Sternritter Calendar

Chapter 99 - Separation

Jean raised an eyebrow and asked. "How do you not know? You are strong, aren't you?"

"I don't know! I just don't know! That 'Thing'... He doesn't have any Profound Energy! It is like the same as sensing the area around yourself, you just can't sense anything!" Jasmine answered with a worried gaze.

It was alright to a certain level for a cultivator to hide from a Divine Master, who stands at the peak of the world and is able to destroy suns with a swing of their hands. But to be able to perfectly hide one's Profound Energy from her, who is also a specialist on this subject, is impossible!

And yet, here the impossible turned to a certain thing…

This… Glitch… was able to freely walk in front of her, and completely conceal his Profound Energy… The Glitch-like figure let out a chuckle and looked directly at Jean, no, he seemed to be looking even deeper. "L̷i̸t̵t̴l̵e̷ ̸J̸a̸s̶m̵i̷n̷e̴…̵"

("The fear without reason is what is called True Fear, it's like countless insects climbing on your body and entering inside you… This is why everyone would prefer having fear for a reason, at least you have an idea to stop having fear.")

Jasmine finally understood what it was like… 

Just by calling her name, she finally understood that the entity was looking past Jean and gazing directly at her eyes.

Just by calling her name, she finally understood what the entity wanted to say.

Just by calling her name, she felt like centipedes and spiders were crawling all over her body, entering inside her through the mouth, nose, ears, even eyes… All the entrances she had. 

She couldn't stop shaking and twitching until the entity lost interest on her… When he did, Jasmine squatted down and hugged her body, while her body kept twitching. 

Meanwhile, Jean panicked. Clearly, the entity was able to see through the Sky Poison Pearl and find Jasmine. But the entity didn't seem to be here for her…

Now the entity was looking directly at Jean…

Suddenly, Jean found Cang Yue and Fen Juechen standing in front of him, acting as shields, even though it was useless…

"We won't let you get a step near!"

The figure chuckled again, and called out. "C̸a̷n̸g̶ ̷Y̷u̶e̶,̶ ̷F̷e̶n̶ ̴J̸u̸e̴c̶h̴e̷n̷…̴ ̴Y̴o̵u̸ ̴t̵w̸o̴ ̷s̵h̷o̸u̶l̵d̷n̷'̴t̵ ̶i̶n̶t̷e̸r̶f̵e̵r̷e̶.̶ ̶T̴a̷k̸e̵ ̵c̷a̵r̸e̸ ̴o̵f̵ ̸y̷o̶u̶r̵ ̷o̸w̷n̴ ̵p̵r̵o̸b̵l̸e̴m̸s̴…̷"


Jasmine's trembling voice echoed in Jean's mind, and words that surprised him a bit came out. "H… He didn't interfere with the Laws of Space in the slightest… Like it was natural for the universe to teleport people…"

Not interfering with the Laws of Space?! That's just a lie! Any attempt at teleportation or something at that level such as creating pocket dimensions will show some distortions in the Laws of Space, it was impossible not interfering with them, it is like saying that to create iron with bȧrė hands one needs paper, it can't be done no matter how strong you are!

The Evil God was specialized in interfering with the laws, no matter what he does, he could achieve something that goes against nature. Like using fire and ice at the same time at their fullest, however it will interfere with the Universal Laws to a certain point, but doing that without interfering the Universal Laws can't be done.

Jean understood what Jasmine meant when she said to run away as fast as possible. He immediately used Star God's Broken Shadow to escape, but he was unable to move of a single inch…

"D̶o̷n̷'̷t̴ ̸r̵u̸n̵ ̷a̴w̴a̶y̴,̵ ̴J̵e̵a̷n̵…̴ ̴T̷h̴e̴r̵e̴ ̷a̴r̸e̵ ̴t̷h̵i̵n̶g̸s̵ ̷t̸o̵ ̵d̸o̶.̸.̶.̶"

The glitched entity spoke again. Jean blinked, before the scenery changed instantly, like as if he was watching two different frames that were attached to each other.

