Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 95 - You almost took everything from me, I will take everything from you.

After having fun together, Jean explained a bit what happened when he was sealed, omitting the parts about the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region to avoid making Cang Yue worried about him.

Cang Yue: I see, well, at least your grandfather is safe.

Jean: Yeah, now he is meeting with my adoptive grandfather, maybe we will see him soon. So, where is Fen Juechen?

Cang Yue: Ah, he is at the Burning Heaven Clan now, he was in the Blue Wind Profound Palace because he wanted to take revenge on Fen Juebi, now that he did it, he didn't have any reason to stay here.

Jean: I see… Well, give it some days and he will come back, I told Little Jie to spread the news that I am alive, so he should hear it.

Cang Yue: Is that so? Then he will run back as soon as he hears it.

Both of them started to laugh a bit before Cang Yue hugged Jean again.

Cang Yue: I'm glad you are here…

Jean: Don't worry, I won't die, besides, I have some aces in case I really die.

Cang Yue: Hmm?

Jean remained silent for a bit before he nodded and smiled.

Jean: ...I guess it's time for you to know too.

Jean: Everyday, I gain a different power, do you see the words under the date?

Cang Yue: Mn, Heat, what does it mean?

Jean: I have 30 different powers, each one starts with a letter of the alphabet, today is H, Heat, this one gives me absolute control over any source of heat and fire. There are also some that completely ignores the universal laws such as Almighty or Visionary, but there are also some that are capable of saving me from death, so you can rest ȧssured.

Cang Yue: So that's what you used to break out from your wife's ice?

Jean: Nah, those were Phoenix Flames. Heat is even stronger than all types of flames combined together if used at its full potential, I just need to be strong myself to be able to unleash stronger flames.

Cang Yue: And tomorrow?

Jean: It will be I, Iron, my body can have metallic properties, capable of protecting me from strong hits that would have hurt me before. Now let's put that matter aside, you remember what I said during the tournament?

Cang Yue placed a finger on her chin and started thinking, but nothing came in her mind.

Jean: I would have gone in a journey after solving some problems.

She seemed to remember it and nodded.

Jean: So, will you come with me like you said before or not?

Cang Yue: Well, I want to come with you, but I need to speak to my father first.

Jean: I see, I see… Well then, I will be going to solve a certain feud between me and a group, I will return soon.

Cang Yue: Mn, be safe, alright?

Jean: I will, I will…

He headed towards the hole in the wall he made before and waved at Cang Yue, then he stomped the ground.

Jean: Sandalphon.

The throne of bronze came out behind his back, surprising Cang Yue, he used his leg to tilt it forward, and when it fell down, it transformed in some sort of hoverboard where he walked over, and flew away.

Jean: Very well, Xiao Sect, it's time to get out from the mortal world…

But first, there was something that was better solving it now than forgetting about it, so he first headed to the Crimson Dragon's Mountain Range to hunt down the dragon for a future zombie.

Then he headed at south, where the main sect of the Xiao Sect should be. Using his Map function, he was able to locate precisely the place where the Xiao Sect is.

In less than a hour, he already reached his destination, and was looking down on the sect under his Sandalphon. 

There was a problem, he wanted to make things fast, but doing that would destroy the treasures inside the sect…

So Heat was out of question, if he had the Deathdealing, things would be easier… Well, one can't expect God to do all the work…

Jean transformed Sandalphon back to its Throne form and fell down with it. At the contact with the ground, it caused a loud noise all over the Sect, forcing the disciples to stop what they were doing.


Shouting loudly, he attracted everyone's attention, and then the sect master, Xiao Juetian, came out.

Jean: Good! We have a target!

Xiao Juetian: Wha-URGH!!

Suddenly, the blade of Dragon Fault flew across the area and stabbed him right on his ċhėst, the force of that throw propelled him back inside the sect, leaving a trail of blood behind.

Everyone slowly glanced at the place where the greatsword was thrown from, and saw Jean standing over a throne with his hands on a hilt on top of the throne.

Disciple: He… He killed the Sect Master!

At those words, everyone became alarmed and tried to run away.

Jean: Not a chance…

With a snap of his fingers, over 100 thousand beasts of around Spirit and Earth Profound Realm, with 2 10th Sky Profound Realm Flood Dragons came out and surrounded the sect.

