Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 9 - Video feature!

After coming out of Xiao Lie's courtyard, Jean realized that the entire Xiao Clan's atmosphere had distinctively changed.

Jean: It looks like everyone thinks they can climb onto the high branch that is the Xiao Sect, but they don't realize that they would be just the lowest of the lowest…

Xia Qingyue: Jealous?

Jean: Hahaha… I'm not aiming at the highest branch of a tree, my real target is beyond the moon. It's funny hearing this from a cripple… Heh.

Xia Qingyue shrugged and left him behind, Jean tried to follow her, but she was gone way too fast, so he just admired her figure from behind before someone called him.

?: Yo! If it isn't Brother Xiao Che!

Jean turned around and saw Xiao Yang, who was strangely "not" looking at him with disdain.

Jean: Good morning Brother Xiao Yang.

?: What a coincidence, I was just about to go look for you, but who knew that I'd run into you here, hahaha.

Jean: Brother Xiao Yang needed to find me for something?

Xiao Yang: Hmhmm. It's actually Big Brother Yulong who had me come call you. He said that you're the youngest among us, but the first to get married. As your fellow clanmate, he wanted to hold a little celebration for you, no matter what.

Plus, there were too many people at the wedding yesterday, so it was hard to enjoy the wine. It's best to drink a little and eat a little this morning, how about it? Do you have time?

Jean: 'Heh, so that fuċker can't hold much patience? This will be getting hilarious…' He's calling for me? Of course there's time! SInce it's Brother Yulong calling for me, how could I not have time? Then… Do we go now?

Xiao Yang: Of course, let's go.

Then Xiao Yang guided Jean to XIao Yulong's courtyard, which was at least 4 times bigger than his, and not only it was luxurious, but there was a dedicated serving girl taking care of the plants.

When they entered in the room, there was Xiao Yulong with a cup of wine and a warm smile on his face, and in front of him there was a table ladened with food and wine.

Xiao Yulong: Little Brother Xiao Che, you married our Floating Cloud City's number one jewel. Once again, I congratulate you. As your big brother, I'll have to try harder from now on.

Jean: Thank you, Brother Yulong. But the one who should be congratulated is you, brother Yulong. You will be certainly taken with the Xiao Sect since you have the highest talent between all of us. 'First the carrot… Then the stick.'

Xiao Yang: Right! That's right, Brother Yulong will definitely be selected to go to the Xiao Sect this time! With big brother here, other people shouldn't even think about it.

Xiao Yulong: You guys praise me too much. Our Xiao Clan has many outstanding brothers and sisters. While I can be considered the best as far as profound strength goes, when it comes down to my qualification, I can't say for certain. But I will try my best for this. Come, Brother Xiao Che, a toast to yesterday's happiness.

Then after Jean drank the wine, his face was a bit flushed, Xiao Yang drew his face close, and asked with a smile.

Xiao Yang: Brother Xiao Che, the woman you married yesterday is truly the most beautiful woman in our Floating Cloud City. Your luck with women is the envy of all of us brothers. The taste from the bridal chamber last night… Heh, heh, must be equally pleasurable right?

Jean: '...What a fuċkɨnġ idiot! He fell in the trap himself! HAH! Oh! I need to put it in a video!'

After positioning his left arm in a manner that would look innocent, he secretly turned on the video feature and said.

Jean: Hehe… It was a mess, I didn't know the difference between her and a suċċubus, and in less than 1 hour I was suċkėd dry… Her big ċhėst hidden from her clothes, her thin fingers, her thick ȧss, and let's not talk about her tight va-


Xiao Yulong's cup of wine was crushed into pieces, that were scattered all over the table. Jean faked a panicked expression and said.

Jean: Eh? Brother Yulong? What's wrong?

Xiao Yulong revealed a completely stiff and ugly smile as he shook off the pieces of the broken cup of wine from his hand.

Xiao Yulong: It's nothing. I wasn't careful and lost control of my strength.

Xiao Yang, who was in a similar state, recovered and said.

