Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 27 Going North to the Cliff (Double updates starting from Sunday)

I will test the water on Sunday and start double updates. Please read it!

The cliff coasts of the Triassic were destined to be empty and desolate, but in the shallow waters, most of today's marine species live.

deep sea? It was a wild place where only losers in competition went. The real kings were all entrenched in the shallow sea.

The fish dragon said: Yes, it is down there!

Speaking of the Triassic ocean, ichthyosaurs are definitely a topic that cannot be avoided. They emerged in the Triassic, dominated the Jurassic, and became extinct in the Cretaceous. It can be said that their history is a Mesozoic ocean history.

They are not dinosaurs, not even archosaurs. The origin of ichthyosaurs has not yet been discovered. It can only be concluded that they are a group of land-dwelling Dipsids.

They entered the sea only tens of millions of years earlier than the dinosaurs, and became extinct 25 million years earlier than the dinosaurs. It can be said that they were in harmony with the dinosaurs for a while.

After the Triassic ocean was shuffled by the mass extinction at the end of the Permian, all marine life was wiped out. Instead, competition on land was fiercer.

When the ancestors of ichthyosaurs faced the increasingly fierce battle for survival on land and began to choose to enter the relatively open ocean with less competitive pressure, they discovered that

I am not targeting anyone, I am saying that everything in the sea is garbage.jpg

They gradually got rid of their dependence on land until they completely adapted to the aquatic environment, changing their body shape from lizard-shaped architecture to fish-shaped, and became the little overlords of the Triassic Ocean Kindergarten.

Compared with the fiercely competitive Permian, Jurassic, and Cretaceous oceans, the Triassic ocean is worthy of being called a kindergarten. A group of silly giants about ten meters tall eat ammonites, decapoda, etc. all day long. It’s simply Disgraced the ancient and modern ocean overlords.

Xu Dong looked at the endless ocean, thinking about the popular science of later generations of paleontologists, and couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​developing into the ocean.

After all, this is the Triassic Period, and it has not yet reached the era of sea crawling bee pupae going to the sea. If they go to the sea at this time, they might become the pinnacle overlord of the ocean like their fellow cliff lizards in later generations.

However, he still gave up the idea. The ocean is too mysterious and deep, and no one knows what is hidden in it. Let’s not talk about anything else, but didn’t the fear of the deep sea, which was hundreds of meters above sea level, return to the ocean? Who knows if there are other legendary creatures in such a large area below.

After walking for almost a day, the beach reached the end. Beyond it was a shallow reef zone covered with rocks. The little red dragons who couldn't swim could only take a detour.

Regardless of whether it is modern times or the Triassic at this time, the most abundant coastal areas are not beaches, but reefs and cliffs.

Fortunately, the little red dragons arrived at a beach for the first time. Unfortunately, the beach will eventually come to an end. When it comes to the end, they find that there are rocks at the end and cliffs on the sides.

This cliff was high and steep. Obviously, the little red dragons couldn't climb it, so Xu Dong could only lead them back and go up the mountain to an area where they could climb.

The journey along the cliff is really boring. Although there is the sea next to it, the scene of sunrise and sunset is very magnificent, and the sound of the ebb and flow of the tide is very pleasant.

But who would consider these things that can neither be eaten nor drank except the terrifying erect ape.

After running north along the cliff for five days, when he once again fell asleep under the stars and the moon, Xu Dong was awakened by a burst of singing. He raised his head sharply and looked around with his eyes, but found nothing.

He closed his eyes and listened, and the melodious singing drifted over along the sea breeze. The direction of the singing was surprisingly the dark ocean under the bright starry sky.

It was an indescribable feeling. Xu Dong could hear the emotion in the voice. It was so sad and sad that he couldn't help but feel sad. He just wanted to go over and comfort the sad singer immediately.

When Xu Dong took a few steps forward, a blue light suddenly appeared on the dark sea surface. This light was just a small one at first, and then kept getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, the dim light was beyond imagination. A big fish, as blue as the starry sky, broke out of the water. Countless threads and photoelectrics followed the big fish and danced in the air. Time seemed to slow down.

The sound of the big fish breaking through the water and the sad singing blended perfectly with the scene at this time, shocking Xu Dong once again.