He was inside something that looked like a square arena with walls surrounding the arena and a ceiling over his head.

He didn't know what happened, but he was suddenly inside an arena that popped out from nothing. he looked around the arena, and only saw a timer and a number under the timer. It was for quite a time that he saw it, but how could he not recognize modern technology?

It was a digital timer with 1:00 written over it, and was slowly counting down every second. under the time, there was a 0/100.

There was a familiar feeling that this place was giving him, but he couldn't put a finger on it….

A minute passed, and the timer went to 0, the number below passed from 0/100 to 1/100, before a light surrounded the arena.

When the light vanished, there were 10 more entities surrounding Jean, they looked like iron human golems, but they wielded a different weapon, ranging from swords to actual guns and unconventional weapons such as double-edged scythes or mechanical spiky hands.

Meanwhile, the timer resetted and started to count down again from 1 minute…

Jean understood, this was a survival game-type of scenario, like at the first trial of the Dragon God's Trial.

"W̵i̸l̴l̸ ̷y̸o̴u̵ ̵b̷e̸ ̴t̶h̶e̴ ̶o̵n̷e̴?̷"

The familiar voice echoed in the arena, before the human statues put themselves in guard. Jean didn't know what did want the glitchy entity with him, but it was surely nothing good…

Jean's eyes widened… He didn't notice any killing intent, any sound, or whatever, but one of those human statues already stabbed his back with a dagger…

Jean gritted his teeth and swung his arm around, which was boosted with Purgatory. He wanted to crush the human statue that stabbed him from behind, however the statue caught the arm with a single hand while he twisted the dagger inside Jean.

Jean held back a yelp in pain and used his Phoenix Flames to get free, the only thing the Phoenix Flames did was partially destroying the arm of the statue… 

How strong were they?! 1st Sovereign Profound Realm?! This place is fuċkɨnġ crazy! He needs to go all out if he wants to fight at least 5 of them, but they don't even let him time to summon Sandalphon, let alone Halvanhelev!

Jean turned around, and saw the others human statues jumping at him at an incredible speed, so he narrowly escaped from them with Star God's Broken Shadow.

"Jasmine! A little help?!" He pleaded to Jasmine, but he received an unexpected answer.

"I can't do it! I am stuck here!"

Stuck? She couldn't get out from the Sky Poison Pearl?! He will fuċkɨnġ die here if there are really 100 waves like this!


She got up and reached for the door to get out, and there she met a panicked Qin Wushang, the Profound Palace's Palace Chief. He was surprised at her presence. "H-Her Highness? What are you doing here? I thought that you were with Jean!"

"I don't have idea but I will go to find out why. Palace Chief, why are you acting like that?"

Qin Wushang seemed to remember about something and said. "Her Highness! It's an emergency! The west of the Blue Wind Empire is gone!"

The news greatly shocked Cang Yue, who asked. "Report everything!"

"Yes! I was going to meet the emperor about this… The west side of the Blue Wind Empire is gone, everything is turned into a wasteland! Even the Burning Heaven Clan is gone like air! We only received a report of a suspicious man wielding a black crystal and laughing like a madman as the people near him were falling dead like leaves!"


Cang Yue yelled in shock, the matter about Jean was almost forgotten, now it was replaced with this event. She was confident about his survivability on whatever the entity was, so she concentrated on this current event.

Meanwhile, at the Burning Heaven Clan, Fen Juechen opened his eyes, the first thing that he found was an empty room. It looked like the place will fall in ruin, there were also a few skeletons around.

Due to how the place was reduced to, he never had in mind that this was his actual home.

He slowly reaches for the key, and when he touched it, memories flowed inside his mind… This was a memory imprint, which showed him a place that was extremely far away from here.

But there was something wrong… the "here" that the key was telling him about was the Burning Heaven Clan…

Where the hell is he?

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