Xiao Yang: I know, it's definitely because big brother had another breakthrough in his profound strength. Right after you make a breakthrough, the growth of the profound strength will cause it to occasionally go out of control.

Jean: *Whistle* Big Brother Yulong had another breakthrough, congratulations! In just 3 months you already have another breakthrough! You shouldn't worry about the Xiao Sect, they will be able to pick only you!.

Xiao Yulong's face twitched and spoke with a forced smile.

Xiao Yulong: Brother Xiao Che is flattering me. But it's true that I just had a breakthrough, and that my profound strength is a bit unstable, I must immediately stabilize it and can no longer continue to entertain you…

Jean: No problem, no problem! I won't continue to bother Brother Yulong, stabilizing one's profound strength is more important. Thank you for today's invitation and hospitality.

After saying that, Jean politely left while Xiao Yang accompanied him, but he turned back when he was far enough, Jean just stood there for a moment when he heard.

Xiao Yulong: AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Jean: Ah… The sweet sound of rage…

He stopped the video and left with a satisfactory smile, his plan was just beginning… He walked to the kitchen of his own courtyard to make breakfast for Xiao Lingxi, and started to mumble to himself.

Jean: Xiao Yulong should be hurrying over to my place now… I wonder if Qingyue will break one of his legs… Maybe both? Hmm, or his third one too?

Then he reached Xiao Lingxi's courtyard and knocked at the door.

Jean: Little aunt, I brought a light breakfast.

The door opened and Jean walked in, Xiao Lingxi was sprawled on the table, her hands resting below her chin and her eyelids drooping; a thoroughly weak and dispirited appearance.

Jean: Didn't sleep well last night?

Xiao Lingxi: Unnngh… You can still talk about last night… Xia Qingyue came to deliver a blanket. She must've seen everything… What to do, what to do… I'm too ashamed to see anyone, *Sob sob sob*...

Jean: Oh, c'mon, we just slept together like almost every time when we were small, it won't hurt anyone. Now eat the breakfast before I eat it in your place.

Xiao Lingxi: ...Don't touch my food…

Then she started to eat the breakfast while Jean walked towards his courtyard in haste and hid behind a wall, he saw Xiao Yulong walking towards Xia Qingyue, he immediately turned his watch on and took a video.

Xia QIngyue calmly stood at the center of the courtyard, under a pomegranate tree. Her expression was calm and serious, she was cultivating her profound strength.

This was Xiao Yulong's first time seeing Xia Qingyue's magnificence so closely, so he was thoroughly stupefied on the spot. When Xia QIngyue noticed him, the only thing that moved was her mouth.

Xiao Yulong: Ahem… Hello Lady Xia. I am Xiao Yulong, Xiao Che's elder brother.

Xia Qingyue finally gazed at him, and the first thing she saw was infatuation and ȯbsċėnė dėsɨrės oozing from him, and the traces of politeness from her was gone just like that. Then she replied with a cold voice.

Xia Qingyue: Xiao Che is not here.

Xiao Yulong: That's really too bad. However, I've heard many good things about Lady Xia. To be able to see Lady Xia makes this trip worth it.

Xia QIngyue: I'm currently cultivating, forgive me for not being able to receive visitors.

Xiao Yulong: Upon hearing that Lady Xia had just turned 16 this year, but had already cultivated to the 10th Elementary Profound Realm, Yulong has always admired you, and been fascinated without end. I believe that when Lady Xia reaches my age, you'll definitely be considerable stronger than me.

However, even though there's only one level between the 10th Elementary Profound Realm and the 1st Nascent Profound Realm, but without a path, it is still quite hard to cross that gap.

Though I dare not compare my talent with that of Lady Xia, with my experience, I still have quite a bit of insight towards breaking past the Elementary Profound Realm. How about I exchange pointers with Lady Xia for a bit?

Jean was snickering behind the wall.

Jean: 'It is like hearing someone bragging about a 4 inches long dɨċk…'

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