Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 54 The red dragon rises with the wind in one day

Since the quality of two horns is not enough, then remove one and get only one horn. In an instant, it fell from a horned dragon to a dragon.

Xu Dongzhen now has horns on his head and wings on his back, but it's not a little green dragon, but a little red dragon.

Although this method of editing directly from the body can work, it will obviously not be corrected by the editor and has no practical effect.

For example, Xu Dong could pull a pair of wings directly from the back of the little red dragon, but what's the use? They are just two pieces of protruding flesh. Not only can they not fly, but they are two more pieces of burden.

The single horn on the head of the little red dragon also does not have the functions of dissipating heat, heating up, changing color, intimidating, or courting like the back sail.

Oh, the mating function may appear naturally over time. After all, the biological world is full of good-looking animals who like to look at flashy things to find the opposite sex.

Just like the double crests of Dicrosaurus, the horny flesh of Megaraptor, the tail feathers of peacocks, and the throat pouch of frigatebird, they are all things that are more decorative than practical.

Even when it comes to a so-called advanced animal like the terrifying Ape erectus, doesn't it still depend on the face?

After spending 10 points of essence to ridge the dragon horn, what other components can be used to decorate it with the remaining 9 points of essence?

The newly acquired serrated teeth of Bryonraptor are definitely hopeless. There are too many teeth. Replacing this component requires at least ten points of source material. The ossicles of Malodon are still useful, but the problem is that it takes a long time to install them. Modifying the ear structure of the little red dragon is another huge expense.

The only thing left is the long-scaled dragon's throat fan. This component is not much more advanced than the one that comes with the little red dragon, and there is no need to install it.

Finally, I rummaged around in my small warehouse and finally found a relatively low-cost component, the pineal gland of a tuatara. Although I don't know what its specific use is, it's pretty cool.

After the update, Xu Dong has horns on his head, vertical eyes on his forehead, feather scales on his back, and sharp claws on his hands. Why does it feel like this transformation is all about appearance.

As the old saying goes, whether you are strong or not is only temporary, but whether you are handsome or not is lifelong.

After spending 5 points of essence to install the pineal gland, this transformation has come to an end. This time, the basic appearance of the little red dragon has been determined. Next time, the little red dragon's brain and abilities will be modified. These are internally constructed.

So after returning to the mainland, Xu Dong's goal was the brain components of sauropods and cephalopods, as well as the special abilities of various creatures.

After his consciousness circled around the little red dragon on the platform, Xu Dong nodded with satisfaction and chose to enter the game. Unexpectedly, a prompt popped up in the creature editor.

[It has been identified that the Little Red Dragon has undergone major changes and species have differentiated. Players can name the new species and choose one of them to continue the game. ]

Oh, they have differentiated again. It seems that the time spent this time should not be short. Think about it, what should this handsome new species be called?

Little flying dragon?

Red dinosaur?


No, no, it’s a joke.

Tianxiang Long is a little crazy.

Deathwing is even crazier than the last one.

Goodbye to the dragon holding a candle, you are so crazy that you will be beaten.

It's better to be a little more ordinary and call it Red Scale Flying Dragon, which sounds nice and is easy to remember.

[The new species is confirmed to be called Red Scale Flying Dragon. Players are asked to choose one of the species to continue the game. ]

[Little red dragon/big red dragon/velociraptor/amphibious scale lizard/red scale flying dragon]

Unexpectedly, the little red dragon has evolved into three variants, but judging from the names, they should all be flightless. You must see what these guys look like when the time comes.

[warn! It takes a very long time to load the special components of feather scales and wings, so players should be prepared! ]

How long has it been evolving and you still need to prepare? Xu Dong couldn't help but become curious.

He was engulfed in white light again, but this time it seemed that the transmission time was a bit long, so long that Xu Dong was already awake before he reached his body.

[2.08Ma——Triassic Replacement Period]

Rhythm period! ! !

This was the last period of the Triassic Period, which lasted less than seven million years.


Xu Dong felt that he was too arrogant now, and actually looked down on seven million years. This time was enough for many mortals to become immortals, and immortals to become bald.

In fact, it is understandable, because this time jump is too much, jumping directly from the Carnian period of 232 million years to the Retic period of 2800 years, a total jump of 2,000 years. Four million years.

Does it take so long to put on wings? Xu Dong was shocked, maybe because the loaded wings were special components.

However, despite all the jumps, Xu Dong still strives to achieve his goals in this era.

There are four goals this time. The first is to find the components for biting. Facing the ancient creatures whose armor is getting stronger and stronger, and the meat is getting harder and harder to chew, either improve the bite force or the sharpness of the teeth.

Although the serrated teeth of Bryonraptor are good, if they can't bite through the skin, then it's all for nothing.

The second is to collect brain and thermostatic components to improve the little red dragon, oh, no, it should be the brain of the red-scaled flying dragon, to become a thermostatic animal.

The third thing is to look for mutated prokaryotes and extraordinary abilities to earn more source of energy. Otherwise, it would be very uncomfortable to have good components that cannot be installed.

Fourth, Xu Dong wanted to experience the feeling of flying. In his previous life, he had only experienced it on an airplane. Now that he had real wings, of course he wanted to take a good look at the Pangea continent before it split.

Opening his eyes and looking around, he saw that it was no longer the familiar forest, but a rocky mountain. Xu Dong was now standing on a pine branch on a large rock.

Huh? what's the situation? moved?

Also, 20 million years have passed, and whether the original cedar forest still exists is still a question.

Xudong now lives in an area with mountains, trees, plains, and rivers. These red-scaled flying dragons really know how to find a place.

Looking at itself again, it is the same as the model seen in the creature editor, except that its size seems to be smaller than that of the little red dragon. Why is it only thirty centimeters?

When a red-scale flying dragon much larger than Xu Dong landed next to Xu Dong, he suddenly realized that he had become a young dragon again.

Of course, this flying dragon mother in front of me? Feilong dad? Or the red scale flying dragon that is both falls.

In fact, it's not that big. Its body length has shrunk compared to the small red dragon, only less than fifty centimeters left, mainly because its tail is much shorter.

In order to better adapt to flight, the middle part must be modified to be more slender to reduce drag.

This red-scale flying dragon didn't seem to have a good-natured parent. It slapped Xu Dong and knocked him away.

Damn it!

There is a hundred-meter cliff below. What on earth does this guy want to do? Why did he sneak attack on me?

Xu Dong, who fell from such a height for the first time, panicked, his limbs were stiff and he didn't dare to move.

His heart was filled with annoyance. He didn't expect that he would die on the first day after the transformation.

etc? Transformation?

Xu Dong finally remembered that he had a pair of wings on his back, and quickly opened his feather-scale wings. The feather scales on the seven pairs of wings moved with the wind, following the direction of the wind, and Xu Dong was stunned.

Xu Dong suddenly cheered loudly. He had finally waited for the day when he would fly into the blue sky and fly with the wind.

There will probably be another paleontological theater starting tomorrow, so let’s preview what’s to come today.

The prosperous age of the Pseudocrocodile Dynasty is a dream, the dinosaur family is keeping a low profile, and the storm is surging on the earth; the battle of red wings has a bird's-eye view of Pangu, and who is in charge of the ups and downs in the sky?

Now that you have seen the future, why not buy?

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