Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 41 The Four Forest Kings

Today, in the ruins burned by the fire, there are four terrifying giant beasts of ten meters in size, three of which are intact.

Only the huge version of the long-scaled dragon was very miserable.

Its wings had been burned off, leaving only a few short tips at the roots. Large areas of its body were scorched black, and its limbs even showed signs of partial carbonization. It looked like it was about to die.

The leading one looked so different that Xu Dong temporarily gave it a name based on its appearance. It was called Canis-toothed Longyon, which felt very vivid.

The canine-toothed longclaw obviously has intentions towards the giant long-scaled dragon, but it is very smart and does not go forward directly. After all, the centipede is dead but not stiff. Who knows whether the long-scaled dragon still has the ability to fight back.

So it barked at the long-necked rock crocodile, asking the Triassic overlord to explore the way for it, but what it got was the rock crocodile's unwilling howl.

The Canis-toothed Longyon suddenly became angry. Just like Achisla slapped down the Carcharodontosaurus with one palm (funny manual), it slapped the ten-meter long-necked rock crocodile to the ground. Good guy, it’s really fierce. .

The long-necked rock crocodile climbed up from the ground and did not dare to disobey the canine-toothed longclaw anymore. It had no choice but to become the vanguard and test the depth of the long-squama dragon.

It staggered closer to the long-scaled dragon. The fall just now caused its brain to concussion, its vision was a little blurred, and it walked crookedly. When it lowered its head, its teeth were about to get close to the long-scaled dragon.

The long-squamous dragon that was lying down suddenly rose up and rushed directly under the long-necked rock crocodile. The only remaining wings on its back turned into sharp blades and inserted into the long-necked rock crocodile's abdomen. With a horizontal stroke, blood suddenly flowed out.


The long-necked rock crocodile took a few steps back and screamed in pain. The long-necked rock crocodile immediately followed him up, using all its limbs to jump upwards. It bit its head directly on the long neck of the rock crocodile, and with the help of its weight and the force of its fall, He violently dragged the rock crocodile down.

The long-squamosaur did not give the long-necked rock crocodile a chance at all, and kept biting and scratching at the neck of the rock crocodile on the ground until it bit off its neck.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. Before the Canis-toothed Longyonyx, Galileo Crocodile and Xu Dong could react, the Long-Squamous Dragon had already neatly eliminated the ten-meter giant monster.

This shows the terrifying strength of the giant long-scaled dragon. Even though it suffered such serious injuries, it still killed a Triassic overlord like a melon and a vegetable.

After the giant long-squamosaurus defeated the long-necked rock crocodile, its red head lay on its body biting the fresh flesh, but its eyes were fixed on the canine-toothed long-clawed dragon directly in front of it.

The four-unlike Canis-toothed Longyon suddenly became angry and roared at the Galileo Crocodile. Although the Lizard-crocodile hesitated, it still did not dare to resist the Canis-toothed Longyon and rushed towards the giant Long-scaled dragon.

The Galilean Crocodile had just charged forward with its front feet, and the Canis-toothed Longyon was following behind it with its hind legs. This way, the two giant beasts worked in tandem, which not only ensured the safety of the Canis-toothed Longyon, but also ensured that it could sneak attack on the Long-squamosaurus at any time.

The previous long-necked rock crocodile was not weak, but the biological world will not compete with you for attributes and damage. The biological world is often about sneak attacks and being sneak attacks, either killing it with one blow, or using the blood dripping effect to wait for the prey to lose too much blood and fall down.

Although the long-necked rock crocodile was on guard, it was still successfully attacked by the long-scaled dragon. Under the long-scaled dragon's set of combos, there was no chance to fight back, and in the end he could only be taken away in frustration.

The vigilant Galileo Crocodile is much more clumsy. While attacking, it continues to dodge the teeth and claws of the Long-Squama Dragon. Even if the attack is interrupted, it must ensure its own safety and give the Long-Squama Dragon a chance to exchange injuries for injuries. nothing.

And what is Canis-toothed Longyonyx doing at this time? This despicable guy actually made a small circle and rushed towards the place where the long-scaled dragon had just been lying.

Xu Dong looked intently and found a nest of white dragon eggs where the long-scaled dragon had just been lying.