After that, he used Heat to drastically increase the temperature of the area, some weaker disciples also caught fire.

With a second snap of his fingers, the zombie beasts rushed towards the sect, killing anyone on their way.

Jean sat over the throne, beside the hilt of Sandalphon in case something wrong happened, and looked at the stampede in front of him.

While he watched the disciples fighting and screaming for their lives as they were slaughtered from the beasts, he noticed two people in the sky fighting with the Flood Dragons, he narrowed his eyes and looked at them, they were Emperor Profound Cultivators… 

So it's the Grandmaster and the Grand Elder… No problem, once they fall down too, he won.

He unsheathed Sandalphon and charged it with his profound energy and Heat, before unleashing a flaming sword wave similar to Phoenix Break at them.

Obviously, since the distance between them was great, the two people easily dodged the sword wave, but that didn't stop Jean as he flew towards them.

The Grandmaster, Xiao Wuqing, turned around and shouted.


He was enraged since a massive beast stampede was massacring many disciples of his sect, and it seemed that the flood dragons were the leaders of this stampede, so he tried to kill them with Xiao Wuji, the Grand Elder, but a cultivator interrupted his last attack to one of the dragons, causing them to flee away from them.

Jean: Empyrean Dance of the Phoenix!

With Heat and the Phoenix Flames, his figure turned similar to that of a flying phoenix and reached for Xiao Wuqing, causing a massive explosion that attracted the Grand Elder's attention.

Xiao Wuji: Brother!

The figure of a half-burned Xiao Wuqing came out from the explosion, causing him to panic.

The next thing he saw was a series of flaming red sword waves reaching for him, but he dodged most of them, before his left arm was cut off.

Xiao Wuji: AAARRGH!

He screamed while the flames attached to his injury cauterized it, causing extreme pain

Xiao Wuji: UGH… Who… Who is it…?! Who is the bastard who dares to destroy the Xiao Sect?!

Jean: Your mom!

With a swing of his sword, the smokescreen vanished, revealing Jean's figure wielding a broadsword as big as him.

Xiao Wuji: You… You are Jean…?! You animal! Why you even started this!?

Jean didn't even gave him the benefit of the answer before he cut him in half with Phoenix Break.

As his body fell down, Jean looked at what once was one of the best sects in the Blue Wind Empire turning to ashes, the temperature was so high that even grass started to burn, and the heat causing the people to feel more fatigued coupled with the beast stampede, the Xiao Sect died pretty quickly.

He made Sandalphon disappear and slowly descended on the sect, the zombified beasts made way for Jean while they ate the disciples as if they were dying of hunger, at the end of the main hall of the sect, he saw a limbless Xiao Juetian stuck in a wall with Dragon Fault on the ċhėst, probably the limbs were eaten from a beast around here…

He took out Dragon Fault and placed it back inside the Sky Poison Pearl, then he searched around the sect, looting Profound Cards containing money from the corpses he found and searching for the treasury.

Soon, he found the treasure, which was similar to the one in the branch of the Xiao Sect, but more heavily guarded, even so, with a single attack, he broke the stone gates protecting the treasury, and looked inside it.

Herbs, jades, weapons, same things you would find in any treasury around here, but 3 things were attracting his attention. The first was the Profound Card containing a whopping 45 million Purple Profound Coins! This was probably the entirety of the Xiao Sect's riches gained in thousands of years.

The second was a weapon called Heaven Decimating Orb, from the description written under the tag, if thrown at someone, it will cause a small explosion capable of kill early-stage Emperor Profound Cultivators, and release an extremely toxic gas around the explosion.

The third was a variation of the weapon, Heaven Decimating Bomb, unlike the orb, this was literally a Nuke! The power was similar to the Heaven Decimating Orb, but it was capable of leveling down a city, and it has the toxic gas too.

Jean was glad that he eliminated the Xiao Sect noe, if they were allowed to grow even more they could cause some sort of World War 2 with their versions of nuclear bombs.

He placed everything in the Sky Poison Pearl, and then got around the sect to place back his zombified servants in the Sky Poison Pearl, before taking his leave.

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