Only by careful observation can you find that the dots and threads on this big blue fish are not the light emitted by itself, but the luminous jellyfish and luminous algae inhabiting it. As the big fish jumps out of the water, it is captured. Brought into the air.

The big fish whale in the starry sky jumped over the huge full moon in the sky, drew a blue arc, and finally fell into the water again, splashing countless water splashes.

Xu Dong didn't know how many times he was shocked. There were various ancient creatures that had been restored in his previous life, and there were also magical creatures that he had never known in his previous life.

Such as sky mica, deep sea fear, magical archaea and this big fish in the starry sky.

Each one surpasses the limits of human imagination. They are so huge and magnificent, and have a feeling of being incompatible with the sentient beings of the Triassic. They seem not to be species of this world. They are legends of independent and transcendent sentient beings. biology.

Okay, I woke up from the dream and it’s time to go.

Xu Dong didn't even know how he fell asleep yesterday. One moment he was watching the starry sky and the big fish jumping on the sea surface, and the next moment he woke up from the cliff.

I wonder if the previous scene was really an illusion?

After waking up, they had to continue their boring journey, but today's sea gave Xu Dong and the others a chance to watch the excitement.

A group of fish that looked like flying fish of later generations jumped and galloped on the sea surface, while two Ichthyosaurs chased behind them, and they all ran to this offshore area.

These two groups of guys were chasing each other, swimming quickly around the corals and rocks, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xu Dong shook his head. The ocean in the early and middle Triassic period was really leisurely. There were not even the smallest large predators. A big guy like Cupispondylus, nearly 6 meters long, was already considered a dad in the ocean, but he didn't want to make progress at all. , playing around all day long, sucking on ammonites, and swimming, it was so pleasant.

Things are not so easy on the mainland. Pseudocrocodiles are completely different from the ocean overlords ichthyosaurs who eat small fish and ammonites all day long. They are full-fledged tyrants. They can eat all large, medium and small creatures and no one can stop them. They are ferocious. Powerful.

After the excitement has passed, we continue on our way. The journey on the cliff will eventually come to an end. After three days, Xu Dong finally walked out of the mountainous area. Standing on the cliff and looking down, he saw a vast plain. At the end of the line of sight, at the edge of the sky and the earth, there is a long green belt.

Have you really found it?

Looking up the mountain is like running to death. Although you can see the long green belt on the cliff, if you really walk on it, it will kill you.

Fortunately, the gravel plain area under the cliff is close to the sea, there is no shortage of food, and there are no powerful predators.

Xu Dong took Xiao Chilong to have a feast on the stone beach first. There were a bunch of bivalve petrel clams and fish scale clams on the stone soaked in the sea.

Clam-eating little red dragons are experts, and the clam-eating experience gained from the big lakes in the mountains is still timeless when dealing with bivalves in the sea.

When the sharp claws are inserted into the shell of the petrel clam, there will be a gap in the clam. When the time comes, the other pair of claws will be inserted and the bivalve shell will be broken open. The tender meat without the protection of the shell will naturally be taken by the little red dragon. I took it away.

In addition to tasting the delicious clam meat, you can also try the crispy ammonite and the chewy tail meat.

The coast of the Triassic is paradise. If Xu Dong hadn't insisted on his own way, most of the little red dragons would still be willing to live here. By then, maybe a strange combination of circumstances would create a mosasaurus 160 million years in advance.

Paleontology Theater: Cupspondylus is one of the longest ichthyosaurs. It lived in the late Triassic period. Its fossils show a length of about 6-10 meters. Ichthyosaurus is one of the least fish-like ichthyosaurs, with no dorsal fin on its back and a long lower fin on its tail. They had an elongated snout, similar to other ichthyosaurs.

Despite its size, Ichthyosaurus was unable to threaten other marine reptiles of its time, such as Phantosaurus. The head of Ichthyosaurus was about 1 meter long, with large jaws and multiple rows of small teeth that could not bite or fix large animals. The small teeth of Ichthyosaurus were probably used to bite and hold small to medium-sized prey, such as small fish, belemnites, cephalopods, and ammonites. The long tail of Ichthyosaurus was suitable for swimming, allowing it to rush into schools of fish at high speeds to catch prey.

Sauriformes - Dipsids - Ichthyosaurs - Ichthyosaurs - Ichthyosauridae - Ichthyosaurs

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