Was this long-scaled dragon incubating eggs?

No wonder the scaly dragon was still burned like this despite being able to escape. It turned out that she was protecting her child from the flames.

The Longisquama also obviously noticed the movements of the Canis-toothed Longclaw, and shouted loudly to go back to support, but the Galileo Crocodile saw the opportunity and bit it on the hind limb.

Longisquama's limbs were already severely burned, but now they were bitten by the lizard crocodile's big mouth, and the left hind limb was immediately bitten off.

The three-legged long-scaled dragon could not maintain its balance and fell to the ground, screaming anxiously.




As if to say: "Don't touch my child!"

The canine-toothed longyon doesn't care about the howling of the long-scaled dragon.

It came to a nest of white and round dragon eggs, raised one foot and gently placed it on the eggs.


Even with only three legs left, the long-scaled dragon still crawled towards the canine-toothed dragon with all her strength. She wanted to protect her child.

The severed left hind limb dragged a dazzling red line on the ground, but the red line did not stretch too long. Galileo Crocodile had already raised its forelimbs and stepped heavily on the back of the long-squama dragon.


With a body length of 12 meters and a weight of over 4 tons, this big guy would be crushed even if a car were to come.

The long-scaled dragon suddenly vomited blood, fell to the ground and could no longer move. Only its eyes were still staring at the canine-toothed long-clawed dragon.

She wasn't dead yet, but it was no different from being dead.

I saw this insidious giant grinning with an ugly smile. He used his right foot to crush a dozen scaly dragon eggs.

At this time, the mother of the long-scaled dragon was trembling all over, making a weak whimpering sound, and could only watch helplessly as this monster tortured and killed her child.

The Galileo crocodile behind her couldn't help but start biting the long-squama dragon's body, digging out her heart and lungs. It didn't look like he was trying to eat, but rather like he was looking for something.

The canine-toothed dragon raised its head and roared at the lizard crocodile, signaling not to touch its things, but the Galilean lizard crocodile ignored it and continued to pull it regardless.

Soon, as the lizard crocodile pulled, a milky-white bead was pulled out along with the long-squama dragon's internal organs.

As soon as Fu saw the bead, the Canis-toothed Longclaw suddenly lost his composure, howled, and ran over like flying.

However, before it arrived, the lizard crocodile swallowed the bead in one gulp.


The Canis-toothed Longyon suddenly let out an extremely angry roar and ran a little faster. It wanted to tear this bastard to pieces who dared to steal its things!

Perhaps it was because of the money that moved people's hearts, that the lizard crocodile, who had previously been submissive under the hands of the Canis-toothed Longyon, now showed no signs of weakness and also made a high-pitched demonstration, teasing the nerves of the overlord Longyon.

The Canis-toothed Longyon quickly rushed in front of the Lizard Crocodile, revealing its large claws that shone with cold light. As long as it touched it, a behemoth like the Long-necked Rock Crocodile would fall down, and the Lizard Crocodile was no exception.

However, the Galilean Crocodile crawled on all fours and its body height was low, making it impossible for the large claws of the Canis-toothed Longyon to be lifted up and could only be grabbed towards its carapace.

The lizard crocodile was also cunning enough. He lowered his head and thrust directly into the crotch of the canine-toothed Longyon. Although the posture could easily lead to misunderstanding, the effect was immediate.


Xu Dong felt a chill on his crotch. How could these behemoths at the top of the food chain be so disrespectful of martial arts and act so obscenely? They really lost the face of their overlords.

Thanks to Xiao Huangbai for his seven kilograms, the blue dragon in the sea. This nickname is a bit special.

Paleontology Theater: Saurosuchus is an extinct archosaur and a genus of the parasuchiform family Velocisuchus. Saurosuchus lived in Argentina during the late Triassic. With a body length of about 5 to 7 meters, Saurosuchus is the largest parasuchiform except Fasolasuchus; Fasolasuchus has fewer fossils and related research and is relatively unknown. Like other rostrosuchians, Saurosuchus walked on completely upright limbs. It may attack its prey in ambush. Some researchers believe they may have fed on dinosaurs such as Herrerasaurus or the smaller Eoraptor.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Pseudosuchians - Parasuchiforms - Velocisuchidae - Saurosuchus

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