managed to keep his cool to a certain point. When the aura emanated from Jean was restrained again, everyone gazed at Jean, and then back at Su Hengshan, unable to understand anymore what was going on or what to do.

However, Su Hengshan had another thought… Was Jean truly worthy? The answer was YES. The moment he lookee in Jean's eyes, he saw only an undying determination, determination to sacrifice himself just to ensure that not even a single scratch would reach Su Ling'er...

Besides, a Throne younger than 20 years was something unheard of… Let alone being the top of the country they were in, probably there wasn't anyone like him in the entire Azure Cloud Continent, even if that was just based on his own knowledge.

In conclusion, if he could entrust his daughter's future to this kind of person, he could feel at ease about his daughter's entire life. 

The mood of Su Hengshan, who had never thought about the matters concerning Su Ling'er's marriage before today, became incredibly calm. His face contained a slight smile and he used an ample voice to declare.

Su Hengshan: Today, I'll formally declare that my daughter, Su Ling'er will be betrothed to Yun Clan's son, Yun Che. The girl is still young right now, but when she is sixteen, they will set a date for marriage! Everyone here shall now bȧrė witness!

Jean dematerialized the Throne of Annihilation and hastily walked forward towards Su Hengshan, before he knelt down and said.

Su Hengshan: Yun Che, you must think it through clearly. The girls of our Grandwake Clan will never marry outsiders. If you want to marry my daughter, then you will become a member of my Grandwake Clan!

Jean: Yes! From today, I, Yun Che will become a disciple of the Grandwake Clan! Sharing honor and disgrace with the Grandwake Clan.

Su Hengshan: Hahahahaha, good! Grand Elder, Yun Che is my son-in-law now and is also a son-in-law of the Grandwake Clan. Naturally, he is now a member of my Grandwake Clan. In terms of age, he is younger than Su Haoyu. In terms of natural talent, hehe, Elder must have surely seen it clearly. Grand Elder had just suggested it, and everyone here heard it clearly. 

I believe with the Grand Elder's seniority and prestige, you certainly will not go back on your words. So now, I'll have full authority regarding the matters regarding the clan's treasure in the future. I believe that you, elder, will certainly not have any objections.

Su Wanji's old face was rigid and extremely ugly all over; he was speechless. His words before were completely for Su Hengyue to get his way. He never could have imagined that in the blink of an eye, it had become the big pit that he was jumping right into.

Su Hengshan: Su Hengyue, do you have anything else to say?

Obviously, Su Hengyue can just stay quiet, because everything was useless. Meanwhile, a forgotten person was sneaking out, that person was Heimu Qingya, the master of Blackwood Stronghold.

Jean: ...Hey, wait a minute, you.

He was obviously referring to Heimu Qingya, who stopped and slowly turned around.

Jean: I said I would have not killed anyone from the Grandwake Clan… So… Ling'er, stay behind me and close your eyes.

Su Ling'er obeyed and hid behind Jean, while he glared at the stronghold master.

Su Wanji: Stop! Don't do things that are so absolute, otherwise…

Jean: Old man, I am not Buddha, my patience already ended long ago, you either shut up or you will join him!

Su Wanji: …

What else could he do? He just obeyed Jean… Meanwhile, Heimu Qingya started to back away while his body trembled like a leaf.

Jean: I suggest you all to not look, it might be too gruesome even for a grown man…

Some closed their eyes, while others just watched as the stronghold master's body started to spin around itself in an unnatural manner, squeezing out blood as if he was a lemon, not even a scream was heard until he was reduced to paste.

Then Jean flickered his fingers and sent a Phoenix Flame to burn the remainings, the meat and bones turned ashes while the blood evaporated.

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