The Gobi where the Little Red Lizard Clan is located is only a small area, only a few hundred meters in diameter. There is a small pond in it. There are many Lycopodium ferns and other plants growing around it. It can be regarded as a rare oasis in the endless desert. .

This small piece of Gobi, a small oasis, has formed its own unique ecological circle. The plants and water attract insects. The little red lizards survive by preying on insects, and the excrement produced by the little red lizards nourishes the plants.

However, such a weak ecosystem cannot withstand major destruction. This small oasis will turn into a wasteland and desert in a short time under the wanton devouring of Ken's beast.

But before that, the Ken's herd seemed to have encountered an accident. Due to the scattered and narrow rocks in the Gobi, the Ken's beast in front was stuck in a traffic jam. The rugged environment of the Gobi is not suitable for the little red lizard that is only 20 to 30 centimeters tall. It is very spacious, but for a Kenshimon that is about three meters tall, it is undoubtedly impossible to move in the city center during rush hour.

The predators that followed slowed down, sharpened their knives, and prepared to enjoy this sumptuous lunch. This was a rare opportunity to feast in the early and middle Triassic.

The first one to take action was the Herrerasaurus, which was known for its agility. They were so agile that they jumped on the back of a Ken's beast with a flick of their feet. Their sharp claws on their forelimbs were firmly fixed into the flesh of the Ken's beast, making them unable to move. It will be thrown away by the struggling Kenmon.

One, two, three, and a total of five Herrerasaurus jumped on the back of a Ken's beast, biting the flesh and blood of the big guy wantonly. No matter how it struggled and whined, it could not remove the beast on its back. The predators were thrown off, and in the end they bled too much and fell to the ground dying, letting the Black Rui Dragon gnaw on them.

Soon the two Seven Crocodiles also launched an attack on the Ken's beast. The pimpled skin on their bodies was like paper under the big mouth fangs of the Seven Crocodiles. They easily bit through it, and then they enjoyed the delicious food. It's time.

Finally, there is the large scorpion of the Zerg. Its six sharp appendages can walk quickly on the sand, but they are not as good as those of Herrerasaurus and Seven Crocodile on the hard Gobi.

However, there was plenty of food this time, and these predators were not stupid enough to fight for food. They saw this big brown scorpion crawling close to a Ken's beast, and thrust its huge tail stinger forward, its sharp stinger not It pierced into the flesh and blood of Ken's beast with no effort.

The violent poison was injected into the body of the big straw bag. The three-meter-long Ken's beast couldn't hold on for a while, and staggered to the ground, unable to move.

The big scorpion climbed onto the unconscious Ken's beast unhurriedly. Its huge mouthparts cut open the skin of the Ken's beast like scissors. A pair of slender appendages under its big claws cut out pieces of meat and sent them in. In his mouth, the whole process went smoothly and effortlessly, and the Kenshi beast was quickly eaten clean.

As the smell of blood spreads, this slaughterhouse attracts many surrounding omnivorous animals, such as the most common red lizards in the Gobi Desert, stone scorpions, Rio Grande beasts, etc., as the local snake of this Gobi desert , the little red lizard will naturally not be absent.

However, the most delicious part of this meal still belongs to the players at the upper level of the food chain such as Seven Crocodiles, Brown Scorpions, and Herrerasaurus. Stone scorpions and small red lizards can only wait for the big guys to finish eating before eating some leftovers. The soup is served cold.

After a while, the running pace of the Kenshi beasts had slowed down, and they began to line up in an orderly manner and slowly pass through the narrow Gobi.

Even if the next three groups of predators feasted on a few dozen or so Ken's beasts, it would be no harm to the Ken's herd.

Seeing a prehistoric massacre come to an end, Xu Dong still couldn't calm down. He always felt a palpitating feeling of black clouds and a heavy feeling of doomsday.

At this time, a cloud covered the sun, and the black shadow shrouded the Gobi, bringing a bit of coolness. Xu Dong subconsciously looked up.


Xu Dong didn't think about anything at this time and ran towards the desert.

At this time, in the passage below the mountain range, the dinosaur ancestors, Herrerasaurus, were still tearing apart the meat of the Kenshin beasts and playing with each other, looking extremely comfortable. Yes, in this big desert Can you not be happy with a rare full meal?

Not far away on the left, the two crocodiles at the top of the food chain must have been hungry. They neither made a sound nor roared. They focused on eating the meat on the ground, harmoniously like domestic pigs eating from a trough.

The brown scorpion on the other side is much more elegant. The two appendages under its mouth have basically lost the ability to walk. They are now used as an auxiliary for eating. The small and flexible appendages can skillfully cut out pieces of flesh and blood, and cut them into pieces. When put into the mouth, it is as elegant as eating Western-style steak.

Whether it is a heptacrocodile, a brown scorpion or a Herrerasaurus, these species that have climbed to the top of the food chain are already standing too high. They are so high that they can no longer see the little red lizards and stone scorpions running around under their feet. They are so high that they lose sight of them. Innate sense of crisis.

Xu Dong didn't know how long he had been running. There was no watch to check in this era. He only knew how to run as fast as he could. That thing was too terrifying. Why did such a thing still exist in the Triassic? This is so unscientific!

it's dark!

