Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 56 Retired Period

Of course Xu Dong would not really eat these little red dragons. He just wanted to see what these descendants had evolved over the past two million years.

After all, they are almost the same as when Xu Dong left. There are no wings, no horns, and no third eye on the forehead.

It is almost impossible for 20 million years to keep anything unchanged, unless you change and find that you are not suitable for the environment, you are beaten by nature, and all your efforts are useless, and in the end you can only return to your original nature and restore Unit 1.

Whatever you are looking at, I am talking about you, trilobites, nautiluses, and horseshoe crabs.

Twelve little red dragons were jumping on the branches of the tree. They must have been hunting early in the morning. Look at what they caught to eat now. It couldn't be another Buchneraptor.

I flew to the tree and looked around. There was a Tallosaurus lying on the tenth tree to the east. Thirty meters to the southwest, there was a Deep-gnathed dragon that blended in with the dead leaves on the ground. A few hundred meters further to the south, there was a group of regular people. Xu Dong couldn't see clearly the vegetarian dragon eating grass, but he thought it should be a cilio dragon.

The twelve little red dragons were running neither east nor south, but towards themselves?

Xu Dong almost laughed out of anger. These guys are so promising. They even want to catch him. Let's see if they have the strength.

Xu Dong pretended not to know and waited for them on the treetops. In order to avoid capsizing in the ditch, he even added ten points of agility.

The last time he added attributes, he returned 12 points of essence. Adding in the unused 4 points, Xu Dong had 16 points. After adding 10 points to agility, he was left with 6 points.

The little red dragons bounced close to each other, running very fast one by one. It really felt like a zombie coming out of the cage, and it actually made Xu Dong a little nervous.

When the leading little red dragon rushed towards Xu Dong, Xu Dong jumped to the branch above with a slight jump, avoiding the little red dragon's attack.

The little red dragon that jumped into the air did not fall directly. Instead, it hooked a branch with its claws, spun around and stood on it.

Only then did Xu Dong realize that the hook claws of the little red dragon seemed to be bent a lot. If Xu Dong's hook claws were still curved knives before, then now the claws of the little red dragon are miao knives, which can actually get stuck on branches and use force.

This is the first time I have seen Xu Dong in this way, which is quite interesting.

The little red dragons behind them jumped to the branch where Xu Dong was standing. Just when they wanted to pounce, Xu Dong jumped up again, causing the little red dragons' pounce to fail again.

After going back and forth several times, the little red dragons still didn't give up and continued to crawl towards Xu Dong.

Xu Dong stood on a tree branch about ten meters high, looking down at the jumping and climbing little red dragons. He felt very good, just like adults teasing children in his previous life.

It feels so good to watch a child go from being excited, to frowning, to incompetent and furious.

Wait, the number of these little guys is wrong. Wasn't there twelve at the beginning? Why are there only eleven left now?

Not good, build the plank road openly, and use it secretly!

By the time Xu Dong felt the vibration of his feather scales, it was too late to react. A small red dragon suddenly pounced on Xu Dong from behind, and its figure was already close at hand.

Fortunately, Xu Dong had experienced many battles and avoided the fatal part in time. He dodged the sharp claws and only cut a little skin, and was thrown off the branch by the little red dragon.

In the air, the little red dragon opened its mouth and wanted to bite Xu Dong, but was sent flying by Xu Dong's combo punch.

Without the drag of the little red dragon, Xu Dong flew up again and landed on a branch not far away.

Look at the place where you were scratched by the little red dragon's claws. Fortunately, it's just a skin injury. Even if other creatures only have some cuts in their flesh, as long as the blood sticks to them, they can be poisoned and the blood will continue to flow. Exhausted.

But the Red Scale Flying Dragon is not afraid. They have the same origin as the Little Red Dragon, and they also have the poison glands of the Sand Giant Scorpion in their bodies. The poison of the Little Red Dragon will naturally have no effect on them.

The little red dragon that was knocked away twisted its body and landed safely on the ground. There were dead branches and leaves on the ground. The little red dragon's body was so light that it naturally did not suffer any damage.

Upon seeing this, the other little red dragons climbed down one after another, and twelve of them gathered together, howled a few times in the direction of Xu Dong, and then walked away.

Food is the first condition for survival of living creatures. They cannot waste too much time on Xu Dong, a difficult opponent. Since the sneak attack failed, they naturally left to find another prey.

Xu Dong looked at the descendants who left and nodded with satisfaction. Although the appearance of the little red dragon has not changed much over the years, his mind has obviously become smarter.

He actually knew how to use tactics while hunting. If Xu Dong were replaced by other creatures, he would basically be dead.

Although I was determined to continue following them and observing them, my stomach was already growling with hunger, so I had better go find something to eat first.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and soared into the sky, flying towards the river outside the forest. Living things always need water, and they can always find food by the river.

As for the high-tailed dragons and deep-jawed dragons seen in the forest, leave them to the little red dragons.

After leaving the jungle, facing the open world and the big river flowing eastward, Xu Dong suddenly felt proud. This time, he wanted to explore the unbroken Pangea at the end of the Triassic period and become a traveler with a bird's eye view of the earth.

Flying above the river, he searched for fish in the river at low altitude, but he was almost swallowed by the leaping Zhilong. Xu Dong was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Because the incident happened suddenly, a bloody mouth suddenly jumped out of the water. It was a luck to escape. When Xu Dongfei flew up and looked down, there was no sign of that guy.

Although I didn't see clearly what it looked like, there was no one so big in the water except Zhilong.

After that, Xu Dong didn't dare to get too close to the river. The Zhilong group was too dangerous. With their terrifying bite force, being bitten would definitely lead to death.

Soon Xu Dong flew across the big river. Along the river, countless large, medium and small creatures were drinking water. This was a good opportunity to grab leftovers.

Whenever a creature drinks water, it is a good opportunity for predators to hunt. Xu Dong's keen eyes discovered the plant dragon floating in the water like rotten wood.

Because most of the body was underwater, Xu Dong couldn't tell what kind of plant dragon it was.

Behind this group of water-drinking creatures, among the ferns, a huge dinosaur was slowly approaching them.

This big guy stands upright on its feet, is completely black, and has two crown bulges on the end of its nose. It is the kind of thing mentioned earlier that is useless except for looking cool.

It has a very cool name, called Demonosaurus. It was one of the main combat powers of the dinosaurs at the end of the Triassic Period. It was a big guy that could reach 4 meters in length.

This big guy obviously took a fancy to a young Elasmosaurus that was drinking water, and was about to move at this time.

Paleontology Theater: Diabolosaurus was a medium-sized theropod dinosaur from the late Triassic Period. An adult skull was about 45 centimeters long, and its body length was estimated to be about 4 meters. Similar to other theropods, Diabolosaurus walked on its hind legs, and its forelimbs were used to grab prey. It had two small crowns on its skull, similar to the same theropods Dilophosaurus and Synthurosaurus. These The crown is mainly composed of the nasal bones.

Sauriformes - Archosaurs - Dinosaurs - Saurischia - Theropods - Neotheropods - Diabolosaurus

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