It was broad daylight, why did it suddenly turn dark? At this time, both the predators, the Crocodile crocodile, and the prey, the crocodiles, became anxious, and a pressure like Mount Tai fell over the entire Gobi.

The Herrerasaurs immediately put down the food on their lips and ran outside in panic. The Kensaurus, which had been lining up to leave the Gobi in an orderly manner, also became chaotic again. You pushed me, I bumped into you, and they all fought for their lives. Push forward.

The big brown scorpion knew it couldn't outrun other creatures. Its two big pincers dug desperately on the Gobi stone ground. The digging pincers broke and black blood continued to flow out.


It's too late.

The surrounding red lizards, Rio Grande beasts and other creatures at the bottom of the ecological niche have long since disappeared, and many are about to run out of the Gobi.

In the prehistoric era, bottom creatures often had extremely keen intuition, and would run away, dig holes, and hide at the slightest disturbance. Even if there was a mass extinction of species, they would be the ones who survived, and they were called the kings of survival.

The white clouds covering the sky are already close at hand. If Xu Dong looks up at this time, he can see that in the center of the white clouds that are about to fall to the ground, there is a small hole, which is densely covered with sharp teeth. This is The monster's mouthparts.

The white cloud finally fell to the ground, and its volume actually covered most of the Gobi. As the white cloud pressed down, terrifying wind pressure swept across all directions, and suddenly the entire Gobi was filled with sand and rocks, and vegetation was rolling.

Fortunately, Xu Dong added 11 points of essence to his agility, allowing him to surpass all the creatures at the scene. He had already run out of the Gobi before the white clouds fell, but he still did not dare to stop and continued to run towards the distance.


An explosion-like sound came from behind, the earth trembled, and the air waves swept over, quickly drowning Xu Dong, a little guy who was only seven or eight centimeters long.

Powerful air waves enveloped him, rolling and blowing him into the distance.


When the wind subsided, the little red lizard stuck straight into the sand to save its life.

When the air wave hit Xu Dong, he was already at the end of his strength. Coupled with the buffering of the sand, Xu Dong survived, but injuries were definitely unavoidable.

Only then did he have time to turn around and look at the scene of the accident. Most of the Gobi Desert with a radius of several hundred meters was covered by a piece of white cloth, making it impossible to see what was going on.

Xu Dong quietly got closer and found that the outer ring of the white cloth covering the Gobi rocks was firmly embedded in the rocks, tightly fitting, leaving no gaps for escape.

Soon, the piece of white cloth, which was hundreds of meters in diameter, began to expand, turning from a flat white cloth into a three-dimensional white cover, which was placed upside down on the ground.

"What the hell is this?"

The white cloth side expanded to a height of tens of meters, and the milky white shape actually became transparent.

Through this layer of transparent body, Xu Dong was able to see what was happening inside it. In the area covered by the white cover, in Xu Dong's view, it was already an extremely huge and heavy Kenshi beast. The Seven Crocodiles seemed to have no weight at all. He was easily sucked into the huge hole in the sky.

It was the terrifying giant mouth that Zhang Wang feared. Now it has expanded to nearly ten meters as the monster expanded. It is densely packed with sharp fangs. The fangs are like electric saws, cutting all the meat that is served. Under the powerful Under the suction, not even the blood fell.

Xu Dong stretched out his long tongue and licked his dry upper and lower jaws, and ran towards the white giant monster as if he had lost his mind. Such a majestic existence, such a huge creature that had never been heard of before, he, who has a preference for giant objects, must get closer to take a closer look. look.

However, before Xu Dong could get closer, the white monster's big mouth began to shrink and finally closed, and the outer tentacles inserted into the ground stretched out. Then the giant mouth that just swallowed everything opened again, and this time it spurted out a strong air flow. .

The air current carrying the bloody limbs violently bombarded the Gobi stall. Xu Dong, who was far away in the desert, could feel the vibration of the earth, and the storm swept over again.

But this time Xu Dongxue was smart. He buried himself in the sand to avoid the strong wind.

After the commotion above subsided, he crawled out of the sand and looked at the sky immediately. Sure enough, the white monster had not disappeared yet. It was floating and swimming in the sky like a jellyfish.

Blood rain fell on the ground, bringing rare moisture to this barren desert. Xu Dong raised his head and looked at the free spirit in the sky. Strong wind, thunder, heavy rain, no disaster could hinder it. , because it is huge, beautiful and powerful!

This scene was firmly engraved in Xu Dong's mind, and an impulse far beyond his past arose in his heart. He wanted to become bigger and stronger, and fly into the blue sky! He wants to become a real dragon!

[Congratulations to the player for surviving the attack of the legendary creature Sky Mica, the jump point +1]

Small theater of paleontology: In the late Triassic period, Synapsids went extinct, leaving almost only mammals. Amphibians made a comeback, Zerg resurgence, Archosaurs dominated Pangea, and Pseudosuchus stood at the top of the food chain. At that time, The most terrifying predators, pterosaurs spread their wings and soared for nine days. Dinosaurs took the opportunity to expand the middle and lower ecological niches. The number of fossils increased from less than 5% in the early and middle stages to about 60% in the later stages.

Heptasuchus, Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Pseudosuchus - Raussuchiidae - Heptasuchi.

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